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Amodei ponders run for governor or AG in 2018

Nevada's 2nd U.S. House District Rep. Mark Amodei, R-Carson City, said he may consider a run for governor or attorney general after he leaves Congress, possibly in 2018.

Nevada Legislature: Bill reins in Attorney General on hiring outside counsel

Legislation designed to rein in the Attorney General’s freedom to contract with outside counsel and join multi-state lawsuits is headed for Gov. Brian Sandoval’s desk.SB244 was authored by Sen. Greg Brower, R-Reno, wh...

Reno man who used private plane to transport marijuana gets 2 years in prison

Kevin Dennis Golden, 39, of Reno, Nevada, was sentenced Friday to two years in prison for possession with the intent to distribute approximately 88 pounds of marijuana that he was attempting to fly in a private plane to Pennsylvania, according to the U.S Department of Justice.

Cortez Masto’s Senate hopes mirror her AG track record

What you saw in Catherine Cortez Masto as Nevada attorney general is what you’ll see if she wins a seat in the U.S. Senate, she said Thursday in her first interview since announcing her campaign to replace retiring U.S. Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev....

Vegas city attorney says Goynes, Truesdell must leave planning commission

Las Vegas’ two longest-tenured planning commissioners — Ric Truesdell and Byron Goynes — are now on their way out, according to the city attorney....

Assembly Ways and Means approves AG positions, still has questions

The Assembly Ways and Means agreed on Wednesday to add five major positions in the Attorney General’s office including a deputy Solicitor General.But they balked on AG Adam Laxalt’s request for a veterans services coo...

Column: Proving non-cash contribution tax deductions

In 2011 Mr. Kenneth J. Kunkel claimed charitable contributions deductions of $37,315 for non cash contributions. IRS denied the deductions for lack of substantiation and assessed a tax deficiency of $12,338 and also a $2,468 accuracy-related penalty.

Loretta Lynch sworn in as Obama’s new AG

Loretta Lynch was sworn in as the new U.S. attorney general on Monday, replacing Eric Holder. Lynch, the country’s first African-American woman to serve in the role, had her nomination held up more than five months over politicking in the Senate....

Washington Digest: Senate confirms Lynch as new AG

The U.S. Senate broke a five-month impasse last week in voting to confirm federal prosecutor Loretta Lynch to become attorney general....

Wolfson: Weak case, not politics, lead to pass on perjury charge

Clark County District Attorney Steve Wolfson rejects charges that he went easy on a fellow Democrat who was indicted after Republican attorney general took up the case....

Will Loretta Lynch become Obama’s new AG?

The U.S. Senate on Thursday voted to limit debate on the nomination of Loretta Lynch to become President Barack Obama’s next attorney general in a procedural move intended to end a five-month deadlock that made her wait longer for confirmation than the last seven attorneys general combined....

Laxalt serious about residency issue

Attorney General Adam Laxalt is pursuing perjury charges against a Democratic candidate whom a judge ruled didn’t actually live in the district she wanted to represent in the Assembly....

Governor eviscerates latest appeal to reinstate gay marriage ban

With news of an anti-gay marriage group's appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court to reinstitute Nevada's ban, I wondered if Attorney General Adam Laxalt would join the effort.
Laxalt, a known ...

Woman who robbed elderly Carson City woman in December sentenced to prison

A Carson City judge sentenced a woman to prison Monday in the December 2014 robbery of a 99-year-old woman.
Joanna Grajeda, who pled guilty to the crime of robbery, will get 3 to 10 years in prison as ordered by Carson City District Court Judge James Russell. Two others have also pled guilty and were sentenced to prison.

Carson City man sentenced to 10 years prison for child pornography

A man who was found in possession of 6,000 images and 20 videos of child pornography, including child rape, has been sentenced to 10 years in prison, lifetime supervised release, and ordered to pay $25,000 in restitution to various victims, announced U.S. Attorney Daniel G. Bogden, for the District of Nevada.

Carson City DAs office teams up with Classy Seconds to collect business attire

The Carson City District Attorney’s Office is collecting new or used business attire from April 20-24. The clothing collected will be donated to Classy Seconds which, through the work of Advocates to End Domestic Violence, provides free business attire to individuals seeking to enter or re-enter the job market.

Thursday, April 9: Things to do in Carson City

Event Date: 
April 9, 2015 (All day)

The weekend quickly approaches, but the fun won’t wait. Belt out a few tunes with karaoke at Jimmy G’s Cigar Bar, or smoke-free karaoke at the Feisty Goat Pub. ‘Live, Love, Lavish’ with local favorites, Lavish Green, at a special performance at Carson Cigar Co. tonight. Take a look at the whole list: there’s something for everyone.


