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American Jobs Act May Create Unfunded Burden on State

When he visits Las Vegas on Oct. 24, President Barack Obama will continue his nationwide tour urging Congress to pass the Americans Jobs Act, his $450 billion plan to create jobs and stimulate the economy.
“Pass this jobs bill, and there will be funding to save the jobs of up to 13,000 North Carolina teachers, cops, and firefighters,” Obama said earlier this month to thousands of supporters at North Carolina State University.

Commentary by Jim Bagwell: When the president speaks, the market plummets

All I can say is "wow."President Barack Obama has an absolute lock on the stock market. The Dow plummeted last week, with nearly a trillion dollars lost in two days. Staggering for our economy and ...

Sandoval to Obama: Ease mining rules

Gov. Brian Sandoval has sent a letter to President Barack Obama asking the federal government to remove what he described as burdensome regulations in the mine permitting process."I need this help ...

Sandoval Asks President to Help Ease Permitting Process for Mines

Governor Brian Sandoval this morning sent a letter to President Obama asking for assistance in making changes at the federal level that could clear the way for new jobs in Nevada.
“This is my first request of President Obama since becoming Governor,” Sandoval noted in a press release. “I need his help to get Nevadans working again, and we have identified a very specific step he can take to spur job creation in our mining industry.”

Yucca Mountain Is Dead Again

In a long awaited ruling, the federal nuclear safety agency has said Nevada can close down Yucca Mountain once and for all.
The Obama administration had asked Congress to zero out the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s (NRC) work on Yucca as a follow up to the prior  termination of funding at the Department of Energy (DOE) project. The NRC has directed that all project casework be wrapped up by the end of the month.

Commentary by Tyrus W. Cobb: Will we get any solutions on recession?

This appears to be the week where everyone lays out their plan for resuscitating the floundering American economy. President Barack Obama will delineate his plan of action tonight, the leading GOP ...

Romney Rolls Out Economic Plan in North Las Vegas

NORTH LAS VEGAS — Gov. Mitt Romney on Tuesday presented a detailed economic plan he said would generate 11.5 million new jobs, lead to 4 percent annual growth, and turn America into a “job machine.”
Romney made a point of saying he would be speaking without a teleprompter before addressing a crowd of over 300 at McCandless International Trucks in North Las Vegas, a city struggling due to high unemployment rates and municipal budget troubles.

CD2 Candidates Battle Over Tax Policy, Solutions for the Economy

Helmuth Lehmann and Tim Fasano were caught in the crossfire last night as Mark Amodei and Kate Marshall threw rhetorical punches at one another during an hour-long debate between the four candidates for Nevada’s second congressional district.

Commentary by Michael Reagan: Obama could learn from Ronald Reagan

Obama could learn from Ronald ReaganIf President Obama really wants to get the U.S. economy going again, he could do worse than to study the results of my Dad's 1981 Economic Recovery Act, which bo...

Column: We need more than just jobs to fix the economy

Job, jobs, jobs. We are told that is what we need to fix our ailing economy.

With an unemployment rate above 9 percent, we do need more jobs. But there's a better chance of getting Sarah Palin to pose naked for a PETA anti-fur ad than there is of getting any kind of job-creating bill through a Congress held hostage by deficit-obsessed Tea Party Republicans.

Commentary by Eugene Paslov: We're still in trouble

I started this column the day after House Speaker John Boehner walked away from negotiations with President Barack Obama for a solution to our debt/deficit/tax/spending problems. Boehner's done it...

Gov. Sandoval Praises Appeals Court Ruling on Federal Health Care Package

CARSON CITY — Gov. Brian Sandoval today praised a federal appeals court ruling that struck down the so-called “individual mandate” in federal health care legislation.

Nevada Groups Criticize U.S. Immigration Agency On ‘Secure Communities’ Decision

CARSON CITY – A Nevada activist group is criticizing a decision by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to terminate all of its agreements with states regarding the operation of its “Secure Communities” program.
The information sharing program identifies criminal aliens for prosecution and deportation.

Hundreds Of Trees Planted But Few Jobs Created In Clark County Federal Stimulus Project

CARSON CITY – If a $490,000 grant to plant trees in Clark County public places as part of a federal job-creating stimulus project should be measured by the “greening” of Southern Nevada, then the effort might be considered a modest success.
Thirteen different government and nonprofit entities applied for 1,814 trees for planting at 35 different public areas in Southern Nevada through the grant. A total of 1,541 trees have been provided to the agencies and groups for planting, mostly at schools and parks around the Vegas valley.

Gov. Sandoval Appoints New Executive Director To Oversee Stalled Yucca Mountain Waste Dump Project

CARSON CITY – Gov. Brian Sandoval today appointed Robert Halstead as executive director of the Agency for Nuclear Projects, the agency responsible for oversight of the proposed Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository. He will start in the job Sept. 19.
Halstead will replace Joe Strolin, who has been serving as acting director since January.

Nevada Democrats Call On GOP Presidential Candidates To Disclose Major Fundraisers

CARSON CITY – Nevada state Democrats today called on Republican presidential candidates to disclose the names of their campaigns’ major fundraisers – known as bundlers – in the name of transparency.
President Barack Obama on July 15 released his list of major fundraisers, which he also did in 2008. The disclosure is not required by the Federal Elections Commission.

