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Higher Education

Updated Public Employee Salary And Benefit Data Published By Nevada Think Tank

CARSON CITY – Anyone with an interest in what Nevada’s state and local government employees make in salary and benefits can review the 2010 data that has been posted today by a  Nevada think tank.

(You can view all Carson City salaries here)

Knecht takes on chancellor over new position

A Nevada regent on Friday criticized higher education Chancellor Dan Klaich over his plan to hire a new government relations director when budgets are forcing program cuts and higher tuition costs,...

Bill Bringing Transparency To State Employee Contracting Wins Final Legislative Approval

CARSON CITY – A bill aimed at increasing transparency and accountability for state employees working as contractors saw final legislative approval today when the Assembly and Senate reached agreement on compromise language to the measure.
Assembly Bill 240, sponsored by Ways and Means Committee Chairwoman Debbie Smith, D-Sparks, will now go to Gov. Brian Sandoval for his consideration.

Millennium Scholarship To Receive $10 Million In General Fund Support

CARSON CITY – A bill appropriating $10 million from the general fund to ensure the long-term financial health of the Gov. Kenny Guinn Millennium Scholarship saw final legislative approval today and will go to Gov. Brian Sandoval for his review.
Senate Bill 486 saw unanimous support in the Assembly. It earlier passed the Senate on a 20-1 vote with Sen. Don Gustavson, R-Sparks, voting no.

Budget Deal Announced Today Includes New Taxes, Major Reforms

CARSON CITY – Gov. Brian Sandoval and legislative leaders from both parties announced a budget agreement today that will see tax increases and restorations of funding to public and higher education in exchange for significant policy reforms in education and collective bargaining.
The agreement came on the 115th day of the session, and virtually guarantees that lawmakers will adjourn the 2011 session by Monday as the constitution requires.

‘Campus Carry’ Bill Wins Approval In Senate, Heads To Assembly

CARSON CITY – A bill allowing Nevadans to carry concealed weapons on college campuses passed the Senate today and now heads to the Assembly for consideration as the legislative session draws to a close.
Senate Bill 231, sponsored by Sen. John Lee, D-North Las Vegas, passed 15-6.

Gov. Sandoval Meets With Republican Lawmakers, Still Opposes Extending Sun-setting Taxes

CARSON CITY – Gov. Brian Sandoval emerged from a meeting with Republican lawmakers today saying he is not willing to consider extending taxes set to sunset June 30 to provide more money for the two-year state budget.
Asked if there was a budget deal, Sandoval replied: “Not that I’m aware of.”

Budget Office Says Legislative Budget Comes In Almost $1 Billion Over Governor’s Budget

CARSON CITY — Legislative Democrats intend to spend almost $1 billion more than Gov. Brian Sandoval requested in his $6.3 billion budget, according to a spreadsheet obtained from Gov. Brian Sandoval’s budget office today.
The majority of the $968 million in spending replaces budget cuts in K-12 education, higher education and social services, which Democrats have long argued will eviscerate the state’s social safety net and destroy the state’s education system.

Legislature Schedules Joint Meeting To ‘Reconsider’ Education, Human Services Budgets

CARSON CITY – Lawmakers have scheduled a joint Senate-Assembly budget committee Tuesday to “reconsider” their previous actions on public education, higher education and health and human services programs.

Lawmakers add $100 million to university budgets

Legislative money committees on Wednesday adopted the four-point plan presented two weeks ago by the Nevada System of Higher Education, including restoring $80 million in General Fund support not i...

Higher Education Budget Could Be Cut Further Under Legislative Proposal

CARSON CITY – The budget situation for Nevada’s universities and colleges may have worsened today as legislators voted to both cut and restore funding for higher education.

Senators Sit On Floor In Impromptu Debate With Camping Activists

CARSON CITY — Senate Republicans gave new meaning to the legislative jargon “floor debate” today.
Several lawmakers sat on the floor outside their offices today as they talked to activists who have been camping on the Capitol lawn since yesterday night in support of new revenue.
The impromptu, hour-long debate featured a variety of popular budget topics including teacher pay, textbooks in schools, higher education tuition and taxes.

Democrats Oppose Cost Shift of Mental Health Courts To Counties, Open $6 Million Hole In Sandoval Budget

CARSON CITY – A proposal by Gov. Brian Sandoval to transfer the state share of operating the mental health courts to the counties was rejected by Democrat lawmakers today, creating another $6 million hole in the upcoming two-year budget that starts July 1.
The party-line vote by members of the Assembly Ways and Means and Senate Finance committees came after repeated testimony from advocates for the courts since the session began that they would close without continued state support because of fiscal problems facing the counties.

Gov. Sandoval To Lawmakers: Finish Your Work By June 6

CARSON CITY – Memo to Nevada lawmakers: If you don’t finish up your work on June 6 as the constitution requires, don’t expect Gov. Brian Sandoval to call you back to work right away in a special session.

