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A Nation Divided Then and Now

Event Date: 
November 2, 2016 - 10:30am

Disagreement is part of human nature, especially in any society that values people as unique individuals.

Geoff was reminded of that recently when he and his sainted wife Jenna watched a reenactment of the Jefferson-Adams debates. Bill Barker and Steven Holloway, two scholars from the Colonial Williamsburg living history museum, played Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, respectively.

Parenthood, Entrepreneurship and My Life as a Super Model  

Children are naturally willing to take risks. We can easily recognize this as they tackle the playground, go down the largest slide, jump from the highest point, and show off their abilities to their parents. Many times they will fall as they are learning to walk, and with determination, they will keep getting back up for their next attempt.

Ballot questions -- STATE 2. Recreational marijuana -- NO

Ballot Questions -- State 1. Background checks for all gun transfers -- NO

Digest and arguments:

Actual text:

First, let's begin with the simple fact that all gun control measures, actual or proposed, are prima facie unconstitutional. Why? Because the Second Amendment plainly says "… the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Please Elect Maurice White for Supervisor, Ward 2

Thank you all who have voted for new representation for Supervisor, Ward 2. If you haven’t yet voted I hope you will carefully consider your options. I will bring a diverse blue collar point of view that will help our Board of Supervisors make better decisions.

I understand our City’s issues. We are not meeting our obligation to provide the basic life and safety services our residents expect and deserve. Our Sheriff and Fire Chief have issued statements expressing their concerns. Various department leaders have remarked about insufficient budgeting.

Three State Ballot Measures We Oppose

Last week we discussed the state ballot measure that would legalize the recreational use of marijuana in Nevada. We have mixed views on that issue, but there are three other important state ballot questions we oppose.

Question 1 would require background checks for almost all gun sales or transfers. That might sound harmless enough or maybe even beneficial to some folks. But it’s quite the opposite.

Carson City Needs Tourism to Thrive

Carson City is at the heart of a tourist mecca and our governing officials, for the most part, see Nevada's capital community as a potential hub for more visitors.

Measuring Liberty and Libertarians

Libertarian votes for Hillary

The corrupt Clinton criminals are repeating this strategy of divide and conquer again in this election and every voter should understand that any Republican vote for third parties helps insure victory for the lollipop guild Hillary who is as intelligent, and honest, as she is tall. The Clinton's crime family rose to power using the divide and conquer assistance of Ross Perot. The Clinton's can win again with only a minority of votes because many voters split the electorate three ways.

Letter: Vote for the candidates who value existing homeowners

Dear Editor,I see from the ad in the Nevada Appeal, that Crowell, Bonkowski and Barrette have finally declared themselves a slate. They say they are for preservation of property rights. Not those of existing Carsonites but only those of absentee developers.

They say they are for protection of home ownership. Not the protection of existing home owners, but for future Californicators with big bucks.

Carson City Question 1: Overdue support for maintaining and improving our transportation infrastructure

Roads and highways play a vital role in a community's ability to function safely and efficiently. A healthy transportation system has the added benefit of encouraging economic growth and a financially strong community.

Carson City has been struggling to maintain its roadway system for decades and in numerous public meetings held this year under the auspices of the Transportation Resource Advisory Forum for Carson City (TRAFCC) it was apparent that without new sources of revenue, the community will fall only further behind on maintaining our streets in a serviceable condition.

Who's the responsible choice for Assembly 40?

I attended all the pre-election forums at the BAC performance hall, and found myself a little bit confused by Republican Assembly candidate Al Kramer's position on background checks for non-FFL firearm purchases. At the forum, I thought I heard Al say he supported universal background checks, by which I assume he meant that he'd be willing to vote for such a bill were he elected as our Assemblyman.

Column: Question 2 not all it’s cooked up to be

To legalize or not to legalize, that is the question we must answer on Nov. 8.

Or, is it?

I’ve taken my time this year to deliberate over the matter of recreational marijuana legalization — in spite of my general instinctive opposition to mind-altering substances — consulting with area experts on drugs and drug policy.

Following hours of interviews, reading and research, my conclusion is that there is something more sinister at stake here over Question 2 than simply the legalization of an illicit drug.

Measuring Nuclear Insanity

The Alarm Clock of History

The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists indicates the doomsday clock is only three minutes left before nuclear war. There has never been a more dangerous time of nuclear confrontation than today. The administration has pursued the Obama/Hillary/Kerry policy of War Through Weakness rather than the Reagan Peace Through Strength policy that won the cold war. The question for a Hillary voter is; Will Mrs. Clinton sell the rest of our uranium just to earn another big payday for Bill from our enemies?

On the Carson City Chamber of Commerce forum for local candidates

Please watch the video as you read my comments. I did not transcribe the Chamber's 5-6 questions.


