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WNC Earth Week Event: The Mono Lake Story film & Nevada Water Issues Discussion

WNC will screen the newly released inspirational and breathtaking film, The Mono Lake Story. After the 30 minute film, there will be a discussion about the current controversy over Southern Nevada Water Authority’s plan to pump and pipe groundwater from rural Cave, Dry Lake, Delamar, and Spring Valleys to Las Vegas.


Outdoors with Don Q: Sunshine finally returns to Barrow, Alaska

This is almost a repeat of a story written back in November but with a different twist and some additional details.
Enjoy: Late January is a very special time of the year in the lives of about four thousand, hardy Alaskans.
They live in Barrow, Alaska, the northernmost community in the U.S.
It is located in the Far North, on the edge of the Arctic Ocean, 320 miles north of the Arctic Circle, 725 airline miles north of Anchorage and 1,122 miles from the North Pole.

Lake Tahoe resort project at Homewood sued by environmental groups

The Homewood Mountain Resort project, which cleared the strictest of environmental hurdles at Lake Tahoe, is now being sued by a consortium of groups including the Sierra Club who, among other things, wish to stop promised environmental improvements, job creation and economic revitalization to the ailing west shore Sierra community.
The Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, which oversees development and environmental protection at Lake Tahoe, was told it was being sued on Thursday because of its recent approval of the Homewood Mountain Resort Ski Area Master Plan project.
EarthJustice, on behalf of the Sierra Club and Friends of the West Shore, lists both TRPA and Placer County as defendants in the lawsuit filed Thursday in U.S. District Court of Eastern California. Absent from the suit is the League to Save Lake Tahoe, which implied that it likely wouldn't sue when the project was unanimously approved last month by the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency's Governing Board.

Movie Review: 'The Darkest Hour' a movie to miss if you're smart

The film "The Darkest Hour," flickering at the Fandango Galaxy in Carson City and elsewhere, is a desperate stab at making a movie. It had little intelligence, a poor cast and a lot of scientific hokum that apparently depends on audiences being to poorly educated to know when the science is all goofy.

Riverwood project remains dormant

It has been three years since work began on a site along the northern border of Douglas County that moved more than 220,000 cubic yards of earth into a big pile.

It hasn't been quite three years since work on the site of the Riverwood project halted, and in the interim, the project has been the subject of a grand jury investigation, three citations for errant dust by the Nevada Department of Environmental Protection and a lawsuit trying to break the contract.

Outdoors with Don Q: Some information about Barrow, Alaska

November 18 is a very significant date in the lives of several thousand hardy Alaskans. Those folks live in a unique location known as Barrow, Alaska, which is the northernmost community in the United States.
It is located in the Far North, on the edge of the Arctic Ocean, about 320 miles north of the Arctic Circle.
On November 18, the sun sets below the horizon at Barrow and it will not peek back up over the horizon until January 24 (weather permitting).
That’s more than two months without sunshine. Wow!

Another lunchtime distraction

Time lapse view of Earth from the International Space Station:

Asteroid to pass between Earth and moon on Tuesday

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla (AP) - An asteroid bigger than an aircraft carrier will dart between the Earth and moon on Tuesday - the closest encounter by such a huge rock in 35 years. But scientists say no...

Did you feel the earthquake Carson City?

Yes, the earth was moving last night. Looks like a 4.7 earthquake struck at 11:37 p.m., 23 miles north of Truckee, but we felt it down here, too. The quake originally measured 5.2 by U.S. Geological Service, but was downgraded to 4.8 shortly afterward, and they now say it was 4.7.

There were a few aftershocks, including a 2.5 and 2.4 soon after the main quake, and this morning there was a 1.4 aftershock.

Earth Science Week field trips fun for families

Every October for the past 14 years during Earth Science Week, hundreds of Northern Nevadans join the University of Nevada, Reno, and Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology for a free field trip to ...

Life Bridge Event sponsored by Abowd & Rose Financial Group

Living in Northern Nevada over this past month, we’ve been the sad witnesses to how tragedy can affect the lives of so many. The horrible shooting at the Carson IHOP that left 4 dead and injured 7, followed by the fatal accident at the air races that took the lives of 11 people and injured more than 70, is a sad and real reminder of how short our time on this earth can be. Left behind are spouses, children, grandchildren and other friends. Along with the unexpected death of their loved one, often comes with a loss of income and other unexpected expenses.

U.S. Senate Candidates Berkley, Heller, Trade Barbs On Chinese Currency Issue

CARSON CITY – Last week it was a dispute about the Small Business Jobs Act and whether it will create any jobs in Nevada that generated controversy between the two major party candidates for the U.S. Senate.

Draft Plan For Future Of Former Nevada Test Site Questioned At DOE Public Hearing

CARSON CITY – Speakers at the fifth and final public hearing to comment on a draft environmental statement that seeks to map the future of the former Nevada Test Site expressed a variety of concerns Wednesday, including a failure to adequately address contamination of groundwater at the site.
Another concern focused on an indication in the document for what is now called the Nevada National Security Site that a previous agreement with the state of Nevada to avoid metropolitan areas in the transportation of low-level radioactive waste to the site for burial will be abandoned.

