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Attorney General Declines to Petition High Court as Budget Negotiations Continue at Legislature

CARSON CITY – Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto will not follow through on Gov. Brian Sandoval’s request to ask the Nevada Supreme Court for clarification on Thursday’s ruling that the state cannot use $62 million it took from the Clean Water Coalition during the legislative special session in 2010.
A letter issued by Masto’s office said, “there is no procedural mechanism” for seeking a clarification of the high court’s decision.

Gov. Sandoval Taking Two Pronged Approach To Addressing Potential $656 Million Budget Shortfall

CARSON CITY – The Sandoval administration is pursuing two paths in an effort to resolve a potentially massive budget shortfall, seeking clarification from the Nevada Supreme Court on the case that created the issue and working with lawmakers on potential additional revenues should they be necessary.
Dale Erquiaga, senior adviser to Gov. Brian Sandoval, briefed a number of interested parties on the developments since the state’s high court dropped the potential budget bombshell on the Legislature yesterday.

Governor Estimates $656 Million Lost In Budget Due To Supreme Court Decision

CARSON CITY — The state’s budget just took a $656 million hit, according to members of Gov. Brian Sandoval’s staff.
Following a Supreme Court decision earlier today, the governor convened the press at 11 p.m. to outline his opinion of how the decision effects funding streams used in the state budget.
“The problem is much worse than we thought,” said Dale Erquiaga, the governor’s senior adviser.

Bills Sought By GOP Senators ‘Returned’ To Assembly As Tax Discussions Continue

CARSON CITY – Republican state senators who are refusing to go along with a call by Democrats to increase funding for the state budget say bills they have sponsored are being held hostage as a result.
Sen. Barbara Cegavske, R-Las Vegas, said Assembly Democrats, who have a 26-16 majority, “called back” seven Senate bills that had already been voted on and sent to the Senate for final action.

Performance-Based Budgeting Bill Wins Approval In Legislature, Heads To Governor

CARSON CITY – A bill implementing “performance-based” budgeting, including requirements for agencies to set benchmarks and goals and be held accountable for their spending priorities using quantifiable measurements, passed the Senate today and now heads to Gov. Brian Sandoval.
Assembly Bill 248, sponsored by Assemblywoman Debbie Smith, D-Sparks, and Assembly Speaker John Oceguera, D-Las Vegas, already passed the Assembly.

Budget Office Says Legislative Budget Comes In Almost $1 Billion Over Governor’s Budget

CARSON CITY — Legislative Democrats intend to spend almost $1 billion more than Gov. Brian Sandoval requested in his $6.3 billion budget, according to a spreadsheet obtained from Gov. Brian Sandoval’s budget office today.
The majority of the $968 million in spending replaces budget cuts in K-12 education, higher education and social services, which Democrats have long argued will eviscerate the state’s social safety net and destroy the state’s education system.

Nevada State Health Division Employees Recognized By U.S. Army For Support Of Troops In Afghanistan

CARSON CITY – It started out with two individuals sending “care packages” to the troops deployed in Afghanistan but quickly turned into a concerted effort by employees of the Nevada State Health Division to make life a bit brighter for those serving in Operation Enduring Freedom.
Packages were sent with everything from beef jerky to “slightly used” decks of cards and dice from local casinos to the troops based in Kandahar, Afghanistan. One employee contributed hand knitted helmet liners.

After Partisan Sniping, Republicans Release Redistricting Data

CARSON CITY — Republicans today announced they have released to the public a set of complicated data about their redistricting proposal.
Democrats had said earlier the release of the data is a requirement before the two parties can begin to work toward a compromise.
The release of the data brightens an otherwise gloomy portrait of partisanship. Republicans and Democrats have so far elected not to negotiate terms in the redistricting battle.

Democrats Refuse To Hear Republican Redistricting Proposal After Tiff

CARSON CITY – After Republican legislators declined to reveal exact data for their redistricting proposal, Democrats refused to give the bill a hearing today.
Then, Democratic legislators voted over Republican objections to pass their own redistricting proposal to a vote on the Senate floor.

Gov. Sandoval Dines with Dayton Students and Community Leaders

Dayton High School’s Culinary Arts class, one of Lyon County School District’s many Career and Education classes, prepared and served an elegant luncheon for Governor Brian Sandoval and area officials and community leaders Wednesday.

Thanking the students, Governor Sandoval said, “I had an opportunity last week to have lunch with former President George W. Bush at the Bellagio in Vegas. This lunch is every bit as good as what is offered at the Bellagio. This was very professional; the service was impeccable. You should be proud. You all have bright futures ahead of you.”

Bill To Generate Money For Public Education, Create Jobs, Raises Legal Concerns

CARSON CITY – A bill authorizing the state Treasurer to use up to $50 million in education funds to support economic diversification efforts and generate more money for public schools passed the Senate today despite questions about the constitutionality of the measure.
Senate Bill 75, amended twice before the vote, passed 12-9 with 10 Democrats and two Republicans in support. It will now be considered by the Assembly.
The bill is being sought by state Treasurer Kate Marshall.

Higher Education Budget Could Be Cut Further Under Legislative Proposal

CARSON CITY – The budget situation for Nevada’s universities and colleges may have worsened today as legislators voted to both cut and restore funding for higher education.

Lawmakers reject governor's Silver State Works plan

Members of the legislative money committees on Tuesday rejected the governor's proposed "Silver State Works" program.The original idea was to put $10 million into a prototype project using state...