Nevadans will vote in coming days on legalizing the recreational use of marijuana here, as four other states have already done.

Both advocates and opponents have made strident cases to support their views. However, the two camps cite data that appears to conflict. We have mixed views on this initiative, but we are interested in informational clarity.

Mayor Bob, A Man of Character

"A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the equality of his actions and integrity of his intent." — General Douglas MacArthur

“Mayor Bob Crowell is a genuine leader that shows passion for Carson City, and engages with people at all levels.”
— Shaylin Segura, Carson High student, Ted X Speaker

Measuring Lawless unConstitutional Insanity

Since the rise of the Clinton and Obama Regimes, the Constitution has been shredded by the office of the President. The Congress and the Supreme Court neither has the will nor the majorities needed to reign in the unconstitutional acts of the socialists who are subjugating our constitution and our nation. Foreign interests and money have flooded into our nation usurping the power of the people to rule their own nation.

Measuring Socialist Insanity

The question for a Hillary voter is; Have you learned nothing from eight years of Obamanation socialism and how can another four years of the same failed socialist squandering of taxpayer money ever change anything? Does anyone really believe that socialism will work if we squander more tens of trillions of taxpayer money? In 3700 years of recorded history socialist ideologies have been repeatedly tried and always resulted in the destruction of a nation followed by mass murder from tyrannical dictators. Socialism is slavery.

Entrepreneurs of The Underground Railroad

Editor's Note: Jeff Glass is a children's book author, youth advocate and social entrepreneur. Jeff writes entrepreneurial curriculums for the state of Nevada and the juvenile justice system. He lives in Carson City. This is the first in a series of articles.

“The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.” — Henry David Thoreau

Measuring Feminist Insanity

A recent left wing CNN poll indicates that Trump is fifteen points above Hillary on the issue of trust. Some feminist organizations are generating the old divide and conquer smear campaigns to argue that the laws broken by the Clinton crime family should be ignored because Trump's politically incorrect genitals are not to be trusted. This argument makes about as much sense as suggesting that men and women need different forums such as 'women to women' or 'man to man'. This is the disreputable strategy of divide and conquer to pretend that men and women share nothing in common.

Nevada's Tax and Spending Changes Play Poorly on National Stage

Every two years, the Cato Institute in Washington, DC ranks the recent changes in state fiscal policies to give readers an understanding of the trends prevailing in each state. Last week, Cato released its newest Fiscal Report Card, and Nevada fares poorly.

Of the 50 states plus Washington, DC, Nevada ranks 47th due to its unfavorable shifts in tax rates and spending in the last legislative session.
Study author Chris Edwards notes that large unfunded liabilities for public-employee pensions and ballooning Medicaid costs are putting upward pressure on state budgets.

Welcome to Sheldonville

I wandered over to Firkin and Fox on Sunday morning expecting the back bar to be a quiet place where I could watch some football.

Ax Not What You Can Do For Your Country?

Event Date: 
November 8, 2016 (All day)

We now begin the process to decide if we want more of the same or to change the actions of our elected officals by giving them the ax. Perhaps a rhyme that even children can understand will add some entertainment value to an otherwise solemn duty for every voter. We now recite and dedicate 'Lizzies Ax' for posterity and your amusement to aid our recall on November 8th at the ballot box.

A Warning About Public Funding of Stadiums

As our readers know, we’re huge sports fans. So the idea of going to a professional sporting event in our home state of Nevada is very exciting.
And that excitement is resonating across Nevada as the Oakland Raiders are considering relocating to Las Vegas.

However, that excitement alone isn’t enough to justify higher taxes in order to provide public funding for constructing a new stadium. Professional sports are, after all, a business and should be financed on their own.

Lester Holt Very Biased in Moderating Presidential Debate

First thing in Monday night’s Presidential debate, moderator Lester Holt told a whopper that illustrates the left-wing bias of lamestream media pundits and how they concoct completely false narratives to serve that bias and promote statist-liberal Democrats.

Letter: Last chance to speak to Planning Commission on Vintage project

The Planning Commission meeting on Thursday Sept. 29th, in the Community Center Auditorium at 5:00 p.m. is concerning the Vintage Project.

A reply to "The Vintage: Be part of the solution, not the problem"

This is a reply to http://carsonnow.org/reader-content/09/26/2016/vintage-be-part-solution-.... I am not on Facebook, so I have to do it like this.

The Vintage: Be part of the solution, not the problem

Growing up here I remember yearly the Anderson Ranch Cattle coming through the streets passing by our front yard, It was a unforgettable experience! My open space was taken away by the “Friends of the Anderson Ranch”. Kim Anderson Colard, the property owner, addressed this on May 15 in a wonderful article. It is her personal property and she has a right to sell it and has been careful on what she saw fit for the area that would be appropriate for our community.

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