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State Senate Candidates Await Fate

CARSON CITY – The precincts have been walked, the issues debated and the media campaigns run. Now many Nevada voters will get to weigh in on five critical races to determine whether Republicans or Democrats will control the state Senate after the polls close tomorrow.

The 21-member Senate currently has an 11-10 Democratic edge.

Gov. Brian Sandoval and many of his Republican colleagues are working to change this by winning at least four of five of the races in play between the two parties on Election Day tomorrow.

Sandoval Announces Education Grant Agreement

CARSON CITY – Gov. Brian Sandoval announced today that the Clark County School District’s  $40 million Race to the Top grant application will move forward with the support of the Clark County Education Association.

Nevada Again A Focus Of Presidential Campaigns

RENO – Proof of Nevada’s importance in the outcome of the horse race that is the presidential election continued to be on display today, with President Obama visiting Las Vegas and GOP Vice Presidential candidate Paul Ryan making stops here and in Southern Nevada.

Ryan, appearing in front of a crowd estimated by local law enforcement at about 600, continued to push the Romney-Ryan ticket message calling for change, pointing to Obama’s failed efforts at job creation.

GOP Assembly Leader Predicts Gains On Tuesday

CARSON CITY – Assembly Republican caucus leader Pat Hickey said he expects to pick up seats for the GOP in the upcoming election, but declined to predict today exactly how big a dent his candidates will make in the 26-member Democratic majority on Nov. 6.

Has racing adversely influenced cycling?

With all the latest news of widespread doping and cheating in professional bicycle racing, it really got me thinking of how much racing has influenced today’s cycling. Most of us have never even raced, or have only dabbled in competition.  Yet I find it interesting that we that call ourselves cyclists have probably at one time or another been influenced by racing, whether it be a bicycle purchase, new parts, a flashy jersey, or an uncontrollable urge to go tackle a mountain pass after watching a stage of the Tour de France.

Nevada Day events continue Sunday at Mills Park and Legislative Mall with free concert

Nevada Day festivities continue in Carson City through Sunday, today, with the RSVP Carnival and the Battle Born Celebration at Mills Park, a free symphony concert at the Legislative Mall and Halloween festivities.
The salute to America's military "past, present and future" is the theme of this year's statehood events. Featured at the park is the traveling Vietnam Memorial Wall, living history re-enactments, tributes and military honors and static displays. Go here for more information.

Three-hour Nevada Parade kicks off at 10 a.m. along Carson Street route

Sunny skies and crisp fall temperatures are in motion for the 74th annual Nevada Day Parade, which begins at 10 a.m. down Carson Street in Carson City. The three-hour four mile-long parade features hundreds of colorful floats, high-stepping equestrian units, and spirited marching bands from throughout the state. The traditional 10 a.m. flyover of military aircraft from the Fallon Naval Air Station and Nevada Air Guard will kick-off the parade.

Carson High seniors cast votes in mock election

If the election were up to Carson High School seniors, Barack Obama would handily win the presidential race and the Knowledge and Discovery Center would go forward by a narrow margin.

Carson City Chamber of Commerce Candidate Forum is Tuesday

Organizers of the Carson City Chamber of Commerce Soup's On Candidate Forum set for Tuesday at Gold Dust West would like to have RSVP's today, Monday, by noon. Featured at the luncheon will be the candidates for the Carson City Supervisor Ward 2 race, Brad Bonkowski and Dennis Johnson and Ward 4 contestants incumbent Molly Walt and Jim Shirk. Questions will be fielded from the audience.
The forum begins at 11:30 a.m. at Gold Dust West, 2171 U.S. Highway 50 East in Carson City. The cost is $15 per person in advance and $20 at the door. Call (775) 882-1565. See the flier below.

