Nevada K-12 education

Health and Wellness Hub Thanks Lyon and Storey Teachers

Health Hub Members Thank Teachers
Event Date: 
May 11, 2018 - 9:00am

This week is national Teacher Appreciation Week. Most people wish they had told their best teachers how much they appreciated them. This week, members of the Lyon and Storey region’s Health and Wellness Hub are making sure that the teachers of the school districts in Lyon and Storey know we appreciate the profoundly important work they do everyday.

Where Does the State of Nevada Spend its Money?

his is the second column based on the Controller’s Annual Report for fiscal year 2017 (FY17). Here we disclose where the state spends its money.

Total state spending for FY17 was $12.29 billion: $11.033 billion (90 percent) from regular state accounts, including pass-through federal funds; $1.211 billion (ten percent) from tuition, fees, contracts, grants and other service charges by higher education; and $46 million in two other areas. The total was 74 percent higher than in FY06, or 17 percent more in real per-person terms.

Teachers Union and Washoe County School officlals fire criticism at Governor Gibbons for his continue mantra of “No New Taxes.”

Saying that proposed cuts of up to 22% would severely crippled Nevada K-12 education, the President of the Nevada Education Association said today that not raising taxes is not an option, as far as sh

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