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Arizona man faces multiple charges in terrorist threats against Nevada officials

CARSON CITY — An Arizona man is due in court April 7 and faces multiple felony charges after allegedly making terrorist threats to citizens and public officials in Nevada, according to the Department of Public Safety.

The Nevada Department of Public Safety – Investigation Division obtained an arrest warrant on March 9 for Douglas Hoffman, 63.

Nevada Officials Discuss Race to the Top Pitfalls, Express Approval

Nevada is preparing to compete in round two of the federal Race to the Top grant program. Only two states that applied, Tennessee and Delaware, received funding from the first phase of the competition.

Tighter security measures at Carson City capitol building after threats

A letter by an extremist group that told Gov. Gibbons and other governors to resign forced the partial closure of the capitol building in Carson City this morning, multiple news agencies are reporting.

According to the Nevada Appeal www.nevadaappeal.com/article/20100331/NEWS/100339911/1070&ParentProfile=1058 and the Las Vegas Sun, http://www.lasvegassun.com/news/2010/mar/31/state-capitol-security-tightened-after-police-rece/ Nevada Capitol police implemented security measures this morning after law enforcement officials received letters.

Judge rejects 7 of 10 claims in Gov. Jim Gibbons texting case

CARSON CITY – A federal judge has dismissed seven of the 10 claims filed against Gov. Jim Gibbons and his budget director by an employee who believes she lost her job after leaking information about the governor’s excessive use of calls on his state cell phone to a female friend. Read more by clicking here: http://www.lasvegassun.com/news/2010/mar/30/judge-dismisses-7-claims-gibbons-texting-case/

Gibbons using heath care reform suit for political purposes?

Let me preface this by saying the just-passed health care reform law provokes strong opinions on both sides, and I'm not going to attempt in this post to pass judgement one way or the other.

But it seems very clear that embattled Gov. Jim Gibbons is trying to use this issue to boost his reelection chances, to the detriment of the state.

2010 Election Season Crucial with Redistricting on the Agenda in the Next Legislative Session

CARSON CITY – As millions of Americans fill out their census forms over the next several weeks in the nation’s once-a-decade head co

Rory Reid Takes His Education Reform Plan to Northern Nevada, Rejects Vouchers as “Gimmick”

RENO – Democratic candidate for governor Rory Reid took his education reform plan to northern Nevada today, calling for a fundamental change to give principals, teachers and parents a much bigger say in how their schools operate.

Jim Gibbons' tea party gambit

It seems like Gov. Jim Gibbons is officially jumping on the Tea Party bandwagon.

I've been wondering what was taking him so long.

Gibbons has been such a disaster that he might become the first sitting Nevada governor to lose a primary. His main challenger, Brian Sandoval, has raised five times more cash as Gibbons, and there are many who think this race has already been decided.

State Government Pension Costs Could Be on 2011 Legislative Session Agenda

CARSON CITY – The need for the state of Nevada to continue and possibly even increase funding to the public employee retirement system could make the budget problems facing the Legislature next yea

Lobbyists Spend Little at Special Session, Legislative Reports Show

CARSON CITY – The 2010 special session called by Gov. Jim Gibbons last month to balance a state budget out of balance by more than $800 million touched on major issues from gaming and mining fee increases to layoffs of state employees.

Nevada’s Public Employee Pension Plan Has $9.1 Billion Unfunded Liability

CARSON CITY – Nevada’s political leaders have emphasized repeatedly in recent months that the state faces a huge funding shortfall in 2011, perhaps as much as a $3 billion hole that will make the r

Candidates filed for state offices

U.S. Senate

Sharon Angle, Republican

Scott Ashjian, Tea Party

Gary Bernstein, Republican

Sherry Brooks, Republican

John Chachas, Republican

Governor Gibbons vetos four day work week for most state employees

Governor Gibbons to Sign Race to Top Bill in Las Vegas on Wednesday

CARSON CITY – Gov. Jim Gibbons on Wednesday will sign the “Race to the Top” bill allowing Nevada to compete for federal school improvement funds, a spokesman said today.

Millennium Scholarship Program Faces Uncertain Future Due to State Budget Crisis

CARSON CITY –A college scholarship available to eligible Nevada high school graduates could be in fin

Special Session: Assembly GOP Leader Says Bank Fee in Budget a Tradeoff, Expresses Concerns About Last Minute Jobs Bill

CARSON CITY – Assembly Minority Leader Heidi Gansert said in an interview today that GOP agreement to include a new f

Bipartisan Budget Deal in Place

CARSON CITY – As a deal to close an $805 million budget gap was announced today, bringing a close to a sometimes rancorous six-day special session, Republican lawmakers say they helped shape the de

End in sight for Special Session?

Assembly Speaker Barbara Buckley, D-Las Vegas, told reporters Saturday night that legislative leaders, Governor Gibbons and administrative officials have come to a tentative agreement on how to plu

Special session mixed bag so far…

Trying to plug a nearly one billion dollar hole in the state budget has been a bit of a roller coaster ride.

Governor Will Not Veto Race to the Top Bill

A source inside Governor Gibbon’s office today said Gibbons will not veto the Race to the Top education bill passed Wednesday evening by the state Senate and Assembly during the special session of

Assembly Speaker Says Governor’s Education Reform Plan Not Likely to Get Hearing in Special Session

(Updated at 2:37 p.m. on Feb. 26, 2010)

State lawmakers seem to be limiting cuts to education – miffs Governor Gibbons

State lawmakers are hardly endearing themselves to Governor Gibbons in that they have taken informal votes on his major cuts to K-12 and University/College budgets.

Strategy to Avoid Gibbons Vetoes on Tap if Needed

CARSON CITY – Because of the tense relationship between the Legislature and Gov.

Special Session looking to get messy

As state lawmakers scramble to fill a nearly one billion dollar hole in the state budget, political warfare has escalated between Governor Gibbons and the Legislature.

Conservative Caucus, GOP Minority Fight to Get Their Views Heard in Special Session

CARSON CITY – Assembly Republicans, who haven’t had a majority presence in the Legislature in 25 years, are working with their Senate col

Budget Puzzle Remains Incomplete as Legislature Starts Special Session

CARSON CITY – As the Nevada Legislature plodded through the first day of a special session called to erase a nearly $900 million

Democrats and Republicans square off on strategies to fix the state’s budget crisis

Most Democrats (“yes to new taxes”) and most Republicans (“no to new taxes”) are squaring off during the special session of the legislature. Senate Majority Leader Sen.

Special Session off to uncertain start

How things are going with the special session of the legislature’s efforts to plug a one billion dollar budget hole varies by who you talk to.

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