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Girls Are the Key to Powering America’s STEM Future

New technology and scientific innovations make our world more connected and more competitive, and it isn’t just scientists and the experts in Silicon Valley who are noticing these changes. As a United States senator from Nevada and the CEO of Girl Scouts of the USA, we have seen firsthand how technology is changing the fabric of our everyday lives and increasing the competitiveness of American businesses in towns and cities across the U.S.

Column: Stepping into the wild horse debate, one hoof at a time

American founding father Benjamin Franklin is credited with having once said, "The first mistake made in politics is getting into it."

Here in Northern Nevada, the same could be said about jumping feet first into the debate over the Silver State's population of wild horses, an emotionally-charged, hot-button topic if there ever was one.

Opinion: Judicial Appointments — The Long Game

While the media and House Democrats will focus their attention on investigating President Donald Trump in 2019, Senate Republicans will concentrate on the long game of reshaping the federal judiciary by confirming as many of President Trump’s judicial nominees as they can in 2019-2020.

Column: What 2019 means to history

While no one can truly know the future, the year 2019 is going to be full of notable anniversaries commemorating events significant to history. Some we celebrate, others we mourn or memorialize. Some are remembered fondly, others with grief.

Here is a look at some of the more profound anniversaries we will observe this year:

Column: Making good New Year's choices

I'm a bit of a New Year's humbug. I really don't celebrate the holiday. I'm usually "sawing logs" between one year and the next by the time the ball drops on the West Coast.

Column: The night before Christmas in Carson City

'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the town, not a square inch was dry as drenching rain from the sky came down.

Column: Is Santa Claus for real?

With the exception of "the birds and the bees," there is probably no more sensitive topic to discuss with our children than the existence of Santa Claus.

For the record, I believe in Santa Claus. Yup, I do.

Christmas Greetings

Event Date: 
December 19, 2018 - 8:15am

As we approach the holiday season and Christmas draws nigh, let us share with you some Christmas memories.

Both Ron and James grew up in the same area of the country, albeit at different times. Ron grew up in the 1950s and 1960s in a small town in Illinois across the Mississippi River from St. Louis. James grew up during the 1970s in a suburban area of the city on the Missouri side of the river. James’s mother even attended the high school that was the arch-rival to Ron’s in his sports, cross-country and track.

Column: Don't just shop here, give here

So much media attention is given to shopping this time of year, and area small business advocates have been encouraging folks to shop locally during the holiday season.

But don't stop there.

The Vintage at Kings Canyon

I read with great interest the two letters in response to Guy Farmer's op-ed piece related to the Vintage at Kings Canyon development.

While the individuals were correct in that the Andersons have every right to sell their land, the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors are not automatically obligated to approve a zoning amendment from agricultural to residential to allow for said land to be developed.

Column: Today is Wreaths Across America, and so much more

Lone Mountain Cemetery is the final resting place for more than 1,700 military veterans dating back to the American Civil War.

Today they are honored this Christmas season for their service and sacrifice with Wreaths Across America, a nationwide event placing wreaths at the graves of fallen military personnel and veterans.

Don't knock opportunity, answer it

Worldwide the United States is regarded as the land of opportunity. That is generally true for millions of Americans, but it may not be true much longer i the Battle Born state when it comes to education.

Lyon County schools address unsportsmanlike behavior

Event Date: 
December 18, 2018 - 6:30pm

A referee must end a high school football game early in the fourth quarter after multiple personal foul calls for cheap shots and a slew of profanities being hurled across the grid iron, causing the visiting team to be escorted by police to their buses.

Column: Don't forget to fill your empty bowl Friday night

I'll be eating soup for dinner tonight.

But unlike others in the community who struggle every day with hunger, my bowl won't be empty.

Thank you extended to Gov. Sandoval for efforts to repair damaged Battle Born Monument

Members of Veterans of Foreign War, (VFW), Post 3726 are angered by the damage caused to the new Battle Born Monument on the capitol grounds in Carson City. A handful of skateboarders using the monument as a skate park showed an appalling lack of respect.

We understand that Gov. Brian Sandoval intends to replace the damaged stone by the end of the year. We applaud this decision and fully support him in this endeavor, as this monument identifies Nevadans who have fallen in service to their country.

We thank the governor for his efforts to repair the Battle Born Monument.