Heavenly Ski and Snowboard Foundation ramps up season at Lake Tahoe with new programs

The Heavenly Ski and Snowboard Foundation at Lake Tahoe has opened registration for the 2012 – 2013 competitive and development ski and snowboard programs. With a variety of options from the One-Day Program to the Full-Time Competitive Program, the Foundation has something for all ages and levels of skiers and riders. Registration packets are available online and at the HSSF building.

Four-day Nevada statehood bash celebrates the Silver State's military past, present and future

Nevada Day festivities will celebrate the 148th year since joining the union with the theme, “Honoring Our Military and Families Past, Present and Future” Oct. 25-28.

Carson High School PTSA Safe Grad 5k Run/Walk Fundraiser

Event Date: 
November 10, 2012 - 10:00am

Sponsored by the Carson City Sheriff’s Office and the Carson High School PTSA, the Safe & Sober 5k is organized by volunteers of the Safe Grad committee. This year’s 5k Race/Walk will be held on November 10th, 2012 at 10AM and will be held at the Carson High School track facility. The Carson High Safe Grad program has been an annual tradition in Carson City for over 20 years. It provides our graduating seniors with a safe and sober, all night celebration on the eve of their graduation, followed by a trip to the Six Flags Discovery Kingdom amusement park in northern California.

Political sign vandalism becoming more targeted, heated says Carson City Sheriff

Every political season brings out the candidate yard signs and every season, it seems, where Carson City residents are asked to vote, the ugly side of politics rears its head with vandalism. This year is no different. But what has changed over the years has been the aggressive nature of it, said Carson City Sheriff Ken Furlong.

Enhancements ahead of winter highlight North Lake Tahoe ski resorts

Although you might not feel it, the weather is starting to change in North Lake Tahoe. Days are still warm, with temperatures averaging in the 60s, but nights are dropping to approximately 35 degrees. It’s the time of year that the region’s upper elevations may even see a dusting of snow.

“We’ve been reviewing all the long-range forecasts,” said Chief Marketing Officer Andy Chapman of the North Lake Tahoe Chamber/CVB/Resort Association. “And if Mother Nature keeps up her end, we should have above-average snowfall this winter.”

Chamber hosts candidate forum for Carson City Supervisor races

Local politics gets into full swing when the Carson City Chamber of Commerce will host its Soup's On Supervisor Candidate Forum on Tuesday, Oct. 23. Featured at the luncheon will be the contestants for the Carson City Supervisor Ward 2 race, Brad Bonkowski and Dennis Johnson and Ward 4 contestants incumbent Molly Walt and Jim Shirk. Questions will be fielded from the audience.

The forum will be at Gold Dust West, 2171 U.S. Highway 50 East in Carson City. The cost is $15 per person in advance and $20 at the door. RSVP by Oct. 19. Call (775) 882-1565. See the flier below.

Congressional Candidates in District 3, 4, Discuss Issues In Statewide Televised Debates

CARSON CITY – Candidates in two of Nevada’s hotly contested Congressional races debated the issues Thursday in separate 30-minute discussions on public television.

Berkley In Attack Mode, Heller Takes More Restrained Approach In Second Senate Debate

CARSON CITY – Democratic Rep. Shelley Berkley used a second Senate debate tonight to attack Sen. Dean Heller on issues ranging from Medicare to online poker legislation, while her Republican opponent took a more restrained approach in the hour-long discussion on public television.

Residency Challenge In Assembly 9 Race Set For Monday Hearing

A Clark County District judge will hold a hearing Monday on a residency challenge filed against Assembly 9 Democratic candidate Andrew Martin.

The court challenge was filed last week by Republican candidate Kelly Hurst, who submitted information allegedly showing that Martin actually resides outside the district in violation of state law.

State Senate District 5 Candidates Agree More Often Than Not In Friday Debate

CARSON CITY – The two candidates in the race for the state Senate District 5 seat in Henderson debated the issues today in a televised exchange, finding more agreement than division on the all important subject of education reform.