Melting polar regions discussed Thursday at Tahoe environmental center

By Heather Segale
A lecture that explores climate change and the melting polar regions will be discussed Thursday, Sept. 15 at the Lake Tahoe Center for Environmental Sciences at Incline Village.

$2.3 Million for Tahoe Center will Fund 3-D Public Education on Lake Ecosystems

By the UC Davis Tahoe Environmental Research Center
Members of the public will be able to visually immerse themselves in two of the best-known lakes in the United States, thanks to a $2.3 million grant from the National Science Foundation to UC Davis' Tahoe Environmental Research Center.

High school rock band regroups after connecting on Facebook

Blackbane, a nine-member Lassen High School alumni rock band who began the group's first incarnation nearly 30 years ago, will play together again this weekend at Black Tangerine in Reno, after reconnecting on Facebook.

"None of this would have happened if it weren't for Facebook," said Joe Moody, drummer and one of three members of the original band, Rocksalt. "I stayed in touch, playing over the years with a couple of the guys, but there were other members who had fallen off the face of the earth."

Contract awarded for east-west water transmission main

A light agenda Thursday for the Carson City Board of Supervisors resulted in only five actions being taken, including the awarding of a $3.5 million contract to A&K Earth Movers to install the city...

Outdoors with Don Q: Take a summer vacation at Nevada's only national park

How would you like to take a mid-to-late summer vacation at an out-of-the-way location, right here in the State of Nevada? 
If you are interested, did you know that our very own White Pine County is home to one of the nation's least visited and Nevada's only National Park — The 77,000 acre Great Basin National Park?

If you've never been there, here is a whole bunch of useful information:

Movie Review: New 'Transformers' fill offers lots of cyber fighting, occasion sparks of acting

If you really want to see a 3-D movie that exploits the medium, catch 'Transformers: The Dark of the Moon" now playing at the Fandango Galaxy cineplex in Carson City. You'll be bombarded by rocks and pieces of giant metal figures flying out at you.

North should fall in line with NIAA realignment

What's wrong with the number three?Babe Ruth wore it. Dale Earnhardt stuck it on the side of his race car. The planet Earth, afterall, is the third rock from the sun. You can't get a hat trick with...

Discover the underground worlds in Shasta Cascade region

By the Shasta Cascade Wonderland Association
There are caves found throughout the Shasta Cascade region that are waiting to be explored. Some of which have even helped shape the course of history such as the Modoc Indian War, where Modoc Indians took refuge from the US Army forces.

Venture through the thousands of years old lava tubes that was once cutting, slicing, and twisting through the crust of the earth.

Movie Review: 'Green Lantern' shines

"Green Lantern," the current DC Comic ripoff now playing at the Fandango Galaxy cineflex in Carson City, is all about a corps of Green Lantern good guys who protected the universe from evildoers such as Parallax, the baddest bad guy around.

Movie starts with Temuera Morrison as Abin Sur getting hit by Parallax while sledding through space and crashing on a rocky beach. With his dying breath he send his powerful Green Lantern out to find someone to replace him in guarding Earth from Parallax.

Leading GOP Candidates For Heller Congressional Seat Face Off In Tame Debate

RENO – For the three leading Republican candidates seeking the Congressional District 2 seat vacated with the appointment of Dean Heller to the U.S. Senate, it was all about qualifications and experience in a debate held here Wednesday.
State Republican Party Chairman Mark Amodei, a former state senator, state Sen. Greg Brower, appointed to fill the seat formerly held by retired Sen. Bill Raggio, and retired Navy commander Kirk Lippold, faced off ahead of a GOP meeting Saturday in Sparks that could determine which candidate will get the party nod.

Former Commanding General Of U.S. Central Command Says Al Qaeda Not Gone With Death Of Bin Laden

RENO – The former commanding general of the U.S. Central Command told a group of Nevadans Wednesday that the death of Osama bin Laden does not mean the U.S. can become complacent and assume that Al Qaeda is no longer a threat.

Movie Review: 'Thor' of the magic hammer alive and well

It's hard to say whether the mythical adventure film "Thor" currently playing at the Fandango Galaxy in Carson City is the best adventure film since "Fast Five," or whether it is a messy marketing adaptation of Scandinavian myth with no logic and sense to the story other than luring the kids in.

Residents join in Earth Day cleanup efforts

A light sprinkle throughout the morning didn't dampen the spirits of Earth Day enthusiasts who cheerfully cleaned up three areas of Carson City Saturday.The event is sponsored annually by the Ca...

Our Opinion: Remember the early pioneers on Earth Day

We think that reusing, reducing and recycling materials would have appealed to the early pioneers.We know that the early farmers and ranchers were conservationists. They didn't have a choice, they ...

Bordewich-Bray goes green

When Bordewich-Bray Elementary School students return to class next week, they will be surrounded by reminders to conserve energy and protect the Earth.One of the most obvious will be green cove...

Guru Road job postponed at Black Rock; work resumes April 30

Here's the latest from Friends of Black Rock Desert: This message is to let you know that we are POSTPONING the Guru Road Restoration project planned for this Saturday, April 23, to next Saturday, April 30. Because of taxes and Easter, this date just isn't working out.

Earth Day offers opportunity for community spring cleaning

The community is invited to join Earth Day cleanup efforts when Carson City's Recreation Department and Chamber of Commerce members roll up their sleeves for a little spring cleaning.Volunteers ...

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