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Comment on Activist group says it will circulate voter initiative petitions in an effort to get Big Mining to pay more than one-half of 1% in taxes to the state. by Dave Morgan

Unfortunately, mining is a cyclical industry, so while there may be substantial revenue one year, mining taxes can be a dry hole the next. Same for big gaming.

Governor Gibbons continues to grab and make the headlines

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Governor Gibbons appears to be making the headlines four days out of five lately on spending, taxes, unions, education, furloughs and the list keeps getting longer.

Governor Gibbons does what used to be called the ole “flip-flop”

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First it was cuts, then it was no cuts. Now we’re back to cuts.

Governor Gibbons does a 180 on his “education reform” ideas

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Last week it was slashing education budgets, eliminating class size requirements, dumping all day kindergarten.

Comment on Governor Gibbons declares war on city and county workers in particular, and on teachers in particular! by Aaron Highe

In the industrialized countries the US ranks nearly at the top of spending on education but ranks near the bottom in test scores, making Nevada the bottom of the bottom.

Comment on Governor Gibbons declares war on just about everyone in government jobs, most especially teachers. by Cubs fan

Nevada is already listed as number 49 for education; does Gibbons want to go for 50? Apparently Gibbons does not care for education; I guess that’s pretty obvious by his level of intelligence.

Comment on Governor Gibbons declares war on just about everyone in government jobs, most especially teachers. by dIRTYdUBYA

I hate living in a state where the education is not valued. Don’t we value our childrens thirst , yet right, for quality education? They deserve nothing but the best in education.

Governor Gibbons declares war on city and county workers in particular, and on teachers in particular!

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Governor Gibbons has declared his very conservative intentions on how to get re-elected Governor.

Governor Gibbons declares war on just about everyone in government jobs, most especially teachers.

Governor Gibbons, meeting with a few lawmakers today, announced his intention to end collective bargaining laws pertaining to government employees in Nevada, including school teachers.

Life in Carson: It's Complicated

If anyone is wondering what our much-maligned governor is up to these days, we have a reported Jim Gibbons sighting. A good friend and very reliable source told me he saw our newly single governor last week at the Century Summit Sierra theater in south Reno, standing by himself in line to see the movie "It's Complicated."

Governor Gibbons tells state workers thanks, but no thanks to their suggestions on how to save the state…

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Governor Gibbons, sticking to his “no new taxes” mantra tells state workers that he values their suggestions on how to save the state from bankruptcy, but that their sugges

Life in Carson: Gov. Cad and the Enraged Ferret go their separate ways

Looks like the threat of mutually assured political/public destruction led Jim and Dawn Gibbons to finally come to an agreement to end their marriage.

No public divorce circus for the Gibbons. They settled.

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Governor and Mrs. Gibbons have spared the public and their families a sordid four days of courtroom drama over their divorce proceedings.

Life in Carson: Jim and Dawn Gibbons head to court

Breakups are usually sad affairs, and the implosion of the marriage of Jim and Dawn Gibbons is no exception. Having met and talked with both of them on multiple occasions, it's hard not to feel sorry for them.

State budget is looking really thin and it could affect local schools

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With Governor Gibbons talking state worker furloughs and pay cuts, local school districts have also been put on notice that they may have to tear up their teacher contracts

School Board approves “emergency” financial back-up if Gov. Gibbons orders big cutbacks for schools statewide

If Governor Gibbons orders the kinds of budget cuts he’s been talking about lately, Carson City would fare okay.

Gibbons/Ensign attack Reid over Health Care Reform Bill.

Following up on the progress forward of the Democrat sponsored National Health Reform Bill, Governor Jim Gibbons has called it a “stab in Nevada’s back” by steeply raising state costs for Medicaid.

“Chat with the Governor” to cope with state budget crisis ends on a question mark. Gov. Gibbons left early. Had other, “more pressing” appointment.

At his much touted “Open Door Meeting” with state lawmakers and the news media, Governor Gibbons started the session with a dismal evaluation of the state budget, said more state worker pay cuts or fu

A case of “penny-wize, dollar-stupid?”

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A horrendously high cost of cleaning up the Endoscopy of Southern Nevada mess is costing Nevada plenty. The cause?

The Gibbons’ may be headed for “public” court in their divorce proceedings

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A last ditch effort to settle their divorce out of court may have failed, sending both Governor Gibbons and his soon-to-be ex-wife into the public arena of open divorce cou

Carson City manager sets sights on three budget cutting scenarios for 2010

With sales and property taxes in continued decline, Carson City Manager Larry Werner has drawn up three 2010-11 budget scenarios and has asked department heads to trim their budgets according to each

Governor Gibbons “clarifies some more” his position on calling in a Special Session of the Legislature

Governor Jim Gibbons said today that to “clear the air,” he wants everyone to know that there will be no calling of a special session until after January 19th.

Governor Candidate Rory Reid – wants “transparency and a new vision for state government”

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Clark County Commissioner turned Governor candidate Rory Reid says the Gibbons Administration has badly tainted Nevada’s reputation.

Governor Gibbons clarifies his budget cut approach…

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Governor Gibbons has made it clear that he would like state employee opinion to weigh in on how to cut the state’s budget, brought on by the worst recession in Nevada’s his

State budget situation continues to deteriorate…

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Dark and ominous budgetary clouds have settled over the Governor’s Office in downtown Carson City.

Gov. Gibbons is no darling of the Republican Party, but…

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Governor Gibbons, with all his personal and political problems, has all but been abandoned by the bulk of the Nevada Republican Party.

University Chancellor draws a line in the budget sand

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University Chancellor Don Klaich is just as adamant as his predecessor. He’s not even going to consider future cuts to their budget.

Governor Gibbons predicts state worker layoffs coming up.

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Declining revenues are tearing the Economic Forum’s earlier forecast to to shreds.

Governor Gibbons tries to cope with plummeting revenues – calls for reconvening Economic Forum

Governor Gibbons today told reporters that he would reconvene the Economic Forum to give him advice on how much revenue the state can expect to take in through the current two year budget cycle.

The woman who caught Governor Gibbons texting….

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Mary Keating, who caught Governor Gibbons texting to who has been described as a ‘love interest’ in Reno, is having to wait a little longer to take Gibbons to court over th

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