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A convicted murderer dodges and runs from the death penalty again

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A prison inmate convicted of a horrific murder and the kidnapping and rape of a woman has put off his death-coach ride yet again.

Woman caught trying to steal a pick up – owner calls the cops

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A woman who had left her keys in her pickup fortunately got back to it in time to head off a would-be thief trying to get the thing started.

White Out in Washoe Valley

Reno Fire/Paramedic transfers from CTRMC to any hospital in Reno are suspended until further notice.

Old Man Winter has rapid fire storms headed our way!

Warning Summary:…Winter Weather Advisory Now In Effect From 1 Pm This Afternoon
To 4 Am Pst Tuesday…
Warning Message:The Winter Weather Advisory for snow

City Hall to create “citizen advisory panel” on the Nugget Project

City Supervisors this week are expected to formally appoint a number of local residents, business people and several public officials to a special “citizens advisory panel,” to review the $80 million

Activist group says it will circulate voter initiative petitions in an effort to get Big Mining to pay more than one-half of 1% in taxes to the state.

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It’s long been a practice of the states to tax their wealthiest industries to help support what gives them hard working, well educated workers.

Roop Street Alternate Routes recommended

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If we were not clear in our earlier story, here it is again at the behest of our ever-vigilant and ever-so-faithful public servants over at Carson City Public Works!

Suspect arrested on charges he stabbed a man multiple times outside Dos Amigos last weekend

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In what has turned out to be a suspected one-on-one fight between members of two rival gangs, Nick Brown has been taken into custody and charged with the stabbing of a man

A series of big winter storms are coming at us starting Sunday, lasting into next week!

The National Weather Service says the combination of a strong low pressure area in the Gulf of Alaska and a very strong jet stream funneling ocean moisture right at California and Nevada will produce

Long awaited sale of old Gerrard Ranch for City Open Space looks like it is finally going to happen

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An open space crowning jewel along the Carson River is poised to be added to Carson City’s growing family of outdoor recreation areas.

Carson area latinos rally for immigration reform

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Several hundred latinos gathered at the Fuji Park Exhibit Hall this week to take part in a nationwide letter writing campaign to the Congress.

Rory Reid continues to raise campaign funds for his run for Governor at a pretty brisk pace. Better than Sandoval….so far

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Although it’s way early, it is none the less worth noting that Democrat Rory Reid is outraising other candidates for Governor by a wide margin.

A Carson man runs from the law. It took them a few minutes and a couple of damaged patrol cars, but deputies got their man

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When Robert Lee Lopez saw the flashing lights of a cop car behind him Tuesday night, he knew the game was up.

CC Schools embrace “on line learning” in a quick and very big way

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Carson City Schools are going after more than just getting drop outs or students having trouble in school to graduate from high school.

Major traffic headaches through November to re-do Roop from William to Beverly

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At long last Roop is getting widened to a four lane road from Beverly to William.

Governor Gibbons does what used to be called the ole “flip-flop”

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First it was cuts, then it was no cuts. Now we’re back to cuts.

Sandoval offers simple checklist for state budget solutions

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GOP candidate for Governor Brian Sandoval offers up temporary quick-fix to state budget headaches.

Earthquake 'intuitive' says Northern Nevada, California not out of the loop for deadly earthquakes

Though Northern Nevada is not out of the woods for large earthquakes, there is a potential for seismically-charged shakers for the region, says Cal Orey, a Lake Tahoe earthquake intuitive, who predict

School Board picks new President, other officers

As happens every year at this time, the Carson City School Board has picked a new President for itself as well as other officers.

Have a say in the way the CC Freeway landscaping will look

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It’ll be something (for some of us) we will have to look at for decades. So have your say about how the landscaping for the Carson City Freeway ought to look.

The reckless driving didn’t get him arrested. It was his attitude.

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A young Carson man who had just rolled his car in a high speed accident went to jail not because deputies say he had driven recklessly, or that he failed to have proof of i

Carson area man cut up really bad in a fight behind a Highway 50 dance club

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A fight inside a dance club on Highway 50 East was taken outside where the victim was horribly sliced open by his assailant.

Editorial: Who is paying for the downtown “City-Nugget Project?”

Who is paying for the downtown “City-Nugget Project?” It’s a question a web viewer asked on our story last week on the controversial plans to revitalize and create a “fabulous economic renaissance” i

Old Man Winter is returning…

Two strong winter storms are headed our way which will bring gusty winds along with mountain snow and valley rain.

Carson City Fog

Casual clothing giant KOHL’S coming to Carson City

Casual clothing retailer Kohl’s is opening a new store in Carson City this Fall.
Sources tell NewsCarsonCity.com that Kohl’s has purchased the former Mervyn’s building on South Carson Street immedia

Battalion Chief Rich Chrzanowsli’s life is celebrated and his death mourned in services at St. Teresa’s Church today

Hundreds of family friends, and fellow fire fighters from throughout Northern Nevada gathered at St.

The “Personhood” movement takes a hit

Carson City District Court Judge Todd Russell has struck down a proposed change to the Nevada State Constitution that defines a person as having a genome, and therefore has the right to live, whether

Neil Rombardo announces for a second term

Carson City District Attorney Neil Rombardo, finishing out his first term as the city’s chief prosecutor, has announced he is running for a second term.

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