Democrats Introduce Revised Congressional Maps

CARSON CITY — Since the governor did not like their last redistricting plan, Democrats are trying again with revisions to their redistricting maps.
Gov. Brian Sandoval earlier vetoed the Democratic plan for the boundaries of political districts, which must be redrawn every 10 years according to U.S. Census demographic data.

Money committees reject governor's cuts to parole & probation; split county costs of presentencing reports

A joint session of the Senate Finance and Assembly Ways and Means committees Monday decided the governor's cuts to the Division of Parole and Probation went too far.With Republicans opposed, the ma...

Gov. Sandoval To Lawmakers: Finish Your Work By June 6

CARSON CITY – Memo to Nevada lawmakers: If you don’t finish up your work on June 6 as the constitution requires, don’t expect Gov. Brian Sandoval to call you back to work right away in a special session.

Governor Vetoes Democratic K-12 Spending Plan

Governor Brian Sandoval today vetoed the Democratic spending proposal for Nevada’s K-12 budget.
Democrats and Republicans had been at loggerheads during debate over the bill, largely because it would provide for spending almost $700 million more than Sandoval wanted.

Governor Sandoval Vetoes Democratic Redistricting Plan

CARSON CITY – Republican Gov. Brian Sandoval has vetoed the Democratic redistricting plan for new Congressional, state Senate and Assembly districts.

Nevada governor vetoes redistricting

Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval vetoed a redistricting bill Saturday that was zipped through the Legislature by Democratic lawmakers, accusing the majority party of seeking political gain and violati...

Democrats Vote To Restore $90 Million To Medicaid Budget

CARSON CITY – Democrats today voted to reject Gov. Brian Sandoval’s proposed budget cuts to Medicaid programs this morning.
The governor would have saved about $90 million in his budget through the reductions. Republicans on the Legislature’s money committees voted to cut the Medicaid budget in line with Sandoval’s recommendations.
The Medicaid funding would help reimburse hospitals and their staff for caring for Medicaid patients.

In Redistricting Battle, Political Parties Argue Over 'Who Loves Hispanics More'

By Andrew Doughman
CARSON CITY — A Republican Hispanic governor will soon decide the fate of a Democratic redistricting plan that has both political parties embroiled in a debate over fairness to Nevada’s Hispanic population.

Democratic Redistricting Plans Pass Out of Senate And Assembly, Head To Governor

By Andrew Doughman
CARSON CITY — The political power game of drawing political boundaries escalated today as Nevada’s Democratic legislators passed their plans for new political districts.

Legislature Votes To Cut Pay To State And University Workers

By Andrew Doughman
CARSON CITY – Legislators on money committees today approved on a party-line vote a 4.8 percent salary cut to state and higher education employees.
The proposal would include a 2.3 percent cut through furloughs – about six days per year – and a 2.5 percent salary reduction.
Gov. Brian Sandoval had proposed in his budget a 5 percent salary cut to state and higher education workers.

Lawmakers Show Another Party-Line Split On Sandoval’s Urban County Property Tax Shift For Higher Education

By Sean Whaley
CARSON CITY – Members of the Legislature’s two money committees reviewed Gov. Brian Sandoval’s proposed budget for higher education today in preparation for making final decisions on how to fund the state’s public university system for the next two years.

Nevada Campaign Finance Reform Bills Get Senate Committee Hearing

By Sean Whaley
CARSON CITY – An ambitious effort to make major reforms to Nevada’s campaign finance laws moved to the state Senate today after three measures sought by Secretary of State Ross Miller passed the Assembly by a deadline last month.

Democrats Unveil Proposed Congressional District Maps

By Andrew Doughman
CARSON CITY — Democrats today unveiled proposed boundaries for Nevada’s four congressional districts, the political consequences of which they will debate this afternoon at the Legislature.

Dems OK K-12 budget at $650M more than governor's

Rejecting several major changes to the governor's proposed education budget, legislative money committees on repeated party-line votes Tuesday opened a more than $650 million hole in the budget.The...

Full text of Governor Brian Sandoval's budget speech

My fellow Nevadans, good evening.

Three months ago, I delivered a State of the State Address against the backdrop of record unemployment and sharply reduced state revenue. I believed then, as I do now, that by controlling state spending and changing the way we do business, we could bring about a sustained economic recovery that would get Nevada working again. And so tonight, I’m pleased to come before you with a second and more positive report on the state of Nevada’s economy.

Governor Sandoval Calls For Patience, Optimism In Televised Speech

By Andrew Doughman
CARSON CITY — Gov. Brian Sandoval tonight highlighted an improved economic output as reason to stay the course with his proposed general fund budget.
During a televised address from the governor’s mansion,the governor highlighted a lower unemployment rate and an aggregate $440 million reduction in budget cuts that comes from revised revenue projections and federal government changes.
He used his speech as a platform for patience and optimism, refuting claims from Democrats that Nevada needs more revenue.

Party-Line Votes On Public Education Funding Create $700 Million Hole In Budget

By Sean Whaley
CARSON CITY – Legislative Democrats went ahead today with their own funding plan for public education, establishing a level of spending that puts the budget at significant odds with GOP Gov. Brian Sandoval and his opposition to new taxes.
The votes by Democrats have upped the ante in the budget dispute with Republicans, creating a hole estimated at $700 million by state Budget Director Andrew Clinger.

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