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Nevada Division of Tourism wins top national honor for 'Don't Fence Me In' campaign

At a recent U.S. Travel Association event in Florida, winners of the 2016 national Mercury Awards were announced. TravelNevada was named Best Public Relations Campaign for its current “Don’t Fence Me In” millennial marketing effort.

Business Spotlight: High Sierra Business Systems keeps local businesses running

The front office of a business is a customer's first impression. One that operates efficiently is key to the bottom line.

Bill Dunning understands this.

It's why his company has been serving business customers region-wide for more than 30 years.

Young Hot Rodder Just Chasing His Dreams

Dayton Valley Days is an event that happens every year in the small town of Dayton, Nev. Locals come out to the event to see different vendor booths, have barbecue and chili cook offs, and get to enjoy some cool classic cars that attend the Dayton Valley Days Car Show "Show N' Shines."

How's ObamaCare Working for You?

As Barack Obama’s second Presidential term winds down, what can one say about his signature domestic initiative, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare or ACA)?

Passed in 2010 by a Democrat Congress without a single Republican vote, it promised to improve health care, cut costs and assure everyone is protected by insurance. Also, numerous times, unequivocally on the public record, Obama assured us: If you like your health insurance, you can keep it; if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

None of those goals and assurances was realized. All failed.

Voters Should Have a Say in Local Government

All workers have the constitutional freedom of association and may form labor unions if they so choose. Under the same constitutional right, employees should be free not to join the union. And employers, public or private, should have the right to bargain with a union or not.

What Works: The Labor of Letting Go

This is the first Labor Day I didn’t force myself to work. After the Temple Burn at Burning Man, I decided I needed to dedicate a little time today to a different kind of work. That work was emotional in nature.

See, the Temple Burn on the Playa is a somber moment. It’s a time of reflection, letting go, and grief. The purpose is to release pain, bad habits, and what no longer serves.

Senator Square: CHS family made up of artists and cheerleaders, mountain bikers to band members

Carson High School offers more than an amazing education, it provides students from around the capital city with new opportunities every year to participate in multiple clubs, organizations and events. Let's take a look.

Boyhood friends have put Carson City on the barbecue map

Barbecued ribs are delicious any time of year.

But there is something about Labor Day weekend that makes them special, particularly in Carson City.

Tea Parties Were a Reaction to Bipartisan Cronyism

Event Date: 
August 10, 2016 - 9:30am

In our last column, we explained that the financial collapse of 2007-08 was due much to collusion between private banks and government. Congressional mandates required lenders to issue mortgages to people who couldn’t afford them. Then, government agencies would purchase the faulty loans from the banks, thus relieving the banks of the risks.

Nevada board approves $125K more to defend voucher-style school program

The state has now paid the outside counsel hired to defend the school vouchers legislation $545,000.The Nevada Board of Examiners voted Tuesday to allow the spending on Bancroft Associates, which is ...

Obituary: Drusilla J Service

SERVICE, Drusilla “Drucy” J, 86, of Chester, VA, went home to be with her Lord peacefully surrounded by family July 31st, 2016.

Born on March 14, 1930 in Bolckow, MO, Drusilla spent her life in California, Nevada and Virginia. A beloved mother, grandmother, great grandmother and friend, she had an unwavering and steadfast devotion to her family and to the Lord. Drusilla’s belief in goodness, her sense of optimism, and her belief that everything would be all right was an inspiration to all who knew her.

Carson City looks to be at the forefront of state tourism

Three years of change and rebranding efforts by the Carson City Visitors Bureau (CCVB) are turning the Nevada state capital into a tourist destination, said CCVB Executive Director Joel Dunn, and no longer a point on the road map to pass through.

Carson City weather: Scattered thunderstorms today, sunny and pleasant through weekend

Heading into the three-day holiday weekend, there's a chance for scattered thunderstorms developing Friday and Saturday afternoon, mainly east of Highway 395, with sunny skies and pleasant weather continuing through Monday, July 4, according to the National Weather service.

Nevada lawmakers approve new fraud unit for Attorney General

The Interim Finance Committee on Thursday approved spending nearly $1.3 million a year for the next five years to create a new financial fraud unit within the Attorney General’s Office.Attorney Genera ...

Nevada's 'Don't Fence Me In' travel campaign recognized as best nationwide

The Nevada Division of Tourism, also known as TravelNevada, has been awarded the public relations industry’s most distinguished honor — an elusive Silver Anvil — for its “Don’t Fence Me In” millennial marketing campaign.

Weekend events result in big business for Carson City

The inaugural Carson City Off-Road racing series, part of the Epic Rides mountain biking circuit, was more than successful.

It was epic.

Todd Sadow, co-founder and president of Epic Rides, said the race around the Nevada state capital exceeded expectations.

Voters Didn’t Get Fooled Again – and They Won’t Next Time, Either

Nevada Republican voters spoke loudly last night. Again.

They spoke loudly in November 2014, voting down a proposed gross receipts tax (GRT) 4-to-1 and sweeping Republicans into control of Nevada’s executive and legislative branches for the first time in generations.

That was a mandate to hold the line on taxes, reform collective bargaining, stop the bleeding in the Public Employees Retirement System, improve schools through choice and other reforms, and especially to oppose the kind of tax 79 percent of voters rejected.

Others saw things differently.

