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Carson City marketing firm celebrates 5th anniversary, wins NNDA award

Carson City marketing agency, In Plain Sight Marketing LLC, celebrated its 5th anniversary by settling into new quarters at 311 W. Washington Street, Suite A, and taking home the Northern Nevada Development Agency’s Mark Twain award for marketing campaign of the year.

Energy Savings Get Green Light In Carson City

The Governor’s Office of Energy (GOE) recently awarded $76,000 to help Carson City implement a $4.1 million project that will conserve energy and reduce the city’s operational costs.

WNC answers call as construction is on its way to becoming Nevada's top employer

It was 100 years ago that Congress recognized the importance of vocational education by enacting the Smith-Hughes Act that provided federal funding for vocational agriculture training.

A century later, the importance of skill-related careers and training are also being emphasized closer to home. Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval and Carson City Mayor Bob Crowell declared February as Career and Technical Education Month. 

Carson High School celebrates Career and Technical Education Month

CARSON CITY, Nev. – Students and faculty at Carson High School will join others across the nation during the month of February to celebrate national Career and Technical Education Month.

Carson City Mayor approaches 2017 with optimism in State of City speech

Following his re-election for a third and final term, Carson City Mayor Robert Crowell is optimistic about what's ahead for the Nevada state capital in 2017.

He delivered his State of the City speech Monday night to dozens inside the Bob Boldrick Theater at the Carson City Community Center, reviewing the city's successes and challenges from 2016 while also reassuring residents about the future.

Monday, Jan. 30: Things to do in Carson City

Event Date: 
January 30, 2017 (All day)

The new year keeps rolling along, and tonight we’ll hear from Mayor Bob Crowell what we can expect in the upcoming months. The State of the City address, "Carson City - A Community Working Together," will be presented in the Community Center’s Bob Boldrick Theater and is open to all. One thing we can expect is an influx of legislative staff, lobbyists, and lawmakers flooding Carson City. The next Legislative session begins in one week, so expect a little more traffic on the roads and our new downtown crosswalks to get a lot more use.


Lyon and Storey Coalition Hosts Speakers from Foster Care Recruitment and Mobile Crisis Response Team

Event Date: 
February 9, 2017 - 9:00am

The Healthy Communities Coalition of Lyon and Storey Counties will have 3 guest speakers for their February breakfast meeting. The meeting is on Thurs February 9th at 9am at the Silver Springs Community Center.

Speakers include Lori Nichols from Foster Care Recruitment, and Sally Hazard from the Fernley office for the Advanced Foster Care Program. They will explain the pressing need for foster homes in the Lyon and Storey County region, and offer ways to help increase the number of foster parents.

Carson City Mayor Crowell to present State of the City address Monday

What a difference a year makes. Carson City has come a long way and has made many changes during 2016, but still has miles to go. Mayor Robert Crowell will present his annual State of the City address, free and open to the public, Monday evening Jan. 30, 6 p.m. at the Carson City Community Center Bob Boldrick Theater.

Time to honor Nevada veterans with a place of their own

Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval has said he is dedicated to transforming the Silver State into a leader for providing services to United States military veterans.

Carson City, state honor veterans at Sierra Place

About a dozen military veterans and their families were honored Wednesday afternoon at Sierra Place Senior Living in Carson City by the state of Nevada Department of Veterans Services (NVDS) and the Municipality of Carson City.

Veterans to be honored Wednesday in Carson City at Sierra Place Senior Living

Event Date: 
January 25, 2017 (All day)

The Nevada Department of Veterans Services NDVS will be recognizing and honoring veterans living at the Sierra Place Senior Living assisted care facility in Carson City.

Carson City joins coalition of partners launching Intelligent Mobility transportation study

Carson City Mayor Bob Crowell joined the University of Nevada, Reno, and a coalition of regional, national and international partners in the launch ...

Carson City joins coalition of partners to launch 'Living Lab' transportation study

Carson City Mayor Bob Crowell attended a joint meeting of the University of Nevada, Reno and a coalition of partners to embark on an ambitious effort to explore solutions for safe, clean and efficient transportation and to establish a “Living Lab” in northern Nevada.

Carson City Supervisors, School Trustees to hold special joint meeting Thursday

A special joint meeting of the Carson City Board of Supervisors and the Carson City School District Board of Trustees will be held this Thursday, Jan. 19 at 6 p.m. inside the Sierra Room at the Carson City Community Center, 851 E. William Street.

Carson City's Paella King, Downtown Coin come through again for Pets of the Homeless

For the second consecutive year, Pets of the Homeless has been the beneficiary of a local, grass-roots fundraising event sponsored by Chef Jose "Don Pepe" Noriega-Paz and hosted by the Downtown Coin Club on Telegraph Street in Carson City.

