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Really? are you kidding me. This man wants to be the next Sheriff of our town and he says “UM” 42 times and “YA KNOW” 29!!! Mr..

Some alternative ways of raising money. Nevada has a tax system that is far harder on low to middle class taxpayers than just about any state in the country.

CARSON CITY – An annual financial report released today by state Controller Kim Wallin examining the 2009 fiscal year that ended June 30 details just how difficult the national recession has been o

A sigh of relief that could be heard ’round the State Capitol came from what Governor Gibbons told local city and county officials today.

A Carson City man who was angry at a woman for allegedly stealing money from him and who left her bleeding from a gunshot wound in her back in Brunswick Canyon last summer was sentenced Monday to 20 y

A hit and run driver headed south on Stewart and Roop left a power pole sheared off at its base, leaving the pole broken but still standing, held up by the high voltage wires running through it.

Look Nevadans the only way to relieve this burden is to raise taxes-plain and simple; laying off those who work is not the answer-that creates more stress Mr.Gibbons-I know this is NV but this is n

I wonder how the HATERS are going to spin negative on Reid and Obama on this one!

And even if we build that library, will someone still be printing books to stock it?

Again, compelling statements. It is true, anyone can point to any number of reasons why we should keep building libraries.

After 23 years of non-stop controversy, Yucca Mountain appears to be at the end of the road.

Whatever sets a railroad tie on fire shouldn’t have a problem doing the same to a book.

(Click image to play video)
Sheriff’s Captain Bob White talks with Our Town’s Jennie Middleton about his run for Sheriff.

(Click image to play video)
Part 2 of conversation with Sheriff Candidate Capt. Bob White

Well presented. Compelling. I do understand a call for a book repository. Not only for books but for anything recorded in any medium.

this is very sad my heart go to the mother and grandmother

As we race headlong into a new and glorius future, pause a minute before you toss that copy of The Sun Also Rises onto the trash heap of technology along with buggy whips and johnson rods.

After ascertaining that well over 90% of our viewers were here on the internet, rather than on Charter Cable 18, we decided to drop the TV and concentrate on better serving our readers and viewers on

State and local health officials are urging anyone who hasn’t received their H1N1 flu shot to get it as soon as possible.

A tragic end to a valiant fight to save the life of little four year old Jacob who fell ill at his Hot Springs Road apartment Thursday.

Tragiclly he has passed away!!!! He will be missed. Keep his family in your prayers

Even though the Carson High wrestling team saw its undefeated season and streak of 23 straight dual meet victories come to an end, coach Tim McCarthy had no regrets about the way the Senators perf

Jake Waardenburg was perfect for almost seven innings and that was more than enough for the Western Nevada College baseball team to beat one of the top pitchers among Arizona community colleges.<

Virtually no time to practice outside and facing elite competition has been a tough combination for the Western Nevada College softball team.

All points with the exception of Reid’s money are well taken, but as brutal and painful as it may sound salaries and fringe benefits make up a large percent of state budgets be they state agencies,

Exactly what I was thinking since last Monday, when the Los Angeles Times reported that last Christmas – for the first time ever – Amazon sold more books in downloadable electronic form than as tr

There’s nothing worse than being the last soldier shot in a war. Likewise, there’s nothing worse than Carson City taxpayers spending millions on the “last library.” Face it, things change.

If there are no ability to adjust revenue, then layoffs, furloughs, salary reductions or some combination thereof will have to be in the mix to address the state budget shortfall.

State workers are not just numbers to be “adjusted.” They have families to feed, mortgages to pay, etc. just like the private sector.

College of Southern Nevada baseball coach Tim Chambers has never lacked for confidence and with arguably his most talented team ever, there's no surprise that Chambers has high expectations for h

Mama said there would be days like this, but a sign of a good team comes when it's able to win when struggling.

With the Carson High boys basketball team clinging to a 27-24 halftime lead, the message was simple at halftime.

Kramer Champlin picked up right where he left off from last season as the Western Nevada College baseball team won its season opener, 4-2, on Friday against Arizona's South Mountain Community Col

The second annual Carson High baseball fund-raising poker tournament will be held on Saturday, Feb. 20 at the Plaza Hotel Conference Center.

The Carson High freshman boys basketball led all the way on its way to a hard-fought 61-52 Sierra League victory at Wooster on Friday afternoon.

RENO — Mike Arnold just keeps raising the bar higher and higher.

Lt. Governor Brian Krolicki says coming off a hard battle with the Nevada Attorney General over charges that were dropped, has made him ready to take on incumbent U.S. Senator Harry Reid.

The big prediction around the Capitol is that Governor Gibbons will outline the state’s budget shortfall of just under a billion dollars, refuse to raise taxes, and then announce the layoffs of up to

Sprint says customers around Northern Nevada all the way down to San Diego suffered a partial outage of their cell phones this afternoon.

Drivers registering their vehicle at the State Department of Motor Vehicles must proof of insurance on them.

On The State of the Union Speech by President Barack Obama
By Karl Neathammer
While the healthcare debate still consumes much of the oxygen in the country, I found something much more interesting as I

(Click image to play video)
The good work of two Carson City Sheriff’s Deputies who revived an unconscious, not breathing four year old boy, is still being credited with the fact they did the job whil

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Nevada is being lumped into a category it shares with several other states as being the hardest hit by the recession.

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The Obama Administration told reporters today, “We’re done with Yucca Mountain.”

(Click image to play video)
With the state’s budget money disappearing faster than a pile of cards at a magicians’ convention, Nevada cities and counties are meeting with Governor Gibbons to ask him t

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