Our Analysis of Nevada’s 2018 General Election (Opinion)

We’ve seen analyses of what happened in Nevada’s 2018 general election and heard various claims and characterizations. Under our leadership, the controller’s office has been known as nerd central because we rely on numbers, facts and quantitative analysis, instead of glittering generalities and snappy narratives. So, let’s do that for the election results.

Column: The significance of being insignificant

Two years ago at Christmas time, I made my way across the Capitol Plaza to cover bench dedications in downtown Carson City.

But something caught my eye when I reached the Nevada Slain Law Enforcement Officers Memorial, causing me to pause.

Letter to the Editor: A reminder that restaurant management reflects the business

Recently, I was subjected to poor management at a new local restaurant in Carson City. We have all experienced poor management within our work careers and thought a friendly reminder should be sent out this Holiday Season.

The manager and the serving employees are the face of the business to their clients that patronize the food establishment. Management can make or break a business.

Silver State Musings: The election is over, enjoy the holidays, then get to work

The dust has finally settled on Nevada's 2018 mid-term elections following months of relentless media blitzing. I doubt that I am the only one breathing a sigh of relief.

Vintage at Kings Canyon to come before Carson City Planning Commission Nov. 28

The Project known as Vintage at Kings Canyon (the Andersen Ranch) is again before city officials. The applicants are asking for an amendment to the originally approved Planned Unit Development (PUD) from December of 2016.

They are asking for:

Free talk on domestic violence Nov. 27

Event Date: 
November 27, 2018 (All day)

Here are some random tidbits on domestic violence I bet you didn't know:

According to the Nevada Domestic Violence Resource Manual, most victims of domestic violence leave their abusers — often several times. It may take a number of attempts to permanently separate because abusers use violence, financial control, or threats about the children to compel victims to return.

Column: Centennial observance of Armistice Day

Veterans Day this year commemorates the 100th anniversary of World War I armistice, an agreement between the Allied Powers and Germany that brought an official end to hostilities in the "Great War."

Free informative talk for victims of violent crime who are navigating the justice system

My name is Colleen Bannister and I was a victim of a violent crime. I am sending this follow up letter in response to the many people that reached out to me either through Carson Now or on Facebook because of the first letter.

Pitbull Mauls Chihuahua

I am writing this with a heavy heart tonight. My 7 year old Chihuahua Squirrel was killed tonight by two pitbulls at the old Boys and Girls Club located on Stewart Street. My father took our dogs to the park like always, and when he got there, two pitbulls, a brown one and a white one charged at Squirrel. Both pitbulls got a hold of him and the nightmare began. My dad began screaming frantically and there was nothing he could do. One of the owners, a lady came up to my dad and said "oh no your dog is bleeding" my dad responded, in tears, that your dog did this!!!

SMART21: What It Means to You (Opinion)

As Nevadans decide who will be our state leaders for the next four years, we want to highlight the most significant project affecting the controller’s office and many others.

Shocked Hindus strongly condemn Pittsburgh synagogue massacre

Hindus have strongly condemned Saturday morning's massacre at Tree of Life*Or L’Simcha Congregation, a synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; and expressed sympathy to victims.

Silver State Musings: Nevada on cutting edge of period technology at statehood

What is the longest email you've ever written and sent to someone? Were they afraid to read it? Were you?

I've written some doozies in my time, but they were never quite the novella that the original Nevada State Constitution was; 175 transcribed pages transmitted entirely by telegraph wire.

Mourning the Loss of Dennis Hof (Opinion)

When news of the sudden death of Assembly candidate and brothel owner Dennis Hof reached us last Tuesday, we were quite stunned by it. We had gotten to know Dennis, and James had seen him several times in the weeks preceding his sudden departure.

One of his great gifts was the ability to make you feel you were the most important person in the room. Two occasions involving James come to mind, but Ron felt the same way.

Letter to editor: A victim of speaks out

My name is Colleen Bannister and I was a victim of a violent crime. This is a bit lengthy so I apologize but so is the ride through the justice system. Entering the justice system is nothing like people think. You think it's as easy as you are a victim and the bad guy will be punished.

Silver State musings: Nevada Day, Halloween, Dennis Hof and elections

Every year folks ask what day Halloween trick-or-treating occurs in Carson City.

In any other state and in any other Nevada community, there is no question. Trick-or-treating happens each year on Halloween night, Oct. 31.

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