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Choose guardians for young children with care

Choosing a guardian for young children might be the most important and difficult decision a parent can make.The will is where that decision is usually made. It's a significant reason why all parent...

Protect elders from financial abuse

"Hi, Grandpa. I'm in jail in Mexico City." So began a phone call that a friend of mine recently received. My friend was then informed that his grandson had been in a car accident with a member of a...

Commentary by David Y. Cantwell: Remove deception from debt debate

The high drama of our ruling elite regarding the debt ceiling only reminds me of an old joke: How do you know if a politician is lying? His lips are moving.The truth is not being told. In fact, the...

Commentary by Guy W. Farmer: Illegal immigrants and drug trade a scourge

Appeal columnist Eugene Paslov seems to think that those of us who write about enforcing the nation's immigration laws are engaging in "xenophobic gibberish," whatever that is. He recently proposed...

Perry: U.S. tipping but hasn't toppled yet

Assuming that a deal is reached last minute on the debt ceiling, the U.S. economy still will have a great deal of headwind before we see any meaningful recovery. We still have the American consumer...

Commentary by Paslov: Schools: It takes vision, planning to navigate 21st century challenges

School districts and their governing boards are under enormous pressure. There is less money to operate the schools, more demands and greater expectations for teachers, with a corresponding lack of...

Commentary by Chuck Muth: Governor was against letting courts decide before he was for it

Our friend and political pundit Jon Ralston - who supports bigger government and higher taxes - is gonna need a chiropractor after all the contortions he's going through to cover Gov. Brian Sandov...

Commentary by Tyrus W. Cobb: Here's an apology and a retraction to state Supreme Court justices

When one gets his rear end chewed out by those he respects, it tends to make an indelible imprint. I recall one time when President Ronald Reagan was very upset with a memorandum I had written. He ...

Letter: Newspaper knowingly prints lies

Editor's note: This is a letter to the editor submitted to the Nevada Appeal last month that they chose not to run.

Dear Editor,

Is it the policy of the Nevada Appeal to print demonstrably false attacks on the editorial page? I'm referring to the letter to the editor on June 25 that claims, "There is incontrovertible proof that an ineligible usurper sits in the White House."

Fresh ideas: Riding bamboo from East to West

"Before this trip, all I knew how to do was fix a flat tire."I know how to change my bike tire, too, but not much more than that. Armed with that knowledge, would I build a bicycle by hand and t...

AARP: Summer travel can mean tickets if you don't know local laws

Heading out on the road for a summer vacation? Make sure you know the rules of the road in the states you'll be visiting; or you could be in for a traffic ticket. Most of us know the basics when it...

Janice Ayres: Remembering Mike O'Callaghan: A great governor

After writing a previous column about former Gov. Kenny Guinn, I had some calls from people asking me to write about another favorite Nevada governor, Mike O'Callaghan."Governor Mike," as he was af...

Guy W. Farmer: Is 'compromise' a bad word?

Since when did "compromise" become a bad word? I think it happened last fall when disillusioned voters, fed up with President Barack Obama's free-spending, Big Government agenda, sent a bunch of in...

Commentary by Eugene T. Paslov: Most of us are immigrants or are closely related

We must solve the immigration problem and get on with growing our economy and creating jobs. Immigrants and growing the economy are indeed related. Instead, many so-called political leaders spew an...

Commentary by Chuck Muth: The war against the Tax Pledge

Nothing strikes fear into the political left and mushy GOP moderates the way the 25-year-old Taxpayer Protection Pledge does. And the fact that the pledge has been signed by enough House Republican...

Commentary by Tyrus W. Cobb: Mexican drug cartels, gangs bringing violence to Nevada, U.S.

I've got some bad news for you today, and the situation appears as if it will only get worse.The cartel wars in Mexico continue unabated, and the violence and the gangs themselves are increasingly ...

Commentary by Janice Ayres: Remembering why Gov. Guinn was great

I ran into Dema Guinn over the Fourth of July holiday at Adele's and I let her know how heartbroken I was over Kenny's untimely death and how much we missed him. Dema was her beautiful gracious sel...

Sue Morrow: Grandparenting is great, even when it's for a dog

One of the greatest joys of being a grandparent, I've been told, is that when the child comes over for a visit you are able to spoil him or her rotten and then when you want peace and quiet you can...

Guest Columnist David Y. Cantwell: Party politicking works both ways

The recent column by Tina Dupuy amazed me in its attempt to link disapproval with Congress to GOP politics and even McCarthyism. Huh? Using the segue of McCarthyism may be novel but it makes no sen...

Commentary by Guy Farmer: Blood money for Casey Anthony

As 25-year-old party girl Casey Anthony walks out of an Orlando, Fla., jail today, she'll already be thinking about her new career - making money off the unexplained death of her precious 2 1/2-yea...

Commentary by Eugene Paslov: More Republican nonsense

I am deeply concerned that the national Republican Party will destroy our democratic republic. Republicans are extremely effective at maintaining party discipline and at manufacturing political nar...

Commentary by Chuck Muth: Interesting straw poll of Nevada conservatives

A decidedly unscientific straw poll of attendees at the recent Conservative Leadership Conference in Las Vegas provided some rather interesting results. Let's start with the GOP presidential poll: ...

Fresh Ideas: Japan's nuclear power dilemma

Japan lacks natural resources (i.e., oil and coal reserves) and as a consequence has become deeply committed to nuclear power to generate electricity. It has a total of 54 reactors and of these, 35...

Commentary by Janice Ayres: Appointment could haunt Heller

Perhaps Gov. Brian Sandoval didn't do Dean Heller such a big favor after all, by appointing him to the vacancy left by John Ensign's resignation. History tells is that of the 49 such appointments m...

Commentary by Eugene Paslov: The BRIC and its impact on revitalizing downtown

I've been writing an application for a performing arts charter high school (a potential economic driver for the city) for months. I needed a place to work where I could get technical assistance, re...

John Bullis: How green it is

It is great to drive into Carson City from any of the three highways. From the east on Highway 50, the Eagle Valley East Golf Course is a welcome sight. All that green grass sort of says "this is a...

Letter: Move your helicopter night training somewhere else

Dear Editor:

I just read an article about the helicopter training going on at night at the Carson City airport. It is cool we can help these pilots with their training, and the extra income to the area is nice, but I don't know that the lack of sleep for many residents of north Carson is worth it. I don't suppose it is feasible to, in addition to their night-vision training, to incorporate some stealth training?

Republicans double down on debt ceiling

It's been a couple of weeks since I wrote about our local GOP candidate for Congress Mark Amodei and his politically opportunistic attempt to shed his moderate past and prove he's just as crazy as the other Tea Party people by declaring he would vote against raising the debt ceiling.

Commentary by Elliott Parker: U.S. has a lot riding on showdown over debt

Should Congress raise the debt ceiling, or refuse in order to drive through cuts in Social Security, Medicare, and defense spending? This is a question my friend Ty Cobb contemplated in a recent - ...

Commentary by Guy Farmer: Online poker sites court Nevada politicians

A few weeks ago I issued a warning about Assembly Bill 258, a bill passed by the 2011 Legislature that directs state gaming regulators to adopt rules and regulations and issue licenses to Nevada ca...

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