  • Last Day to RSVP for Carson City Leisure Hour Club April 15, with speaker Brian Crane (aka “Mr. Pickles”), nationally recognized syndicated cartoonist (Call Dorothy Link at 775-885-2542 to make your reservation. Reservations for buffet dinner are required.)
  • Carson School District Spring Break
  • Museum Advocacy Day at the Legislature

Cortez Masto makes it official

Former Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto today formally announced her candidacy for the U.S. Senate seat being given up by incumbent Harry Reid....

Cortez Masto to announce run for Reid’s U.S. Senate seat

Former Nevada Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto on Wednesday will announce she’s running for U.S. Sen. Harry Reid’s seat in 2016, according to a Democratic insider....

Trial lawyers trade group sends alert to members after GOP chair hired by prominent attorney

Michael McDonald is the chairman of the Nevada Republican Party. Republican lawmakers are trying to pass tort reform now that they control both houses. And Michael McDonald has been hired by perhaps the state's best-known lawyer as tort reform bills are pending.
Yes, this is Nevada.
McDonald recentl...

Lawyer: Legislature ‘extortion’ probe aims to quiet lobbyist

A lawyer for a Nevada political consultant is waging a federal court fight against search warrants that he says amount to a fishing expedition by investigators in an extortion probe involving the state Legislature. Attorney David Otto declares in documents filed in U.S. District Court in Las Vegas ...

Start-Up: Avoid common legal pitfalls for start-up companies

Start-Up! is weekly column on entrepreneurship, start-ups, technology and innovation, powered by the Adams Hub for Innovation.

No one wants to think about the “worst case scenario” in the heady days of a new business venture. But, before your start-up company does its first day of business, there are basic legal issues you should address to avoid complications down the road.

BLM cancels roundup of Nevada’s Pine Nut Herd following court injunction

Following a February court decision to grant a motion for a preliminary injunction to stop the proposed roundup of more than 300 wild horses in the Nevada Pine Nut Herd Management Area, the Bureau of Land Management Sierra Front Field Office announced this week that it has canceled the roundup with a date to be determined.

Horse advocates said the decision to cancel the roundup is a victory.

State wants to help rural Nevada county in 15-year-old road fight

Nevada's attorney general for the first time is joining a rural county in a 15-year-old legal battle with the U.S. government and environmentalists over control of a remote national forest road — one of the longest running of many similar disputes across the West....

Alleged Cosby victim to testify before Nevada Legislature

An alleged victim of actor and comedian Bill Cosby and the victim’s attorney, Gloria Allred, will testify Friday in support of a bill at the Legislature that would eliminate the criminal statute of limitations for rape in Nevada....

Alleged victim of Bill Cosby and Attorney Gloria Allred to go before Nevada Legislature

A woman who has alleged she was sexually assaulted by entertainer Bill Cosby and her attorney, Gloria Allred, will go before the Nevada Legislature in Carson City on Friday in support of a bill that would eliminate the criminal statute of limitations for rape in Nevada.

The alleged victim will urge the law be changed because under current Nevada law it is too late for Cosby to be criminally prosecuted for what she alleges he did to her, according to a news release from Allred's office.

Activists block capital street in protest against AG Laxalt

About 100 activists wanting to meet with Attorney General Adam Laxalt over his decision to join a lawsuit challenging President Barack Obama’s action on immigration blocked the highway in front of the state Capitol on Wednesday....

Activists protest at Attorney General's Office over immigration lawsuit

More than a hundred immigration and progressive activists are protesting outside of Attorney General Adam Laxalt's office demanding he remove Nevada from a lawsuit blocking a halt to deportations of some immigrants. Members of ......

Live: Immigration protest in front of capitol blocking traffic

UPDATE: The demonstrators have finished for the time being and Carson Street has been reopened to traffic for the time being, according to the Carson City Sheriff's Office and Nevada Highway Patrol. Another event may be planned this afternoon, organizers said.

More than 100 people peacefully demonstrated Wednesday in front of the Nevada State Capitol Building in Carson City, Nev., protesting immigration issues, and specifically Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt's decision to join a lawsuit with 24 states challenging executive actions by President Barack Obama on immigration.

Laxalt wants to reorganize AG’s office for efficiency

Attorney General Adam Laxalt told the Assembly Ways and Means Committee on Wednesday he wants to reorganize the office to improve efficiency and effectiveness in providing services and customer service.But he said des...

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