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Nugget Project: The state lease process

Obtaining leases from three state agencies has been cited by the people pushing the Nugget Project as a critical piece to its success.

But, there's been more than a little skepticism that the State of Nevada, staring down the barrel of a $3 billion deficit in its next budget, has any appetite for spending money it doesn't have to.

Supervisors delay discussion on Nugget project agreement

An action item about an agreement involving the Nugget Project was pulled from the agenda at today's Carson City Board of Supervisors meeting, delaying a decision for two weeks.

The item calls for the city to contribute $75,000 to help fund the development planning for the Nugget redevelopment project. The Hop and Mae Adams Foundation will contribute $75,000, and the Carson City Library will pitch in $16,000.

Live: Carson City Board of Supervisors, 8:30 a.m.

Check out the live video and discussion below. Hot topics include the request for $75,000 to proceed with planning for the Nugget Project, and requests by local businesses and organizations for redevelopment money. The agenda is here.

Nugget Project: Landlord doubts state agencies will move

At the Carson Nugget Redevelopment Advisory Committee meeting last night, it was revealed that the developers are negotiating with the Gaming Control Board, Public Utilities Commission and the Department of Health and Human Services about relocating to the planned downtown development.

But the landlord of one of these agencies said it would be highly unlikely that any of them will move anytime soon.

Nugget project developer to create plan in 90 days

Executives from P3 Development were introduced to the members of the Carson Nugget Redevelopment Advisory Committee tonight, saying they were looking forward to working as partners with Carson City and the Nugget.

For a play-by-play of the meeting, check out the live blog here.

Nugget Project: Meet the developer (updated)

The developer chosen for the Carson Nugget Redevelopment Project will be on hand tonight to answer questions about the project.

Rick Oshinski, CEO of Sacramento-based P3 Development, will appear before the Carson Nugget Development Advisory Committee tonight in the Community Center's Sierra Room.

Carson Now plans to show live video of the meeting, as well as hosting a discussion forum.

Many questions are sure to arise, concerning the details on the project and its scope, as well as the developer and how the company was chosen.

As I've been talking to people about this project, I've collected a number of questions, that I put together below.

Live: Carson City Redevelopment Authority Citizen Committee, 5:30 p.m.

Click the headline for meeting video and live discussion.

Redevelopment Authority Citizen Committee to discuss $125k in projects tonight

The Carson City Redevelopment Authority Citizen Committee will discuss five funding requests from the agency's revolving fund, totaling more than $125,444.

The meeting is tonight at 5:30 p.m. at the Sierra Room at the Community Center. We will have live video coverage of the meeting.

James and Jea Gotchy, owners of Lily’s China Bistro at 1280 S. Carson Street, are asking for funding assistance of $40,180.

Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation is seeking funding assistance of $37,364 to support a property improvement project at 303 Fleischmann Way.

More Nugget Project nuggets uncovered

The Nevada Appeal has uncovered a few new tidbits about Nugget Project consultant Mark Lewis.

Following the piece I wrote on Lewis this week, the Appeal found a grand jury report dealing with Lewis' big project developments as city manager of Stockton, Calif. The report showed that costs associated with development of the the Stockton ballpark and events center swelled from an estimate of $75 million to more than $120 million, and placed the blame for this on Lewis and the lack of oversight by the city's elected officials.

Nugget project: developer and consultant have history of public projects

Today's Nevada Appeal has a story about how a developer has been selected for the Carson Nugget downtown redevelopment project.

The story mentioned that the developer, P3 Development, built the $64 million Stockton Events Center while Mark Lewis was that city's manager.

But that understates the ties between Lewis and the developer. Looking at the projects listed on P3's website, a large part of their work seems to stem from the City of Stockton, and happened during Lewis' tenure.

Developer picked for Nugget Project?

Carson City Supervisor Robin Williamson reportedly told a group on Monday that there has been some serious discussions with a specific developer about the Carson Nugget downtown redevelopment project, and an announcement should be coming soon.

According to those at the men's club meeting at Grandma Hatties, Williamson didn't name the developer.

When asked about the issue, Williamson responded, "As I understand the current status, negotiations are continuing so there is nothing to be announced at this time."

