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An Evening With Jorma Kaukonen

While staring a nearly one billion dollar budget deficit in the face, Governor Gibbons and state lawmakers are already drawing lines in the sand about what they will or won’t consider in closing th

In an effort to sop up a small lake of budgetary red ink, the Washoe County Commission and the Washoe County Board of Trustees are aiming their sites on closing up to three libraries in the county.

For Immediate Release: February 18, 2010

While I am pleased to see the application by Carson City’s Office of Business Development (CCBD) for HUD funds to build a business incubator have been withdrawn, I am still very concerned that it w

So proud of Bob Guimont. Here is a man who has done right by everyone around him and now its time we citizens do right by him and elect him as our next Sheriff in June!

Wow! Finally someone who has the courage and passion to go after the criminals that are running our beautiful town into the ground! Bob Guimont is exactly the man Carson City NEEDS as Sheriff.

Admitting that the downtown Nugget Project is still in its infancy, the City’s Office of Business Development withdrew its request for $2.1 million in federal funds for the economic incubator compo

Go Bob! You had our support last time and you still have it.

I don’t know Bob, but I like his approach. He seems to be no BS and aggressive, which I also hear from people who know him.

The Carson High boys and girls ski teams are well on their way to a third place finish in the Northern 4A Championships.

"I don't think it's a big secret," said Western Nevada College baseball coach D.J. Whittemore after his team dismantled Riverside Community College 10-1 on Wednesday in Riverside.

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By Sean Whaley, Nevada News Bureau

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(Click image to play video)

CARSON CITY – Gov. Jim Gibbons today defended his plan to balance the state budget and challenged critics to come forward with workable alternatives if they object to any parts of his proposal.

In my 35+ years of local news reporting I must say that Captain Mike Biaggini will be one of those officers who I’ll remember as representing the best of his profession.

The Carson High boys basketball team has written its own version of a Charles Dickens novel in its first two meetings against Manogue this season.

Governor Gibbons has notified state lawmakers they will be ordered back to Carson City on February 23rd to convene a special session of the State Legislature to deal with the state’s nearly $900 mi

Carson Performing Arts at Carson High School presents the family favorite,The Wizard of Oz.

overtaxed, they want it to be worth gillions but dont want to pay their fair share of property taxes, come on…………

sun comes out, music gets cranked up and everyones in a hurry………

12:20: Leak stopped. Permanent fix ongoing. Intersection at Clear Creek and Frontage remains closed.

‘Encouraged to apply’ are the key words here. Who’s to say they would be hired or trained to fill those positions?

City Hall’s Office of Business Development is asking the Board of Supervisors to re-direct federal funds that largely go to the poor, the elderly, the handicapped, and for general public improvemen

By Quest Lakes

Add southern Washoe County (Washoe Valley; Franktown area) to the list of over-taxed property owners. Obviously, the taxers are looking for the “deep pockets”.

By Sean Whaley | Nevada News Bureau

By Phillip Moyer | Nevada News Bureau

By Phillip Moyer | Nevada News Bureau

By Sean Whaley | Nevada News Bureau

By Sean Whaley, Nevada News Bureau

The application for the Economic Incubator to be awarded federal Community Development Block Grant funds, that are intended to help low and middle income people, begs the question…do economic incub

The Western Nevada College baseball team is putting the "Wild" into Wildcats.

What was supposed to be a rebuilding season is turning out to be one of the most memorable years for the Carson Senator bowling team.

In general I am not sure why you allow statements such as “Our “advisory” doesn’t mean squat when these Lords and Ladies in higher places want to award fat contracts to their buddies …” to go unch

CARSON CITY – Among the multiple proposals identified today by Gov.

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For many folks around Carson City, today was a very nice day with warmer temperatures and little wind.

A North Carolina woman flew clear across the country only to be arrested in Carson City for trying to smuggle drugs into the Nevada State Prison (NSP) on East 5th.

They are indeed priceless. RSVP requested $15,000. They got a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors that they get half.

I agree with you, Dave. I was just surprised more funds were not allocated. Keeping our elderly independent for as long as we can also helps them thrive (as well as saves taxpayers money).

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