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Senate Commerce, Labor and Energy: One Deadline, 12 Bills and Plenty of Laughs

Friday marked yet another deadline at the Legislature. Bills and resolutions had to be approved by the second house committees to which they were assigned after passing out of their respective houses of origin.

Legislative Money Panels Approve K-12 Spending Plan


On Friday, the Legislature’s two budget committees approved a public school spending plan that establishes $2.8 billion in general fund support for the next two years.

The plan largely follows Gov. Brian Sandoval’s recommendations budget proposal for K-12 education, which also designates basic state support of about $5,500 per pupil over the next two years — an increase of about $200 over existing funding levels.

Assembly Committee OKs Bill That Would Ban Horse Tripping


A Nevada Assembly committee supported banning most “horse tripping” for sport, entertainment, or practice Thursday, sending a bill to the full Assembly.

State Senate Bill 72 was one of many bills prohibiting animal cruelty that were discussed in the Assembly Committee on Natural Resources on Thursday. It bans horse tripping unless it is part of an event that is allowed by the local government.

The bill passed the committee by a vote of 10-2, with Assemblymen Ira Hansen, R-Sparks, and John Ellison, R-Elko, opposing the bill.

Repeal of Nevada’s Mining Tax Cap One Step Closer to 2014 Public Vote

As the price of gold hit its lowest level in a month Thursday, the Assembly Committee on Taxation took a vote on a controversial resolution that would remove the state’s long-standing mining tax cap. Senate Joint Resolution 15 made its way through the Legislature during the 2011 session and needs only to pass in the Assembly before June 4 in order to go to a public vote next year.

Carson City unemployment rate in April drops to 10.1 percent

Nevada’s unemployment dropped to 9.6 percent in April, falling nearly 2 percentage points over the year. Carson City's unemployment rate fell to 10.1 percent and is now the only metro area in the state to have a double digit unemployment rate, according to the state's Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation.

Can AB67 Combat the Rise of Human and Sex Trafficking in Nevada?

B67 was introduced in Dec. 2012 to combat the rise of human and sex trafficking in Nevada. / Photo by AP

AB67 was introduced in Dec. 2012 to combat the rise of human and sex trafficking in Nevada. / Photo by AP


Transgender Hate Crime Bill Passes Assembly


Legislation that adds “gender identity and expression” to Nevada’s current list of hate crimes law passed the State Assembly by a 30-11 margin on Tuesday.

SB139 says that Nevada will not tolerate crimes motivated by hatred of someone being a transgender person. Violators would be subject to the penalties for the actual crime committed and additional penalties because of the motivation.

Nevada proposal allows groups to manage wild horses

The Nevada Senate is set to consider allowing the state to enter agreements with advocacy groups to manage wild horses in the state.

Washoe School Tax Bill Proceeds Without Amendment


A show of hands in support of AB46 at the Assembly Ways and Means Committee on May 13, 2013. Photo by David Bobzien / Instagram

A show of hands in support of AB46 at the Assembly Ways and Means Committee on May 13, 2013. Photo by David Bobzien / Instagram

Dozens testify on Nevada same-sex marriage

A Nevada Assembly Committee took testimony on Senate Joint Resolution 13 on Thursday when many of those who had testified earlier this year repeated their support for or opposition to the measure that would repeal Nevada’s constitutional ban against same-sex marriage.

Bill prohibits time-of-use based electricity rates

Using the air conditioning during the day won't cost more than using it at night if a bill in the Nevada Senate becomes law.

Podcast // Episode 7: Nicolas Cage wants more of the Silver State on the silver screen


AB 312: An Abuse of Power

AB 312 which is now currently before the Senate Government Affairs Commission, and was submitted by Republican Assemblyman and former member of the Carson City Board of Supervisors, Pete Livermore, strikes at the very heart of our democracy.

It is a despicable piece of legislation motivated more by vindictiveness on his part towards the citizens of Carson City, coupled in part by his ineffectiveness as a state legislator.

Actor Nicolas Cage: 'Everyone wants to come to Nevada to make a movie'

Actor Nicolas Cage walks from the Legislature building in Carson City on May 7, 2013. Photo by Natasha Vitale

Actor Nicolas Cage walks from the Legislature building in Carson City on May 7, 2013. Photo by Natasha Vitale

“I’m Nicolas Cage and I’m an American filmmaker,” said the actor to the Senate Committee on Revenue and Economic Development. This morning, Cage and Las Vegas mayor Carolyn Goodman testified in favor of a movie tax incentive bill, promising to use his connections in the industry to help spark a filmmaking boom in Nevada if the measure becomes law.

Podcast // Episode 6: Nevada DUI Fees


On today’s Weekly Round-Up, we learn more about Senate Bill 224, which would revise provisions relating to driving under the influence. If passed, SB224 would result in a new $500 fee for those convicted of a DUI in Nevada. This episode also features guest Natasha Vitale.

Brianna's Law unanimously passes Nevada Senate

Brianna's Law has unanimously passed the Nevada Senate. The measure will allow police to obtain DNA samples of people arrested on felony charges.