Legislature Votes To Cut Pay To State And University Workers

By Andrew Doughman
CARSON CITY – Legislators on money committees today approved on a party-line vote a 4.8 percent salary cut to state and higher education employees.
The proposal would include a 2.3 percent cut through furloughs – about six days per year – and a 2.5 percent salary reduction.
Gov. Brian Sandoval had proposed in his budget a 5 percent salary cut to state and higher education workers.

Lawmakers Show Another Party-Line Split On Sandoval’s Urban County Property Tax Shift For Higher Education

By Sean Whaley
CARSON CITY – Members of the Legislature’s two money committees reviewed Gov. Brian Sandoval’s proposed budget for higher education today in preparation for making final decisions on how to fund the state’s public university system for the next two years.

Marc Johnson named UNR Interim President

By Jane Tors
RENO — The Nevada Board of Regents today unanimously approved Chancellor Dan Klaich’s recommendation of Marc Johnson to serve as interim president of the University of Nevada, Reno. Johnson has served as executive vice president and provost at the University since 2008.

Senate mulls cuts to higher education

--Senate mulls cuts to higher educationApril, 22 2011 11:45 pm MST...

Assembly Republicans Hold With Gov. Sandoval On Higher Education Budget, Ensuring Funding Impasse Continues

By Sean Whaley
CARSON CITY – After a lengthy hearing in the Assembly today on what several witnesses said were the catastrophic effects of Gov. Brian Sandoval’s budget recommendations for higher education, Republican members held firm with the executive branch in a series of funding votes.

Rural Lawmakers Could Pay High Price For Backing Governor On Budget

By Andrew Doughman
CARSON CITY – Nevada’s rural Republican legislators are struggling to defend the governor’s budget that cuts their communities.
Democrats have been showcasing cuts to the rural counties in order to convince rural Republican legislators that a vote for tax increases is a vote to mitigate the harm to their districts.
Senate Majority Leader Steven Horsford, D-Las Vegas, said that rural counties are already “cut to the bone,” and in many cases could lose all that they have left.

Arts advocate Wally Cuchine retires, notable Nevadans give tribute

Wally Cuchine, a champion of the Arts, officially retired April 8 with a big send up from people from around the State, including proclamations of “Wally Cuchine Day” from Governor Brian Sandoval and Reno Mayor Bob Cashell at a concert at the Eureka Opera House with Ralph Cuda and the Dixieland Boys.

Milt Glick, University of Nevada, Reno president, dies

By Jane Tors
RENO — University of Nevada, Reno President Milton D. Glick died April 16, 2011. His sudden death in a Reno-area hospital following a stroke marks an incredible loss for his family, the University community and his many friends across the state of Nevada and the nation.

“Milt was a strong, extraordinarily respected leader and that, combined with his enduring belief in the power of higher education, set the stage for a remarkable legacy,” wrote University Provost Marc Johnson in an announcement to campus on Sunday morning.

Eric Herzik: Proposed budget puts Nevada's education system on wrong path

For 100 years, higher education has been a primary gateway to a better life for Americans. People with college degrees make more money, divorce less, live longer and secure a better future for thei...

Eric Herzik: Proposed budget puts Nevada's education system on wrong path

For one hundred years, higher education has been a primary gateway to a better life for Americans. People with college degrees make more money, divorce less, live longer and secure a better future ...

Sandoval says no to 'sin' taxes; wants merit among his policies

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau CARSON CITY – Gov. Brian Sandoval said today the Legislature should take up the policy initiatives he has proposed in his budget and State of the State address based on their own merits, and not be used in trade for negotiations on fee or tax increases.

Gov. Sandoval Says His Policy Proposals Should Be Considered On Own Merits

CARSON CITY – Gov. Brian Sandoval said today the Legislature should take up the policy initiatives he has proposed in his budget and State of the State address based on their own merits, and not be used in trade for negotiations on fee or tax increases.

WNC News & Notes: Technology student receives scholar award

Curtiss Elliott, a Western Nevada College bachelor of technology student, has been named a 2011 Regents' Scholar. The Nevada System of Higher Education Board of Regents annually recognizes top stud...

Partisan Politics Enter Fray As Regents Consider Closing Colleges

By Andrew Doughman / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – Campus closures, consolidations and mergers are back on the table after the Board of Regents today undid a vote from last month to not consider campus closures, which itself followed a February vote to consider campus closures.
Many of the smaller colleges are in districts represented by Republicans.

Partisan Politics Enter Fray As Regents Consider Closing Colleges

CARSON CITY – Campus closures, consolidations and mergers are back on the table after the Board of Regents today undid a vote from last month to not consider campus closures, which itself followed a February vote to consider campus closures.
Many of the smaller colleges are in districts represented by Republicans.

UNR announces $13.8M in proposed budget cuts; 318 potential job cuts

RENO, Nev. — An additional round of budget reduction proposals totaling $13.8 million was announced at the University of Nevada, Reno today.

Today’s announcement follows the University’s March 2011 announcement of $26 million in proposed budget reductions, according to a news release issued by UNR officials. When combined, the proposals represent a reduction of $39.8 million and the elimination of 318 positions. A total of 1,600 students are directly impacted by the proposed academic program reductions.

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