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Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - 9:04am

Film buffs will recall the terror with which the young Vito Corleone’s friends talked of The Black Hand, an invisible but palpable organization whose wrath was universally feared.

Far be it from me to suggest Godfather Harry Reid helms a criminal enterprise as Don Fanucci did in “The Godfather: Part II.” But recent events only reconfirm that the Senate majority leader’s unseen hand controls all within the Democratic Party with a ruthlessness and efficiency that La Cosa Nostra would envy, striking terror into all Democrats within his domain.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - 8:49am

It has been three years since work began on a site along the northern border of Douglas County that moved more than 220,000 cubic yards of earth into a big pile.

It hasn't been quite three years since work on the site of the Riverwood project halted, and in the interim, the project has been the subject of a grand jury investigation, three citations for errant dust by the Nevada Department of Environmental Protection and a lawsuit trying to break the contract.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - 8:42am

Nevada ranks last in "opportunity index," that measures factors like education, crime rate and health care to determine how much opportunity people have for economic success. But Carson City does better in than the state average in high school graduation rate, number of doctors and crime rate. In other words, we suck less than Las Vegas. Hooray!


Fliers that were recently distributed around town offering to paint your house numbers on the curb also showed the logos for the Carson City Sheriff and Fire departments, which made it look like the departments endorsed this business, which they don't according to Sheriff Kenny Furlong. The person who put out the fliers also didn't have a solicitor's license.


Carson girls basketball lose their season opener to Reno High 71-49. Eliza Matley had 19 points for Carson.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011 - 9:17pm

With Wednesday being Nov. 30, and with all of the crazy “Black Friday” shopping madness now safely behind us, we can begin, once again, to think rationally about ideas for Christmas gifts for that special person(s) in our lives.
So, if you were not part of that frenzied mob scene on the day after Thanksgiving, or if you are still scratching your head about what to get for that person, here are some “Don Q” suggestions for Christmas gifts:
Any one or more of these could create a very enjoyable Christmas.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011 - 8:39pm

Here is this week's fishing report from Nov. 30 through Dec. 6, 2011. This report covers rivers, streams and lakes in Nevada, the Sierra, Northern California and Southern Oregon.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011 - 12:58pm

A Carson City Sheriff's deputy arrested Orion Jonathan Haines, 20, an unemployed Gardnerville resident, just after midnight this morning, for a misdemeanor contempt of court warrant, a misdemeanor obstruction of justice, a misdemeanor minor consumption, and a felony possession of dangerous unprescribed drugs.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011 - 8:11am

Donations are lagging for this year's Holiday with a Hero shopping spree for children in need, and organizers are urgently seeking help. Even though the number of homeless kids has doubled, donations are falling short of where they have been in years past.

There is a bank account set up for donations at Bank of the West, 2976 N. Carson St. Carson City, Account #025761072, Tax ID #80-0763632. Make checks payable to Holiday with a Hero. You can also mail donations to Holiday with a Hero, P.O. Box 2790, Carson City, NV 89702. Donations can also be brought to the Carson City Sheriff's Office, 911 E. Musser St. by Dec. 9.

For more information, contact Carson City Sheriff's Detective Daniel Gonzales at dgonzales@carson.org or Detective Dena Lacy at dlacy@carson.org .

Monday, November 28, 2011 - 5:37pm

Property tax assessments were mail out today to Carson City property owners, and according to Assessor Dave Dawley, the assessed value of property has dropped at least 10 percent — $155 million total — since last year.

The drop in value follows at $132 million decline the prior year.

The property assessments take into account property sales up to July 1.

Monday, November 28, 2011 - 4:16pm

Deputies responded to several calls over Thanksgiving weekend.


Monday, November 28, 2011 - 10:28am

Carson City has received national recognition as a “Top Ranked Digital City Government.”

Carson City finished 2nd in its size category, cities between 30,000 and 74,999, in a survey conducted by Center for Digital Government. The Center is a national research and advisory institute that focuses on information technology policies and best practices.