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United Nations

The Dangers of Dihydrogen Monoxide: Be Afraid!

On April 1st of this year, two morning disc jockeys from the Fort Myers, Southwest Florida area, informed their audience that dihydrogen monoxide was in the city’s water supply.

They should be applauded for bringing attention to this pervasive, nefarious and evil chemical seeping into our homes every time we shower, water our lawn, or take a drink from our faucets, because it is also prevalent in Carson City’s water supply!

In the 1997, 14 year old Nathan Zohner of Idaho warned us of its terrible effects:
• It can cause excessive sweating and vomiting.

Immigration 'Reforms'? Real Reform Is As Simple As 1-2-3-4


1. Secure the borders.
2. Quit politicizing immigration and illegal immigration.
3. Turn off the magnet to illegal immigration.
4. Put an end to “anchor babies.”


As an immigrant and a naturalized U.S. citizen myself, with several generations of U.S. citizens in my extended family tree and none left in Europe, I am writing to express my most vehement protest against the proposed “reforms” in our immigration laws that are being announced at the present time, whether they come from the president or Congress.

Opinion: Deconstructing Agenda 21

In his classic essay, entitled The Paranoid Style in American Politics, Richard Hofstadler, succinctly stated the following:“We are all sufferers from history, but the paranoid is a double sufferer, since he is afflicted not only by the real world, with the rest of us, but by his fantasies as well.”

Nevada State DARE Officer Conference Begins Monday

By Lisa Davis
Carson City Sheriff’s Office was selected by the Nevada DARE Officer Association (NDOA) as an “Agency of Choice” and will host the Nevada State DARE Officer Conference May 2-5, 2011. DARE Officers representing law enforcement agencies from across the state will be participating in a variety of training activities that will enhance classroom skills, update DARE lessons, and to discuss current prevention issues. The event is sponsored by Northern Nevada Coin, Fandango, and Carson Station, with additional funding through Justice Assistance Grant.

Culture-defining recipes worth saving

Just when you thought the United Nations was only good for dishing out sanctions and giving third world dictators a venue to vent, along comes UNESCO - the United Nations Educational, Scientific...

Carson City Sheriff's Office picked to host state DARE conference

The Carson City Sheriff’s Office will host the Nevada State DARE Officer Conference June 8-9. It is the second time Carson City has been selected to host the annual event, which brings DARE officers together from around the state to discuss programs, curriculum and prevention issues.
There will be around 35 officers who will attend the Carson City event.

Fresh Ideas: Americans burying heads in sand on climate issue

Fresh Ideas: Americans burying heads in sand on climate issueBy Anne Macquarie Fo

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