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Governor points wildlife commission in new direction

Gov. Brian Sandoval moved Thursday to change the direction of Nevada's Wildlife Commission, replacing three controversial members of the board and putting Ken Mayer formally back in as director of ...

Conservative Nevada Think Tank Grades Lawmakers On Taxes, Education Reform

CARSON CITY – A conservative Nevada think tank gave passing scores to 22 Republicans in the just-concluded 2011 legislative session, handing out failing scores to four other GOP lawmakers and all 37 Democrats in a report card released today.

Commentary by Eugene Paslov: The legislative road ahead is in bad repair

A friend of mine commented recently, "The Legislature and the governor have kicked the can down the road again, and this time they're tearing up the road." She's right.Some believe the governor and...

Wildlife commission changes coming next week

Nevada's Wildlife Commission will see some dramatic changes next week as legislation giving the governor more power over the department takes effect.Gov. Jim Gibbons shifted the balance of power on...

State creates department of redundancy department

The governor and 2011 Legislature have created a commission to review and seek out redundant and unnecessary boards and commissions.But a review of existing law shows that commission itself, is red...

Legislative Watch: Governor signs bills affecting seniors

The 2011 Legislative Session is now history. Given the extremely difficult financial conditions facing state government, the Legislature spent most of its time dealing with budget and funding issue...

Legislative Watch: Governor signs bills affecting seniors

The 2011 Legislative Session is now history. Given the extremely difficult financial conditions facing state government, the Legislature spent most of its time dealing with budget and funding issue...

Law Students Help Nevada Streamline Gaming Licensing Process

Nevada is about to shorten and streamline the process of determining gaming licensing suitability for applicants, and gaming law students at the William S. Boyd School of Law can claim the credit.
The bill was created and lobbied by students in cooperation with the gaming control agencies. Gov. Brian Sandoval signed A.B. 213 into law near the end of the legislative session.

Gov. Sandoval Signs, Vetoes Stack of Bills on Deadline Day

CARSON CITY – On deadline day for Gov. Brian Sandoval to act on the remaining bills from the 2011 legislative session, measures extending existing taxes for two more years, authorizing the creation of a toll road around Boulder City and banning the use of hand-held cell phones while driving were all approved.

Sandoval signs law reducing mining tax breaks

Mining companies will no longer get tax breaks on their fire insurance, marketing costs and severance packages after Nevada's governor signed a law expected to bring the state $24 million in the ne...

Governor Signs Bill To Generate Money For Schools By Investing In Economic Diversity

CARSON CITY – A bill allowing the state Treasurer to invest up to $50 million in education trust funds to support economic diversification efforts and generate more money for public schools was signed into law today by Gov. Brian Sandoval.
Concerns had been expressed about the legality of Senate Bill 75 after it had been amended in the Senate, but Treasurer Kate Marshall said today the final version of the measure restored the original language.

Gov. Sandoval Signs Bill Aimed At Generating More Money For Schools By Investing In Economic Diversity

CARSON CITY – A bill allowing the state Treasurer to invest up to $50 million in education trust funds to support economic diversification efforts and generate more money for public schools was signed into law today by Gov. Brian Sandoval.

Gov. Sandoval Signs Education Reform Bills Into Law

CARSON CITY – Gov. Brian Sandoval today signed four public education reform bills into law, saying Nevada has “made great advancements on behalf of our schoolchildren.”

Commentary by David Henley: Budget cuts spare WNC Fallon downsizing

Although the biennial budget deal agreed upon by the Legislature and governor will result in rigorous budget cuts for Western Nevada College, its Fallon campus will be spared downsizing or even clo...

Reaction Mixed To Education, Policy Reforms Achieved As Part Of Deal To End Legislative Session

CARSON CITY – While some critics may never be convinced that Gov. Brian Sandoval should have agreed to support new tax revenue to balance the budget, the collection of reforms approved as part of the deal finalized this morning cannot be ignored.
From changes to Nevada’s collective bargain law allowing the reopening of labor agreements in emergencies to limiting teacher tenure to eliminating health insurance for newly hired state employees upon retirement – the changes approved in the 120-day legislative session by Democrats and Republicans could have far reaching impacts.

Legislative watch: Legislature, Governor reach a budget

A budget compromise was reached on June 2 by the Legislature and the governor. It was not what either side wanted, but time was running out.The good news appears to be that no Health and Human Serv...

Bill Bringing Transparency To State Employee Contracting Wins Final Legislative Approval

CARSON CITY – A bill aimed at increasing transparency and accountability for state employees working as contractors saw final legislative approval today when the Assembly and Senate reached agreement on compromise language to the measure.
Assembly Bill 240, sponsored by Ways and Means Committee Chairwoman Debbie Smith, D-Sparks, will now go to Gov. Brian Sandoval for his consideration.