PK or Not PK - That Is The Question!

PK or NOT PK - THAT is the question!

Who does PK fear? Who's the target for the hit pieces? Kramer! But no hit pieces on the other two guys. Why not? Sandoval's PAC can afford research - research showing PK behind Kramer - and the others back in the distance. Hence, hit pieces on Kramer. Yep - he paid off his home - taxes weren't paid by mortgage company - Al missed the notices and got small fines. Big Deal! And that's all the dirt Sandoval and the Elites could dig up on him??Must be a pretty good guy!

Fun in the suds at Carson City Brewfest

Brewfest returned to Carson City Saturday on Curry Street as hundreds turned out to sample the best beers and brews from across the country.

Supreme Court Commerce Tax Decision Was Political

In our last column, we explained that the defeat of efforts to repeal the commerce tax shows that Nevada’s political establishment – controlled by Big Gaming and Big Unions – owns not only many officeholders of both political parties, but much of state and local government.

We said that Nevada’s supreme court justices, as loyal members of the establishment, manufactured a bogus excuse to upset the referendum effort. Today we explain why the court’s decision was political.

PK, Let's NOT Do This Again

PK O’Neill vs. the facts (excepts from his newsletters)

Issue 1: Representation; Leadership vs. Serving the People

PK O’Neill’s candidacy for reelection raises serious questions about pragmatism, principles, integrity, the role of a representative, what it means to be a Republican, what it means to be conservative, what it means to represent your constituents and what it means to govern.

Making the call: 77-year-old umpire has storied Northern Nevada officiating career

Richard Pitts was 15 the first time he was asked to umpire a game. He’d gone to watch a younger classmate play baseball just to find out the game was in jeopardy because only one official had shown up.

He asked Pitts to step in.

Gaming, Unions and Politicians vs. Voters, Taxpayers and Business

The defeat of efforts to repeal the commerce tax shows that Nevada’s political establishment – controlled by Big Gaming and Big Unions – owns not only many officeholders of both political parties but nearly all of state and local government.

Many large corporations and industries in recent decades have decided to join – not fight – the destructive liberalism and predatory agendas of the bi-partisan establishment and the selfish union and other special interests that jointly dominate US politics.

PK O’Neill vs.the facts on EDUCATION

PK O’Neill vs.the facts on EDUCATION 
(excepts from his newsletters)
In the 2015 session, the Legislature considered no fewer than 15 new or expanded programs intended to increase student achievement.
But... None of the proposals have anything to do with improving education in the only place where education takes place -- and can be improved -- IN THE CLASSROOM.
PK: Detractors of the program say research shows smaller class sizes have a mixed impact on student performance, and having a quality teacher in the room is more important than having fewer students.

Carson City candidates talk turkey at Tuesday night forum

Candidates for Carson City Mayor and State Assembly District 40 addressed a nearly full house of voters at the Brewery Arts Center Performance Hall Wednesday night during a candidate forum sponsored by the Carson City Chamber of Commerce.

The candidates participated in a structured debate moderated by Nevada Appeal Editor Adam Trumble.

As a group, they were asked questions on specific topics and each given two minutes to provide a response.

Sandoval Errs: Commerce Tax Repeal Will Not Cause Budget Cuts

Event Date: 
May 11, 2016 - 8:15am

Gov. Brian Sandoval and his allies don’t think voters should have a say on the commerce tax they snuck through in the closing hours of last year’s legislature.
They're entitled to their views. However, they’ve been wildly misrepresenting key facts about the matter and about the actions and words of Ron, who is leading the effort to repeal the tax. Below, we set them and the record straight.

Opinions Challenged

Elected officials, lobbyists, political candidates, activists, and media pundits - the political class - far too often project little more than self-interest-based opinion. The balance of so many lay people's opinions are too often just that - opinion - uninformed, but strongly held. Now is the time for Isaac Asimov's observation: Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them every once in a while, or the light won't come in."

Senator Square: Foreign Affairs: Making a Home Away From Home

(Editor’s Note: The following story will appear in the spring edition of The Senator News, CHS’s newspaper. The story was written by staff writer Dominick DeLise, a sophomore at CHS.)

This August, two 2016 CHS graduates, and a student who finished her sophomore year, will begin another year of high school in a new country, learning a new language, and living with a different family.

Seniors MacKenzie Gilliam and Delaney Fine, and sophomore Alexa Conrad, were chosen for the Rotary exchange program. Gilliam will be going to Italy, Fine to Belgium and Conrad to Leon, France.

Repealing the Commerce Tax Will Not Unbalance the Budget

Event Date: 
April 27, 2016 - 9:45am

Recently Ron spoke to an industry group about the petition to give voters the final say this fall on the onerous Commerce Tax passed by the Legislature and Governor last year.

A lawyer for referendum opponents also spoke, and we were appalled at their attitude toward Nevada voters and the grossly false arguments they make against a referendum.

Adams Hub investment in financial technology industry startup BaseVenture shows promise

Adams Hub is proud to congratulate BaseVenture on its quick progress and traction in the financial technology (FinTech) industry – as evidenced by BaseVenture’s selection to be a presenter at Finovate Spring 2016.

BaseVenture, an innovative new software as a service (SaaS) platform that is transforming private fund management and administration, counts Adams Hub as one of its early investors, and has an office within the Adams Hub Business Incubator in Carson City.

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