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Orchestra Concert

Feb. 28, 2010, 3 p.m.

Senators set for state tournament

Carson High's Junior Valladares showed resolve in early January when he decided to continue wrestling after sustaining a torn MCL in his right knee.

Chinese Dance Performance at Sierra Place

Feb. 28, 2010 (Sun)
Chinese Folk Dance at Sierra Place

CC Freeway landscaping officially approved by Supervisors

(Click image to play video)

Carson City Symphony Concert

Feb. 28, 2010, Festivities begin at 3 p.m., concert at 4 p.m.

Frances Humphrey Lecture series: Historic Perspective on the Flu in Nevada

Feb. 25, 2010, 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.

19th Century Women's Fashion Show@Nevada State Museum

Feb. 21, 2010 (Sun)

Lawmakers and Governor Continue to Look for Solutions to Massive Budget Shortfall


Some good fun ahead in Carson City

Good week

Comment on Editorial: Should City Hall be trying to use federal money intended to help low and middle income Carson City residents to pump up a still questionable downtown Nugget Project? by RiverCitySam

What is going on at City Hall? Who is running the City? For years the CDBG funds have always gone to low and moderate income folks.

Child pornography on-line trader gets probation

Gov. Gibbons passes the hat for teachers…

For Immediate Release: February 18, 2010

Comment on Nugget Project Economic Incubator dropped from CDBG funding list by Joe Childs

While I am pleased to see the application by Carson City’s Office of Business Development (CCBD) for HUD funds to build a business incubator have been withdrawn, I am still very concerned that it w

Comment on Deputy Bob Guimont: Why I want to be Sheriff by Kowalski

So proud of Bob Guimont. Here is a man who has done right by everyone around him and now its time we citizens do right by him and elect him as our next Sheriff in June!

Comment on Deputy Bob Guimont: Why I want to be Sheriff by Kowalski

Wow! Finally someone who has the courage and passion to go after the criminals that are running our beautiful town into the ground! Bob Guimont is exactly the man Carson City NEEDS as Sheriff.

Howard Hughes as portrayed by director Martin Scorsese in "Aviator"


CHS teams need great finish Thursday to qualify for Championships

The Carson High boys and girls ski teams are well on their way to a third place finish in the Northern 4A Championships.

Deputy Bob Guimont: Why I want to be Sheriff

(Click image to play video)

Gibbons Defends Budget Plan, Challenges Nevadans to Provide Alternatives if they Disagree

By Sean Whaley, Nevada News Bureau

Deputy Bob Guimont: “Why I want to be Sheriff”

(Click image to play video)

Gibbons Defends Budget Plan, Challenges Nevadans to Provide Alternatives if they Disagree

CARSON CITY – Gov. Jim Gibbons today defended his plan to balance the state budget and challenged critics to come forward with workable alternatives if they object to any parts of his proposal.

CHS boys shoot for upset in Thursday's game

The Carson High boys basketball team has written its own version of a Charles Dickens novel in its first two meetings against Manogue this season.

Governor Gibbons lays out the cuts…sets February 23rd to start special session of the State Legislature

Governor Gibbons has notified state lawmakers they will be ordered back to Carson City on February 23rd to convene a special session of the State Legislature to deal with the state’s nearly $900 mi

Whiz of a Wiz is back….

Carson Performing Arts at Carson High School presents the family favorite,The Wizard of Oz.

Big natural gas leak at Clear Creek and 395

12:20: Leak stopped. Permanent fix ongoing. Intersection at Clear Creek and Frontage remains closed.

Victorian Fashion Show and Dance

Editorial: Should City Hall be trying to use federal money intended to help low and middle income Carson City residents to pump up a still questionable downtown Nugget Project?

City Hall’s Office of Business Development is asking the Board of Supervisors to re-direct federal funds that largely go to the poor, the elderly, the handicapped, and for general public improvemen

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