What Works: Preparedness vs. Complacency

The recent flooding was devastating for some, inconvenient for others. What was the difference? Of course, flood zoning played a large role. But even those in flood areas were better off because of a single mindset, preparedness.
I was personally impressed by the local response.

Carson City offices closed Monday: Mayor and fire chief provide evening video flood update

Carson City Mayor Bob Crowell and Carson City Fire Department Chief Robert Schreihans provide a Sunday evening update regarding the flooding today and more flooding expected Monday in Carson City.

Carson City emergency managers produce video message of upcoming weekend flood potential

Carson City emergency managers have produced a video for residents ahead of anticipated flooding throughout western Nevada expected from an an atmospheric river weather event over the weekend.

Carson City marks new year in Times Square from Carson Plaza

With just a few hours of 2016 remaining on the West Coast, arguably the world's largest New Year's Eve bash in New York City's Times Square culminated at 9 p.m. Pacific Standard Time with the real time midnight ball drop watched by guests at the Carson Plaza Hotel Events Center Saturday night in Carson City.

Schenley benches dedicated in downtown Carson City

Officials dedicated 25 Schenley benches in downtown Carson City Wednesday afternoon, an effort started at the first of year to support downtown redevelopment efforts.

It's Your City: Carson City Mayor Bob Crowell talks about 2016 and the year ahead

This week's edition of It's Your City with host Cortney Bloomer features Carson City Mayor Bob Crowell who discusses the opening of the animal shelter, the downtown street project, the athletic center and looking ahead to 2017.

Deep Thoughts, Cheap Shots and Bonbons: A Look Back at the Vintage Project

Prior to the 2 pm Vintage Project meeting, I requested that this agenda item be moved to an evening session so that citizens could have a better chance to attend and address the Board.

The Mayor asked for a motion, as usual my fellow Board members all refused to agree with me. Based upon this non-action by the Board, an outside observer might then assume that the Vintage Project could not have any adverse effect on our community whatsoever, because the need to give citizens a better opportunity to have a voice had no merit with Board members Crowell, Abowd and Bagwell.

Carson City remembers Pearl Harbor on diamond anniversary

Frigid arctic air brought shivers to the crowd encircling the U.S.S. Nevada memorial Wednesday morning behind the Capitol during the state's remembrance of the Pearl Harbor attacks that occurred 75 years ago.

Carson City FoodMaxx opens in grand style

A long line of shoppers waited outside the new FoodMaxx grocery store at 3325 Highway 50 East in Carson City Wednesday morning, hoping to qualify for one of 200 free bags filled with groceries to kick off the grand opening celebration of the supermarket chain's 54th store.

Carson City to mark 75th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor with two events Wednesday

Event Date: 
December 7, 2016 - 8:30am

Please join on us to honor our Veterans and commemorate the 75th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor at two special events this Wednesday. There will be a special ceremony at 10:51 a.m. conducted by the USS Nevada Memorial, Lt. Gov. Mark Hutchison and Carson City Mayor Robert Crowell to honor and acknowledge the contributions of the USS Nevada and her crew, raise the American flag, and solemnly read off the names of the 76 crewman who perished during Pearl Harbor. The ceremony will be held at the Capitol Grounds in Carson City, at the USS Nevada Memorial.

Carson City Supervisors approve MPLUD amendment for Vintage at Kings Canyon

The Carson City Board of Supervisors voted 3-1 Thursday night to approve amending the city's Master Plan Land Use Designation (MPLUD) affecting the Vintage at King's Canyon Tentative Planned Unit Development (TPUD), but with conditions.

Carson City Supervisors approve gaming license transfer, marijuana moratorium

Carson City's Board of Supervisors voted 2-1 Thursday to approve the transfer of the former Horseshoe Club's gaming license from Nevada Treasure Chest to Silver Bullet of Nevada, LLC, which owns Bodine’s Casino.

It's Your City: Silver and Snowflakes Festival of Lights this Friday kicks off holidays in Carson City

This week's It's Your City with Cortney Bloomer features Ronni Hannaman, executive director of the Carson City Chamber of Commerce to discuss the Silver and Snowflake Festival of Lights this Friday, Dec. 2 and several other events planned for the holidays.

UPDATE: Nevada to commemorate 75th anniversary of Pearl Harbor with ceremony in Carson City

Event Date: 
December 7, 2016 - 10:45am

At 8:51 AM on December 7th, 1941, The USS Nevada got underway to face a Japanese onslaught at Pearl Harbor. Later dubbed by President Roosevelt as "a day that will live in infamy," the USS Nevada was the only American battleship to get underway during the assault. Still, she was beached during the attack after sustaining six bomb strikes and a direct hit from a torpedo.

Carson City comes together again for annual Christmas tree lighting, Silver and Snowflake Festival

Event Date: 
December 2, 2016 - 4:30pm

For more than a quarter century, Carson City’s own Silver and Snowflake Festival of Lights has rung in the holiday season for residents and visitors of the Nevada state capital.

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