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Nevada Politics

Stories about Nevada Legislature, Government and Politics

Nevada treasurer dumps airport fee idea, rewrites state budget

Putting together a budget for the state of Nevada isn’t so easy after all....

No magic words, no problem!

The Nevada Supreme Court (ultimately) rules that a conservative group does not have to disclose the donors who paid for a flier targeting then-Assemblyman John Oceguera back in 2010, because the law at the time didn’t require such reporting....

Senate hears bill to boost Millennium Scholarship requirements

Community college students would have to carry more credit hours per semester to be eligible for Nevada’s Millennium Scholarship under two separate bills being floated in the Legislature....

Nevada high court withdraws its Citizen Outreach decision

In a rare action by the Nevada Supreme Court, a decision issued Monday in a case involving Citizen Outreach has been withdrawn due to a clerical error....

Las Vegas stadium subsidy opponents fear proposed zoning code change

It’s easy to get a new soccer stadium that Las Vegas taxpayers may not want. Just call it something else. Stadium subsidy opponents fear that’s the reasoning behind a bill set for introduction at City Hall next week, when Councilman and longtime stadium supporter Ricki Barlow will pitch his peer...

Obama sends authorization proposal to fight ISIS to Congress

President Barack Obama sent Congress a proposal on Wednesday for authorization to use military force against Islamic State that would limit the operation to three years and bar any large-scale invasion by U.S. ground troops....

Nevada Legislature: Capitol Police pay gap raised by lawmakers

Lawmakers were told on Tuesday the Capitol Police division has a 32 percent vacancy rate at present and always has difficulty not only recruiting officers but keeping them.After Assemblyman Chris Edwards, R-Las Vegas,...

Nevada lawmakers looking at sales and service taxes

Lawmakers want to review Nevada’s sales tax structure as part of a series of discussions on the state’s major revenue streams.The Senate Committee on Revenue and Economic Development plans to hear presentations on t...

Congress set to pass bill approving Keystone XL pipeline

The Republican-controlled Congress is set to send a bill approving the Keystone XL oil pipeline to President Barack Obama, who has vowed to ......

Transparency groups celebrate ruling on campaign disclosures

In a move celebrated by transparency advocates, Nevada's Supreme Court ruled this week against a conservative activist group accused of violating ......

Henderson approves city’s first medical pot dispensary

Henderson’s first medical marijuana dispensary won unanimous approval Tuesday night from the City Council....

Nevada Senate sustains five Sandoval vetoes

The Nevada Senate on Tuesday put to rest the remaining five bills vetoed by Gov. Brian Sandoval after lawmakers went home in 2013.But there was some pushback from Democrats on two of the measures — particularly Senate...

Bill pushed by California U.S. senators would protect desert lands in Nevada’s backyard

More than a million acres of California desert, including a prized Joshua tree forest just southwest of Searchlight, would receive new federal protection under a bill being pushed by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif....

PERS hearing draws no fire over premium increase

The Public Employees Retirement System presented on Thursday its budget before the Senate Finance Committee.However, not a single question was raised about the 2.25 percent premium increase approved by the PERS Board....

Health officer says no scientific connection between vaccines and autism

State Health Officer Tracey Green told lawmakers on Friday despite the concerns raised by some parents, there’s no proven connection between vaccinations — including for measles — and autism in children.Green said she...

Gov. budget balanced on $1.8 billion in added money


Nevada Legislature: Businesses oppose giving local governments more autonomy

Nevada state senators were urged on Monday to oppose a plan giving local governments more autonomy in handling certain issues currently controlled by the state.Spokesmen for industry, homebuilders and tru...

Comedy Central says Jon Stewart leaving ‘The Daily Show’

Jon Stewart, who turned his biting and free-wheeling humor into an unlikely source of news and analysis for viewers of "The Daily Show," will leave as host this year ... ...

Nevada bill to allow medical pot tax collection draws no opposition

No opposition was raised Tuesday during a hearing on a bill that would allow the state Department of Taxation to move forward with the collection of excise taxes on the sale of medical marijuana....

Gov. Jindal: Flap over ‘white’ portrait ‘silly’

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal on Monday slammed liberals for being “obsessed with race,” calling it “silly” to divide people by their race....

Veterans advocate files motion to get back property seized in Nevada legislator extortion probe

A Las Vegas veterans advocate filed a court petition Tuesday seeking the return of his property seized by Metro on Jan. 31 when detectives executed a search warrant in their investigation into the alleged extortion of Assemblyman Chris Edwards....

Capital Crossfire: Governing in the 78th Session of the Nevada State Legislature

Capital Crossfire hosts Shelly Aldean and Karl Neathammer welcome their guest District 40 Assemblyman PK O’Neill in a discussion about issues coming before the 78th session of the Nevada State Legislature.

Capital Crossfire airs on Access Carson City Television (Charter Cable Channel 226) on Tuesdays at 8 p.m., Saturdays at 2 p.m. and Sundays at 7:30 p.m.

Reid to staff: Full speed ahead to 2016

Moving to end speculation about his political future, U.S. Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada delivered a message to his staff on Tuesday that he is moving full speed ahead to run for re-election in 2016....

RJ editor to state lawmakers: Pass our bills! (Or else)

In a cliche-ridden missive to state lawmakers, the editor of the state's largest and least complete newspaper urges the Gang of 63 to "seize the oppportunity before you" and pass what he wants passed.
The letter, which you can see below, contains these gems from Editor Michael Hengel:
►"Nevada is at...

Most insane legal document ever? Quite possibly

This legal document was posted by Citizen Outhouse boss Chuck Muth, who clearly has a relationship with activist Rob Lauer, whose home was searched as part of an ongoing political corruption probe by Metro police.

Nevada justices: Citizen Outreach fliers supporters must be reported

The Nevada Supreme Court has upheld a lower court ruling finding that political fliers distributed by Citizen Outreach in 2010 were “express advocacy” requiring disclosure of who paid for them to the secretary of state....

Why would gun control advocates see Nevada as a source of hope?

As a gun-loving state where Republicans have launched a wave of pro-firearm proposals since taking control of the Legislature in 2014, Nevada might seem like anything but ......

‘Pop-Tarts gun bill’ lands in Nevada Legislature, prompts Twitter jokes

Protection of students' freedoms, or overreaction to a few bad decisions by school administrators? Nevada legislators are divided on a new bill that would protect students from being disciplined for crafting make-believe weapons out of building blocks, food and ......

Nevada Legislature: Businesses oppose giving local governments more autonomy

Nevada state senators were urged on Monday to oppose a plan giving local governments more autonomy in handling certain issues currently controlled by the state.Spokesman for industry, homebuilders and tru...

Did someone really try to buy, or extort, Chris Edwards’ vote?

A lot of interesting names showed up as contributors to freshman assemblyman Chris Edwards’ campaign after he was elected and made the decision to vote for John Hambrick for speaker....

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