The selection of a developer is a major milestone, and has been cited by Nugget President Steve Neighbors and city officials as a necessary step to resolve the many unanswered questions about the project.

We are working to find out more details about this development. Stay tuned.

OurTown: Karen Abowd, candidate for Carson City Board of Supervisors

Karen Abowd talks about her candidacy for Carson City Board of Supervisors, Ward 1:

Carson City Toyota grand opening today

Looks like today is the big day for Dick Campagni's Carson City Toyota. They are opening their new dealership location on South Carson Street today. We'll have more on this event later.

One thing that should be noted is that the much-maligned decision by the city to provide millions in redevelopment funds to Campagni and Michael Hohl to build their new dealerships has provided some much-needed jobs to Carson City at a critical time. How much worse would our local economy be without these projects?

D'Vine Wine for sale

D'Vine Wine on Stewart Street is for sale, according to this Craigslist ad. The wine bar announced late last year they were closing, but the owners of the Carson Nugget bought the building they were in and offered them a lower-priced lease to stay in business.

Nugget Project Questions: Who owns the land?

One of the first questions I heard raised about the Nugget redevelopment project had to do with who would own the land.

Some people have the false impression that the Carson Nugget is donating the land to the city.

As it has been proposed, the new library, public plaza and other pieces paid for by the city would be sitting on land owned by the foundation created by Nugget President Steve Neighbors, in accordance with the wishes of late owner Mae Adams.

Former CC planner and redevelopment director Rob Joiner files for Supervisor Ward One

Former CC planner and redevelopment director Rob Joiner filed Friday in a very crowded race for City Supervisor Ward 1. Joiner said although he left the city eight years ago to finish his governmen

Supervisors turn down property tax increase, but move forward on possible water rate hike

In a mixed bag meeting Thursday, city supervisors turned down a chance to raise property taxes $220,000 for their beleaguered city budget, but set into motion the process that could raise water rates

Water bonds, property tax hikes on Carson City's Board of Supervisor agenda

Water and sewer rate hikes may move a step closer Thursday when the Carson City Board of Supervisors will hear plans to issue up to $32 million in general obligation water bonds over 30 years.

Nugget project: Setting the baseline for examination

A few weeks ago, I wrote that we would be taking an in-depth look at the Carson Nugget downtown redevelopment project.

Editorial: Nugget Project: No new answers. Only more questions.

Editorial by Dave Morgan

An article in the Nevada Appeal this morning attempts to get new information from the Nugget Project’s “go to guy,” Steve Neighbors. Neighbors, who is now the owner of the Nugget, is quoted as saying that the project still lacks a developer to shoulder the “private industry” half of the project. That’s about all that’s new from Neighbors, that they STILL don’t have a private partner.

Nugget project: Questions, misconceptions cause emotions to outpace reason

For several weeks, I've been working to put together a complete examination of the Carson Nugget downtown redevelopment project.

Comment on Commentary from Supervisor Pete Livermore: “Let the people vote on the Nugget Project” by Joe Childs

Thank you Mr. Livermore for bringing some sanity to the table!

Comment on Editorial: Why spend $50 million on the “last library?” by Dave Morgan

Ron: Valid points. Valid points. I’m more concerned about making a $50 million investment in a library while not knowing “where” information management is headed.

Comment on Project manager of financially troubled Reno Aces Ballpark project now helping to guide Carson City-Nugget project by Dave Morgan

Another thing. It is redevelopment guru’s like Mark Lewis who create a contagion that “patience is longer a virtue.” Why wait for sluggish evolution to produce what we want? We want it NOW!

Comment on Project manager of financially troubled Reno Aces Ballpark project now helping to guide Carson City-Nugget project by Dave Morgan

Right you are. You provoked a thought in me earlier today after I read your last contribution.

Comment on Project manager of financially troubled Reno Aces Ballpark project now helping to guide Carson City-Nugget project by Dave Morgan

The citizens committee’s “reason for being” as outlined in a recent Board of Supervisors agenda packet indicates that the committee is to assist the forward momentum of the project.

Nugget Project booster cited in Reno report

(Click image to play video)
Nugget Project booster Mark Lewis, who has held redevelopment director jobs in California and in Reno, is the subject of yet another examination of his track record while i

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