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Nevada Politics

Stories about Nevada Legislature, Government and Politics

Harry Reid to undergo more eye surgery Wednesday

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid will undergo another round of surgery Wednesday to repair his eye following exercise-related injuries ......

Harry Reid to undergo more eye surgery Wednesday

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid will undergo another round of surgery Wednesday to repair his eye following exercise-related injuries ......

Into the heart of darkness.....

Michele Fiore has a radio show.
This, in and of itself, is not very interesting. If you listen to talk-radio, you realize: Anyone can have a radio show.
But on her program this weekend, Assemblywoman Fiore was joined by three other members of the Ass. GOP Caucus -- so almost one-sixth of that group ...

When it comes to faith, Obama (mostly) gets it

President Obama has been criticized in the wake of his speech last week to the National Prayer Breakfast, but that criticism mostly misses the point: The president’s grasp of faith is actually quite mature....

Reid headed back to hospital for follow-up surgery

Senator Harry Reid will return to the hospital on Wednesday morning for follow-up surgery on his right eye that was damaged in a freak exercise accident at his home on New Year’s Day, according to a spokeswoman....

Former SOS Ross Miller lands job with Fine Entertainment

Former Secretary of State Ross Miller has been hired as vice president for business development and general counsel at Fine entertainment in Las Vegas.He said the position will allow him to use both his business and l...

Wells to take over budget office March 2

Jim Wells has been named interim Director of Administration replacing Julia Teska who resigned effective March 2.Wells is currently executive director of the Public Employee Benefits Program. Prior to that, he was dep...

Texas company offers to take nuclear waste for interim storage

A Dallas-based company is offering to store high-level used nuclear fuel at a site in West Texas until the government can find a place to permanently bury the highly radioactive waste....

Sandoval names new interim budget director

Gov. Brian Sandoval named a new interim budget director Monday to replace Julia Teska, who is leaving her cabinet post to join her family in Colorado and accept a new opportunity....

Officials: Property tax revenue could take decades to rebound

Local government officials said while they’ve weathered the economic downturn by cutting budgets and services, they don’t expect their biggest revenue source to return to peak performance for a decade or two....

Bill would loosen restrictions on political advertising

A Nevada lawmaker is proposing a bill that would loosen restrictions on disclosing political advertising contributions. Republican state Sen. James Settelmeyer is sponsoring Senate Bill 104, which would exempt political candidates from ......

Obama reads ‘thick book full of death’ when reviewing national security

President Barack Obama defended himself against critics of his foreign policy, arguing he’s well aware of the challenges facing the nation internationally and has made strides in confronting them....

GOP strategist behind Nevada sweep gets national post

When Republicans swept Nevada’s ballot in November, political insiders handed a big slice of credit to one man — Chris Carr. Carr funded a nonprofit called ......

What happened with the GSA in Vegas stymies federal workers

When federal employees get together for training and meetings, fancy lunches aren’t on the menu anymore. In fact, food of any kind — tuna fish sandwiches, green salad, oatmeal cookies — can no longer be served by the government. Even coffee ......

Could lobbyists one day be obsolete?

If you’ve got business you’d like to see taken up by the Legislature this session, it can pay to send in a professional ......

Demo, GOP insiders say Reid is toast for 2016

The votes are in and U.S. Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada is the winner. Sort of....

Surprise: Treasurer, controller offer alternative Nevada budget

Nevada Treasurer Dan Schwartz and state Controller Ron Knecht, two fiscal conservatives swept into office by the Republican wave, have released an alternative Nevada budget to rival GOP Gov. Brian Sandoval’s spending plan....

North Korea fires five ‘cutting-edge’ missiles off coast

North Korea tested what it described as a new type of “cutting-edge” anti-ship missile with its leader Kim Jong Un pictured beaming at the launch, as shown in state media on Saturday....

GOP off to fast start in Legislature

Republican lawmakers made it clear in the first week of the 2015 Nevada legislative session that there is a new sheriff in town....

Some library patrons will have to pay for IRS tax forms this year

The Internal Revenue Service has limited the amount of free federal tax forms it will provide to places that participate in the Tax Forms Outlet Program, including libraries in the Las Vegas Valley and Boulder City....

Nevada Legislature: Local governments see chance for more home rule

Session after session, local governments have brought their case to the Legislature asking for at least some control over purely local issues and problems.Their pleas have largely fallen on deaf ears in a ...

Gov. budget balanced on $1.8 billion in added money

All eyes and most of the talk has been focused on the $1.1 billion worth of extended sunsets and new taxes in Gov. Brian Sandoval’s recommended 2016-17 budget.That includes $544.5 million over the biennium by extending the “tem...

Speak to the press and you might be fired, Henderson tells city employees

Henderson city employees could be fired for talking to a news reporter under a new and highly unusual policy....

Health officer says no scientific connection between vaccines and autism

State Health Officer Tracey Green told lawmakers on Friday despite the concerns raised by some parents, there’s no proven connection between vaccinations — including for measles — and autism in children.Green said she and count...

All LV, NLV council incumbents draw opponents

None of Las Vegas or North Las Vegas’ City Council incumbents will win re-election without a fight. Three might even have to fight a soccer stadium....

Nevada legislators told of ‘loopholes’ in live entertainment tax

A panel of lawmakers spent Friday afternoon learning about Nevada’s live entertainment tax, a levy that generates more than $150 million a year but is filled with loopholes....

DNC official meets with Nevada Democrats over voter ID law

The head of the Democratic National Committee met Friday with Nevada activists to discuss strategies to defeat a proposed voter ID law that could hurt the party’s turnout here in the 2016 presidential election....

Disfigured soldier speaks out in Las Vegas for veterans suffering pain, injuries

The standing ovation for retired Army Staff Sgt. Shilo Harris was so long and loud that he pulled his ears off — the artificial ones doctors had made for him during his long road to recovery from a bomb blast in Iraq....

Committee OKs bill to build schools, suspend prevailing wage

A Senate committee has passed a Republican-sponsored bill that would provide money to build new schools but suspend wage rules favored by unions. The Senate Government Affairs Committee approved ......

Judge shreds city's arguments, says he won't "deprive the people of their right" to vote on stadium

In a devastating setback for proponents of a stadium funded partially with public money, Judge Jerry Wiese ruled Friday that the measure can go on the June ballot.
In so doing, Wiese parsed the meaning of the constitutional definitions the city had relied on, shredded the government's arguments and ...

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