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Letters to the editor for April 15

Legislators need to think about 2013, tooAs our current hack-and-slash legislative session wearily grinds toward it's cessation, I have a question. What happens when the 2013 Legislature convenes a...

Letters to the Editor for April 14

Musical theatre program at WNC needs savingThe times are terrifying. Not only are we scared of wars, acts of nature, terrorism, radiation from Japan and the ever-increasing price of gas, we are mor...

Another lunchtime distraction

Ok, so maybe David Beckham gets some help from Pepsi's video editor, but still some amazing soccer skills:


Letters to the editor April 12

Repealing minimum wage is wrong thing to doIf I wore hats, they'd be off to people - from Dayton and from Carson City, so far.Kristy Mulkey from Dayton, wrote a letter saying the legislators consid...

Book Review: Confessions of a Paper Pimp

“Confessions of a Paper Pimp,” by Sam Bauman. Slalom Press, 2011. Hard copy available at Amazon, $18.95; Kindle version, $10.

By Guy W. Farmer

Bethany Drysdale to lead Nevada tourism commission public relations department

CARSON CITY — Bethany Drysdale, who has promoted Nevada's tourism attractions for more than five years for the Nevada Commission on Tourism will head the Public Relations department beginning April 23, Lt. Gov. Brian Krolicki announced this week.

Drysdale has served as Public Relations specialist for NCOT since October 2005. She succeeds Chris Chrystal, who is retiring as manager April 22 after a 48-year career in news reporting and public relations that included 13 years with the Commission.

Letter: Open Pit Mining as a Tourist Attraction?

Dear Editor: As a long time resident of the Comstock, I have watched with dismay the erosion of the Comstock Historic District that has occurred because of open pit mining.

One need only travel from Virginia City to Carson City to see what used to be historical landscapes transformed into a series of ugly pit mines. The Comstock Historic District is a cultural and historic resource set aside for the people of Nevada. Pit mining erodes this resource visually, and endangers historic landscapes and structures.

Outdoor Calendar for April

Here is the Northern Nevada outdoor sports calendar for the month of April:

Why Won’t More Businesses Come To Nevada?

By Andrew Doughman / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – Sometimes, trying to read the CEO’s mind can be a political game.
Critics of Gov. Brian Sandoval’s proposed education cuts have said business owners will not move to a state that ravages its already low-performing education system with spending reductions.

Commenting Obstacles

While I fully respect Kirk's decision to link comment posting to facebook, and also understand the reason he gives, I don't think it is the right step.

I've never heard about the major site "Techcrunch" which he mentions as having successfully implemented this, but I am sure everybody has heard about the major sites Los Angeles Times and CNN that implemented it as well and have since gone back to offering the traditional method of sign-up. Simply because too many participants refused to open a facebook account just to be able to comment; they simply don't trust this social network.

Letter: Those pesky public servants

Dear Editor:

On a clear September morning 9 1/2 years ago, when hijacked commercial airliners slammed into the World Trade Center, thousands died. The terror and violence shook the world. Police officers, firemen, and EMTs rushed into the burning buildings attempting to save as many as possible. When the buildings collapsed, the heroic rescuers were killed, giving their lifes to save others. That's what public-sector employees do. That's what unions do.

Shake-up in the Nevada Appeal newsroom

We have heard from multiple inside sources about the abrupt departure Wednesday of Editor Peggy Santoro from the Nevada Appeal newsroom. We don't know the details, and understanding how these things work inside that company, we may not know for a while, if ever.

Don Quilici's Outdoors: Amtrak fun between Reno and Sacramento

Seven fun-loving people from this area spent last Saturday and Sunday, February 12-13, traveling on the Amtrak passenger train between Reno and Sacramento, Calif.

--See Don Q's Outdoor report

Those seven were: Mary Bottoms, Bob “Slick” and Lynda McCulloch, Elaine and I, all of Carson City; and Sal and Catali Quilici of Dayton.

Column: 2011 fishing seasons open February 12 in Lyon County

This Saturday, Feb. 12, is the opening day of the 2011 fishing seasons for the following waters in Lyon County:

— The Fort Churchill Cooling Ponds, near Wabuska.
— Applicable open waters (Bass Pond, Beaver Slough, Crappie Pond, Hinkson Slough, North Pond and the Walker River), all on the Mason Valley Wildlife Management Area (MVWMA), near Yerington.

All of the waters listed above will close on Sept. 30. If you are interested in fishing at any of those waters on Opening Day, here is some miscellaneous information:

Fort Churchill Cooling Ponds:

Outdoor writer Don Quilici joins Carson Now

We are honored to welcome outdoor writer and editor Don Quilici to the pages of Carson Now.

Quilici's stories and photos will be featured every Wednesday on our new Outdoors Page.

Don Q is famous around these parts to anyone who hunts or fishes. He was the outdoor editor for the Nevada Appeal for 22 years, and his weekly columns delighted readers regardless of their abilities with a gun or rod.

Movie Review: 'Green Hornet' slightly funny but a weak stinger

I was prepared to write off "The Green Hornet" as just another superhero movie, aimed at comic-book readings kids. Well, I was partly wrong. The film now playing at the Fandango Galaxy multiplex in Carson City is aimed at the lower levels of intelligence, but along the way offers some humor and an incredible chase-crash-shootout scene. So all is not lost when sitting in the Galaxy stadium seats.