Federal Cut To Energy Assistance Program Means Thousands Of Nevadans Ineligible For Help

CARSON CITY – Thousands of Nevada residents who rely on financial assistance to pay their power bills likely won’t get help this year because of federal funding cuts, a state agency reported today.
Miki Allard, staff specialist with the Division of Welfare and Supportive Services, said federal funding for Nevada’s Energy Assistance Program will amount to only $4 million this year, down from $15.8 million in the fiscal year that just ended June 30.

Republicans double down on debt ceiling

It's been a couple of weeks since I wrote about our local GOP candidate for Congress Mark Amodei and his politically opportunistic attempt to shed his moderate past and prove he's just as crazy as the other Tea Party people by declaring he would vote against raising the debt ceiling.

Commentary by Tyrus W. Cobb: Obama's troop reduction unlikely to please anyone

President Obama's decision to withdraw 33,000 U.S. troops from Afghanistan by next summer is unlikely to be greeted enthusiastically by anyone. Those on the far left and right of the political spec...

Amodei Wins Republican Nomination for Congressional Special Election

SPARKS — Former Republican Party of Nevada Chairman Mark Amodei yesterday blew out the competition and became his party’s nominee for the 2nd congressional district special election on Sept. 13.
Amodei needed 162 of 323 member votes to win. He pulled in 221 votes compared to state Sen. Greg Brower who earned 56 votes and retired U.S. Navy Cmdr. Kirk Lippold who received 46 votes.

Leading GOP Candidates For Heller Congressional Seat Face Off In Tame Debate

RENO – For the three leading Republican candidates seeking the Congressional District 2 seat vacated with the appointment of Dean Heller to the U.S. Senate, it was all about qualifications and experience in a debate held here Wednesday.
State Republican Party Chairman Mark Amodei, a former state senator, state Sen. Greg Brower, appointed to fill the seat formerly held by retired Sen. Bill Raggio, and retired Navy commander Kirk Lippold, faced off ahead of a GOP meeting Saturday in Sparks that could determine which candidate will get the party nod.

Heller, Berkley say Yucca Mountain backers should move on

Both Democrat Shelley Berkley and Republican Dean Heller today called on their fellow House members to drop the push to resurrect the Yucca Mountain nuclear dump project.President Obama, keeping a ...

Watch: President Obama speech on Osama Bin Laden

THE PRESIDENT: Good evening. Tonight, I can report to the American people and to the world that the United States has conducted an operation that killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of al Qaeda, and...

Yucca backers among protesters of Obama Reno visit

RENO - Backers of a broad proposal to expand a nuclear-waste dump site in Nevada criticized the Obama administration Thursday for paying lip service to the nuclear industry while ignoring the ne...

President Obama Touts Renewable Energy In Reno Visit

By Andrew Doughman
RENO – President Barack Obama highlighted Nevada’s renewable energy sector today with a visit to the heat-to-energy company ElectraTherm, in northern Nevada.
In front of a backdrop of “green machines” Obama touted plans to end $4 billion in subsidies for oil companies in favor of providing incentives for renewable energy companies.

Former Colonial Bank Mortgage Lending Supervisor Pleads Guilty to Fraud Scheme

(U.S. Department of Justice Press Release)
WASHINGTON – Teresa Kelly, a former operations supervisor in Colonial Bank’s Mortgage Warehouse Lending Division (MWLD), pleaded guilty today to conspiring to commit bank, wire and securities fraud for her role in a fraud scheme that contributed to the failures of Colonial Bank and Taylor, Bean & Whitaker (TBW).

Colonial Bank had a branch on Stewart Street in Carson City, that now sits vacant.

Heller Formally Announces U.S. Senate Run To Supporters

By Elizabeth Crum / Nevada News Bureau
At 8:12 a.m. this morning, Rep. Dean Heller finally sent an email to his supporters announcing the U.S. Senate run I confirmed here last week.

Heller has a pretty new campaign website, and here is the text of the email:


Heller Formally Announces U.S. Senate Run to Supporters

At 8:12 a.m. this morning, Rep. Dean Heller finally sent an email to his supporters announcing the U.S. Senate run I confirmed here last week.
Heller has a pretty new campaign website, and here is the text of the email:
Your past support has meant a lot me and for this reason I wanted you to be among the first to know that I am running for the United States Senate.

Western Republicans fight Obama wilderness policy

Courtesy of GrandViewOutdoors.com
Republican governors and members of Congress vowed Tuesday to fight an Obama administration plan to make millions of acres of undeveloped land in the West eligible for federal wilderness protection. The GOP officials said the plan would circumvent Congress's authority and could be used to declare a vast swath of public land off-limits to oil-and-gas drilling.

U.S. Chamber Study Highlights National, Nevada Economic Losses Due To Stalled Energy Projects

CARSON CITY – The U.S. Chamber of Commerce released a first-of-its-kind economic study today identifying stalled energy projects – including 10 in Nevada – that are costing billions of dollars in lost gross domestic product.
The study says the delays are costing the state’s economy $66.9 billion in GDP and that 86,700 jobs a year could be created in Nevada during the construction phase of the projects.

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