Millennium Scholarship To Receive $10 Million In General Fund Support

CARSON CITY – A bill appropriating $10 million from the general fund to ensure the long-term financial health of the Gov. Kenny Guinn Millennium Scholarship saw final legislative approval today and will go to Gov. Brian Sandoval for his review.
Senate Bill 486 saw unanimous support in the Assembly. It earlier passed the Senate on a 20-1 vote with Sen. Don Gustavson, R-Sparks, voting no.

Budget bills sent to governor

Lawmakers Sunday finished the major pieces needed to implement the budget.The Assembly took final legislative action on the Authorizations Act, Capital Improvement Projects bill and pay bill, th...

Third And Final Major Campaign Finance Reform Bill On Way To Governor

CARSON CITY – The third piece of a package of campaign finance reform bills sought by Secretary of State Ross Miller this legislative session is on its way to Gov. Brian Sandoval for his consideration.
The bill was sent to Sandoval today after the Senate on Saturday receded from an amendment it had previously approved to Assembly Bill 81.

Working together toward safer streets

By Steven R. Lasco
As many of you know, May is National Bike Month. Here in Carson City, several events and rides were held, capped by Bike To Work Week from May 16-20 and the celebration on the 20th outside the Firkin & Fox. As reported, about 150 people came by to visit, enjoy others’ bikes, and get a chance to win a raffle prize. The Nevada Legislature passed two bills in its current session that benefit cyclists (see sidebar below).

Republican Lawmakers Give Mixed Reviews on Reforms, Budget Deal

CARSON CITY — Gov. Brian Sandoval has enough Republican votes to pass the budget deal announced in this final week of the Legislature, but that doesn’t mean all conservative lawmakers are happy about it.
Some Republicans will support the governor and vote in favor of the fiscal compromise consisting of hard-won reform bills and the extension of some taxes that were set to expire. Many others will likely cast “no” votes in a principled protest against tax extensions.

Governor signs performance based budget bill

Gov. Brian Sandoval Thursday signed Assembly Bill 248, which puts into statute the performance-based budget system submitted by the Sandoval administration at the start of the 2011 Legislature.The ...

Two Major Campaign Finance Reform Bills On Way To Governor

CARSON CITY – Two major bills seeking reforms to and transparency in Nevada’s campaign finance laws have seen final approval in the Legislature and are now on their way to Gov. Brian Sandoval for his consideration.
Assembly Bills 82 and 452 are two of three campaign finance reform measures sought by Secretary of State Ross Miller in the 2011 session.

Tyrus Cobb: Fiscal crisis: What about that $100B project?

Nevada is wrestling with one of the most severe fiscal crises in its history. The Governor and the Legislature just concluded intense negotiations to determine what combination of education and pol...

Budget Deal Announced Today Includes New Taxes, Major Reforms

CARSON CITY – Gov. Brian Sandoval and legislative leaders from both parties announced a budget agreement today that will see tax increases and restorations of funding to public and higher education in exchange for significant policy reforms in education and collective bargaining.
The agreement came on the 115th day of the session, and virtually guarantees that lawmakers will adjourn the 2011 session by Monday as the constitution requires.

Governor, Legislature reach budget agreement

Gov. Brian Sandoval reached agreement with Democratic and Republican leaders in the legislature on a budget deal this morning. The details of the agreement will be released at 2 p.m. You can follow all the latest news from the Nevada Legislature on our Live Updates page.

Update: See the attached document for budget details.

Performance-Based Budgeting Bill Signed Into Law By Governor

CARSON CITY – A bill implementing “performance-based” budgeting, including requirements for agencies to set benchmarks and goals and be held accountable for their spending priorities using quantifiable measurements, has been signed into law by Gov. Brian Sandoval.
Assembly Bill 248, sponsored by Assemblywoman Debbie Smith, D-Sparks, and Assembly Speaker John Oceguera, D-Las Vegas, passed both houses of the Legislature in unanimous votes. It was signed into law on Sunday.

Health Insurance Transparency Bill Sees Final Legislative Approval, Heads To Governor

CARSON CITY – A bill imposing more transparency on rate increases sought by health insurance companies is now on its way to Gov. Brian Sandoval for his review.
Assembly Bill 309, sought by Assembly Speaker John Oceguera, D-Las Vegas, requires health insurance companies to publicize their rate increase requests online and allows the public to participate in rate hearings before the Nevada Division of Insurance.

Major Campaign Finance Reform Bills Pass Senate, Move Closer To Final Approval

CARSON CITY – Two major bills seeking reforms to and transparency in Nevada’s campaign finance laws won approval in the Senate today and now must await review in the Assembly before they can go to Gov. Brian Sandoval for his consideration.

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