
Carson City Elks Lodge No. 2177 raises $3,142 for Douglas-Carson Rodeo Club

Event Date: 
November 29, 2023 (All day)

On October 13th, Carson City Elks Lodge No. 2177 held a fundraising dinner and auction on behalf of the Douglas-Carson High School Rodeo Club.Jim Masterson, event chair, presented outgoing President Curtis English, incoming President Nathan Morian and Secretary/Treasurer Elisa Danen with a check for $3,142.

Carson City Elks Lodge awards $1,000 Scholastic Scholarships

The Nevada State Elks Association provided 27 scholastic awards to students, throughout our state, toward their college expenses. Other cash awards were given to six Legacy Award winners, two Vocational Award winners and five Nursing Scholarship Award winners. Carson City Elks lodge had 3 scholastic recipients at the NSEA level.

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