Update to Prison Hill Fire: Ground Crews mopping up, taking on individual hot spots (Videos)
On Friday just before 5 p.m., a thunderstorm moved into the valley, causing several dry lightning strikes to make contact throughout Carson City, leading to multiple brush fires in a short period of time.
The worst of which, which was deemed as high-priority by fire crews, was the fire which began at Prison Hill due to a lightning strike, which made contact at the top of the mountain and quickly began alighting on both sides.
The west side of the hill led to Fairview Drive, which was subsequently shut down for emergency traffic only, while the east side of the hill led to Carson River Road and the Buzzy's Ranch neighborhood.
Soon after, a second fire in the Brunswick Canyon area erupted, which was within the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management.
As of 8:45 a.m. Saturday morning, crews are still on scene at the Prison Hill fire, according to Carson City Fire Chief Sean Slamon, but the fire is under control. Ground crews are currently taking care of hotspots before any afternoon winds might come up and cause additional flares.
At the height of the fire, 80 to 90 firefighters were on scene, including off-duty personnel who were called in to assist.
Roads near the fire will be reopening soon, said Slamon.
Two helicopters assisted ground crews, and Carson Fire “got a lot of help from our neighbors,” according to Slamon.
The fire burning near Brunswick Canyon is on BLM land is under their jurisdiction, said Slamon, while Carson City crews had to prioritize the Prison Hill fire and its imminent threat to the Buzzy’s Ranch neighborhood.
The Prison Hill fire burned around 200 acres, said Slamon.
Carson Now will continue to update as information becomes available.
Reader Joe Spencer sent in the following video of a helicopter dipping into Sunridge Golf Course for water to take to Prison Hill.
A helicopter swoops over residences near Carson River Road to fight the Prison Hill Fire.