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voter ID

Sierra Nevada Forums: Money In Politics & Voter Issues

Event Date: 
Repeats every day until Thu May 19 2016 .
May 18, 2016 - 6:00pm
Event Date: 
May 19, 2016 - 6:00pm

Sierra Nevada Forums and League of Women Voters present Money in Politics and Voter Issues. Speakers include Karen Nicholson of the LWV of US, Sondra Cosgrove of College of Southern Nevada and Annette Magnus, Battle Born Progress. Moderated by Robert Morin, WNC. Brewery Arts Center Performance Hall, doors open at 5:30 pm.

2 Nevada voter ID measures move with no recommendations

Two voter ID measures moved out of the Nevada Assembly Legislative Operations and Elections Committee on Thursday without a recommendation....

Nevada Assembly committee to vote on 2 voter ID bills

A Nevada Assembly committee is expected to decide on two bills requiring voters to show identification in order to cast a ballot. The Assembly Legislative Operations and Elections Committee is scheduled to vote Thursday on AB253 and AB266. The measures would ......

DMV blames long lines on more demands, warns more to come

An official with the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles told lawmakers Thursday that the long lines at offices are growing in part due to new demands placed on the agency, with bills this session that could add voter ID cards, moped registration and medical marijuana caregiver cards for pet own...

Five things we learned at the voter ID hearing

A hearing over a pair of voter ID laws descended into craziness on Tuesday....

Nevada voter ID proposal brings contentious debate

A proposal that would require Nevadans to provide a valid ID before they could vote sparked a contentious, two-hour debate at the state Legislature on Tuesday....

Experts say GOP-fueled voter ID bill wouldn't curb election fraud

Election experts in Nevada and elsewhere say proposed voter ID laws would do nothing to prevent the casting of illegal ballots. But a cohort of right-wing legislators insist that ......

Update on two key bills: Bond rollover/prevailing wage and voter ID

Here's what's happening on two GOP bills driving Democrats batty:
►SB 119: The bill to allow school bonds to automatically roll over and remove prevailing wage requirements from school construction is in limbo in the Assembly after passing the Senate on

Voter ID bill introduced in Nevada Senate

Voters would be required to show photo identification before casting a ballot under a bill introduced Tuesday in the Nevada Senate....

DNC official meets with Nevada Democrats over voter ID law

The head of the Democratic National Committee met Friday with Nevada activists to discuss strategies to defeat a proposed voter ID law that could hurt the party’s turnout here in the 2016 presidential election....

Sandoval explains tax plan, ed reforms, says SOS falsely claimed his backing for voter ID, and much more from gov

In an exclusive one-hour sitdown the morning after his State of the State, Gov. Brian Sandoval explained why he proposed the largest tax increase in history to pay for the broadest education reform agenda in history, suggested he has only a passing interest in other GOP plans for collective bargaini...

Shift to GOP control in Carson City could boost voter ID law

The last couple of times Barbara Cegavske backed bills in the Nevada Legislature to require voters to show photo identification to cast ballots, the proposed legislation didn’t make it out of committee.
Democrats blocked voter ID legislation in 2007 and in 2009, when Cegavske supported such bills, and beyond.

Judge Hears Challenges to Nevada Voter ID Measure

CARSON CITY — Critics of a proposal pushed by conservative activist Sharron Angle to require photo identification to vote in Nevada argued Wednesday that the measure fails to inform voters of possible costs and doesn't specify the types of identification that would be necessary.

Judge Hears Challenges to Nevada Voter ID Measure

CARSON CITY, Nev. — A proposed constitutional amendment pushed by conservative activist Sharron Angle to require photo identification to vote comes under scrutiny as a judge hears challenges to the initiative.

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