Video: A Look Inside All-Day Kindergarten

This video provides an inside look into Senate Bill 182, a measure that would require full-day kindergarten statewide. The bill would also lower to 5 from 7 the age at which a child must attend school.

Originally broadcast: 04.19.2013 on KNPB Channel 5‘s program A Conversation, hosted by Brent Boynton.

Concerns Raised Over DUI Fee in Assembly Committee


McCormick testifying SB224_Vitale

John McCormick, Rural Courts Coordinator of the Nevada Supreme Court, testifies in opposition of Senate Bill 224 on April 30, 2013. / Photo by Natasha Vitale

Comprehensive Immigration Reform Resolution Moves on to Congress

The Nevada Assembly voted on Senate Joint Resolution 15 during their floor session Tuesday. The bill urges Congress to enact comprehensive immigration reform.

Many of the Assembly members took time to speak to the importance of passing the bill. Assemblyman James Ohrenschall was one of those who spoke in favor of SJR 15.

“Unless you’re a Native Americans, we are a nation of immigrants,” Ohrenschall said.

Nevada Marriage Equality Headed to Senate Floor

CARSON CITY, Nev. — Marriage equality in Nevada is becoming more and more likely after the state Senate passed Senate Joint Resolution 13 on April 22 with a vote of 12-9. SJR 13 began as a measure to amend the Nevada Constitution to remove 18 words. The words in question defined marriage as between a man and a woman. They were added as an amendment to Nevada’s constitution in 2002 after Nevadans voted 70 percent to 30 percent in favor of the Protection of Marriage Act.

Podcast // Episode 5: Same-Sex Marriage, Brianna’s Law & Mineral Taxes


On today’s Weekly Round-Up, we learn more about Senate Joint Resolution 13, Brianna’s Law and Nevada’s mineral taxes. This episode also features guests Jeri Chadwell, Scot Jenkins and Lindsay Toste.

Legislative softball game today continues a welcome tradition

CARSON CITY - Halfway through the 2013 Nevada Legislative Session, a little levity may be in order. As things heat up inside the legislative chambers, members of the Nevada Assembly and Senate will take it outside on Thursday afternoon and de-stress at the biennial Legislative Softball Game.

For the third time, the event will take place at John L. Harvey Field on the campus of Western Nevada College, in the capital city. The first pitch will be at approximately 5 p.m. Admission is free.

Heavily Amended Campaign Transparency Bill Moves to Assembly

After numerous amendments and attempted changes, Senate Bill 49, which would require candidates to be more transparent in how they report and spend campaign contributions, passed the Senate by a vote of 13-8 and will now move on to the Assembly. To see how Twitter users reacted to discussion of the bill during today’s Senate floor session, click here.

Senate OKs repealing Nevada threat over Lake Tahoe compact

Democrats in the Nevada Senate pushed through a bill repealing Nevada's threat to leave the decades old Tahoe Compact.

Gay marriage resolution advances in Nevada

CARSON CITY — The Nevada Senate took an emotional step toward legalizing gay marriage with a near party-line vote to repeal the state’s heterosexual definition of marriage.

Brianna’s Bill Moves on to Assembly after Unanimous Senate Vote


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Podcast // Episode 4: Bill Deadlines, Marriage Equality & Tyrone Thompson


On today’s Weekly Round-Up, we learn more about the looming bill deadlines for the legislature, the recently amended and passed Senate Joint Resolution 13, and expelled Assemblyman Steven Brooks’ replacement. This episode also features Nevada Media Alliance senior editor Jeri Chadwell.

Reid addresses Senate, supports ban on assault rifles, high-capacity magazines; wants improvements to mental health services

Nevada Sen. Harry Reid said Wednesday on the floor of the U.S. Senate that he supports an assault weapons ban, limits on high-capacity ammunition clips and polices to improve access to mental health services. He spoke of mass shootings that have happened across the country and close to home in Carson City.

"As the case of the Carson City, Nevada IHOP tragedy reveals, the deficiencies in this nation’s mental health treatment system are another important part of the discussion about how to prevent gun violence," Reid said on the Senate floor. "We have simply not done a good job of providing funding for and access to mental health services. We have also done a poor job of removing the stigma that keeps many Americas from seeking the treatment they need."

Benefit Corporations Bill Discussed by Senate

The Nevada Senate Committee on Judiciary spoke on three bills from the Assembly Tuesday. AB 89, one of the bills discussed, would form benefit corporations, which are corporations that spend money on community outreach programs and if legislation passed, would allow investors to put money into causes that they care about while also possibly getting a financial gain.

Bill Would Fund $2 Million Toward After-School Literacy Program


Earlier today, Reno City Councilman Oscar Delgado testified before the Senate Committee on Finance. Delgado spoke in favor of Senate Bill 398, a measure that would help fund the implementation of the AfterSchool KidzLitz literacy program in Nevada Boys and Girls Clubs.

“Education does not stop at three o’clock,” Delgado said.

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