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Richard Dunn

Thank you for proving my point, over and over again

There really is nothing more to be said. The only argument a "Democrat" can offer in the name of "being open to new ideas" is either pure marxism or just the same plain old politics of personal destruction.

Here is an idea that that I am sure is "new" to guys like this:
The US Constitution, Article 1, Section 8.
Amendments 1-10.
The Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers.

Letter: Unemployment benefits cutoff

Dear Editor:

On November 18th, the extension of unemployment benefits (H.R. 6419) was defeated in the House on a roll call vote. Why? Because Republicans voted against it by a 143 to 21 margin. Even though one of those 21 votes in favor was cast by our congressman, Dean Heller, it was not enough to prevent the cutoff of jobless benefits for five million workers in the dead of winter.

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