State worker launches budget deficit plan, issues challenge to economists

Carl Kuhl, a state Parole and Probation employee of six years, has created a plan that he claims will eliminate Nevada's budget deficit within two years.

In a news release issued on Tuesday, Kuhl said his plan not only will reduce the budget deficit but also help repair Nevada's economy at the same time. It is a pretty big claim, he admits, coming from an Accounting Assistant I, an entry level position.

Letter: Dayton community pulls together for holiday giving

Dear Editor: Once again the Dayton community has come together and made a difference for so many families during the holidays.

The Dayton toy drive received applications for over 650 kids this year and we were quite concerned that there would not be enough to go around. Fortunately a large, eager, group of volunteers came together who were quick to get down to business and get the donations and interest pouring in. It wasn’t long before businesses, as well as community organizations and individuals were giving.

Movie review: 'Gulliver's Travels'

The family-aimed film "Gulliver's Travels," now playing at the Fandango's Galaxy multiplex in Carson City, has very little to do with the book (or books) Johnathan Swift wrote in satire on the English government in the 18th century. Gone is the wit, the clever writing, the book that many of us read in high school or English Lit 103.

Winter in the mountains and other outdoor adventures

Don Quilici, outdoor editor at CarsonSports.com has posted some photos of his recent venture to his cabin in the mountains. Check it out here. Also click here to read up a column and some thoughts about outdoor travel over the past year. Don's wife, Elaine, has some wonderful photos to go along with the narrative.

Gov.-elect Sandoval Names General Counsel, Other Staff Appointments

By Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – Gov.-elect Brian Sandoval today announced he will appoint Lucas Foletta as his general counsel.
As a former assistant U.S. attorney for the district of Nevada, Foletta has prosecuted mortgage fraud and identity theft matters on behalf of the U.S. government. A graduate of Wake Forest University School of Law, Foletta is also a former law clerk to Sandoval when he served previously as a federal judge.

Conservative Think Tank Launches Spanish Language Website

CARSON CITY – A national conservative think tank today launched a new website to give Spanish-speaking Americans access to its analyses and policy recommendations on the nation’s most pressing problems.
The Heritage Foundation launched Libertad.org, where the organization’s work on issues ranging from education reform to the new national health care law will be available in Spanish.

Christmas ideas for those who love the outdoors

With all of the "Black Friday" shopping madness now safely behind us, Carsonsports.com Outdoor Editor Don Quilici has some Christmas gift ideas, chocolate included, for outdoor enthusiasts. Click here to read up on the Q's list.

Letter: Unemployment benefits cutoff

Dear Editor:

On November 18th, the extension of unemployment benefits (H.R. 6419) was defeated in the House on a roll call vote. Why? Because Republicans voted against it by a 143 to 21 margin. Even though one of those 21 votes in favor was cast by our congressman, Dean Heller, it was not enough to prevent the cutoff of jobless benefits for five million workers in the dead of winter.

Big game for Carson Senators as they roll into the 4A semis

The Carson High football team will look to achieve a couple of firsts tonight when it hosts Reed in the semifinals of the Northern 4A playoffs.
For one, the Senators (9-1) will attempt to set a school record with their 10th victory of the season. For another, they are looking to become the first Carson team to reach the North's football playoff finals since 1987. Kickoff is 7 tonight at the Carson High School football stadium. Go to Carsonsports.com to read up on the pre-game coverage by Sports Editor Dave Price.

Dennis J. Oliver (Updated to reflect Memorial Service)

The following obituary was submitted by Jeff Cowen, community liaison for the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency on the passing of spokesman Dennis Oliver:

May 20, 1963 - November 3, 2010

Resort offers great fishing close to home along the Carson River

If you're interested in getting away from home to spend some quality leisure time for an overnighter, a weekend or even longer, look no further than a neat hideaway that is open year round and close to Carson City. Click here to read the story by CarsonSports.com Outdoor Editor Don Quilici and click here for Don's weekly fall fishing report.

Letter to the editor: Guy Farmer strikes a nerve

Boy Mr. Farmer and Mr. Joiner must have struck a very sensitive nerve with Mr. Neighbors. Steve Neighbors had a commentary article a week before Guy Farmers article telling us how concerned he is for Carson City's future. He proceded to tell us who he would vote for if he lived here. He endorsed Williamson and Abrowd (both for the Nugget Bail Out Project), but did not list any other issues (School Board candidates, School Bond, Governors race ect). Keep up the Good work Farmer and Joiner in making Neighbors accountable for all the facts not just the facts that benefit the Nugget.

Gather ye pine nuts while ye may

This week Carsonsports.com Outdoor Editor Don Quilici shares some sage advice on nut season. Not the political shelling going on, mind you, and definitely not of the mountain oyster variety celebrated annually in Virginia City. These nuts are of the pinion pine kind. Click here to learn where to find 'em, how to shell 'em and the best way to eat 'em.

Letter to the editor: Nugget Bailout Project

I'm a taxpayer who has lived here for 20 years and my dream is not the same dream Mae Adams and her trustees dreams are!

I have a problem with a Boise, Idaho resident like Steve Neighbors telling me what's best for Carson City. We are already in the NEGATIVE with other projects (Pony Express and V&T). We have experts say that in this economy it might not be the best thing to start a new project. I kind of would like to see the "pay as you go, and if you cant pay, then don't go" theory when it comes down to tax payers footing more projects.

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