Tarkanian And Horsford Mix It Up In Feisty 4th Congressional District Debate

CARSON CITY – Forget the tame, staid, policy driven debates seen in most races in Nevada so far this year.

Domestic Violence Awareness month culminates with Light the Night Oct. 20 at Riverview Park

With October designated Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Carson City-based Advocates to End Domestic Violence will hold a Light the Night 5K and 10K Walk/Run at Riverview Park on October 20.
This event, a fundraiser for Advocates, is a spinoff of the national Take Back the Night campaign, bringing it closer to home and creating Carson City's own event to bring awareness to domestic violence and sexual assault, said Traci Trenoweth, volunteer coordinator for Advocates.

Jobs, Support Of Middle Class Focus Of Spirited Senate Debate Between Heller, Berkley

CARSON CITY – It took all of about ten minutes for Sen. Dean Heller and Rep Shelley Berkley to mix it up in their first debate in the U.S. Senate race Thursday, criticizing each other on campaign issues ranging from ethics to Medicare to big oil subsidies.

The hour-long debate on KNPB-TV in Reno was the first chance for many voters to see the two candidates spar on the issues, most of which have already been the focus of campaign attacks in the race to date.

Fernley 95A Speedway Race Results for September 15, 2012

It was the final points race of the season, a night that would see champions crowned in six racing divisions at Fernley 95A Speedway. Over 70 cars were on hand, and there were lots of spectators in the stands rooting for their favorite driver.

State Senate Candidate Advocates New Corporate Profits Tax In Debate, GOP Opponent Says Call Is Premature

CARSON CITY – Former state Sen. Sheila Leslie drew a clear contrast with her Republican opponent Sen. Greg Brower in the District 15 race in Washoe County in a debate today, calling for a corporate profits tax to generate enough revenue to adequately fund education.

Prevailing Wage, Taxes Focus Of State Senate 18 Debate

CARSON CITY – Democratic state Senate candidate Kelli Ross said today that she is the “union” candidate in the District 18 race in Las Vegas, while Republican Scott Hammond said he will listen to but not vote in lockstep with labor in the Legislature.

Heller Says Online Gaming Bill Should Not Be Political Football In Run-up To General Election

CARSON CITY – U.S. Sen. Dean Heller today said online gaming legislation critical to the future of Nevada’s economy should be removed from the world of politics so partisan fights don’t “poison the water” for the bill’s future in Congress.

Heller, interviewed on the Nevada NewsMakers television program, said the legislation is too important to be subjected to political fights between himself and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid between now and the Nov. 6 general election.

Debate In State Senate 9 Race Focuses On Democrat Justin Jones’ Actions In Las Vegas Sands Case

CARSON CITY – A televised debate today between the two candidates for the state Senate seat in district 9 in Las Vegas  - viewed as critical by both major parties – got off to a rocky start for Democrat Justin Jones.

Nevada Jobless Rate Ticks Up To 12.1 Percent In August

CARSON CITY – Nevada’s unemployment rate ticked up one-tenth of a percentage point to 12.1 percent in August from July, the second month of increases in the jobless rate after hitting a three-year low in May, a state agency reported today.

Heavenly Resort at Lake Tahoe prepares for 2012-2013 ski and snowboard season

With Nov. 16 as its opening day, the countdown is on at Heavenly Mountain Resort. From intense competitions and events to the return of the halfpipe, excitement is stirring at Lake Tahoe’s largest winter playground.

Democrats Continue To Outpace Republicans In Voter Registration, Gain 100,000 Edge In Clark County

CARSON CITY – Democrats continue to out-register their Republican counterparts, with the latest data from Clark County now showing a more than 100,000 voter advantage as the deadline to participate in the Nov. 6 general election draws ever closer.

Today just before noon the Clark County website, which updates registration totals regularly, showed 346,703 Democrats registered to vote compared to 246,479 for Republicans, a 100,224 advantage.

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