An awareness rally to prevent law enforcement from encroaching on our 4th Amendment Rights and to put a stop to the killing of our family pets. For questions, please call (775) 881-8131.
The mission and main goal of the FREEZE DON'T SHOOT organization is to bring awareness and resolution to the deadly encounters of family pets with law enforcement officers. This means training and proper containment of our pets, especially when in an emergency situation. We know our dogs personalities and can properly determine when our dog is a true threat.
However, strangers (law enforcement) do not know your dog and without proper education do not know how to read your dog's body language. Most dogs become excited, anxious, protective and/or curious when a stranger enters their environment. Dogs are natual protectors of their people and their homes. They should not be shot or killed for their natual protective instincts.
We are not seeking a revolution. We are seeking a resolution. We believe strongly in law enforcement. We also believe law enforcement doesn't really want to shoot our dogs; they just haven't the proper training to make
informed decisions in the heat of the moment. We support our law enforcement and want them to have the tools they need.
Please join us in a peaceful awareness rally in front of the Legislative Building on Saturday, October 25 from 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm. Please call (775) 881-8131 for more information.