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Activists To Camp Out For Revenue At Legislature This Week

CARSON CITY — The Capitol grounds are expected to become a campground this week as progressive groups establish a temporary headquarters for a last ditch lobbying effort for tax increases.
As many as 200 students, social service workers, teachers and progressive activists plan to live in tents during Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday as they host events and lobby legislators.
The agenda could include events at both the Capitol and the Legislature, said Jan Gilbert, lobbyist for the Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada, which has helped coordinate the event.

Commentary by Guy W. Farmer: Online poker, a risky proposition

The recent federal indictment of three Internet gambling websites should cause the Nevada Legislature to think twice before legalizing online poker, a risky proposition at best and a criminal enter...

Governor Sandoval Vetoes Democratic Redistricting Plan

CARSON CITY – Republican Gov. Brian Sandoval has vetoed the Democratic redistricting plan for new Congressional, state Senate and Assembly districts.

Nevada governor vetoes redistricting

Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval vetoed a redistricting bill Saturday that was zipped through the Legislature by Democratic lawmakers, accusing the majority party of seeking political gain and violati...

Democrats Vote To Restore $90 Million To Medicaid Budget

CARSON CITY – Democrats today voted to reject Gov. Brian Sandoval’s proposed budget cuts to Medicaid programs this morning.
The governor would have saved about $90 million in his budget through the reductions. Republicans on the Legislature’s money committees voted to cut the Medicaid budget in line with Sandoval’s recommendations.
The Medicaid funding would help reimburse hospitals and their staff for caring for Medicaid patients.

Collective Bargaining Fight Again Shaping Up At Legislature

By Andrew Doughman
CARSON CITY – The Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce is pushing for major changes to the state’s collective bargaining law for public sector employees.
In an amendment to another bill that already passed the Senate, the  chamber said the changes will alleviate budget concerns for local governments and save taxpayers money.

In Redistricting Battle, Political Parties Argue Over 'Who Loves Hispanics More'

By Andrew Doughman
CARSON CITY — A Republican Hispanic governor will soon decide the fate of a Democratic redistricting plan that has both political parties embroiled in a debate over fairness to Nevada’s Hispanic population.

Group to pitch tents instead of forks at Nevada Legislature

A camp-out demonstration has been set for Monday through Wednesday at the Nevada Legislature in Carson City and is being led by a group of education supporters who favor a tax hike to fund schools.

Gov. Sandoval Questions If Legislature Can Hold Meaningful Tax Policy Debate In Time Left In Session

By Sean Whaley
CARSON CITY – Gov. Brian Sandoval is questioning whether the Nevada Legislature can have an in-depth debate about the state’s tax structure with less than four weeks left in the session, but he is about to find out.
In comments made Tuesday, Sandoval said he asked Democrats in January to present any proposals they wanted to be considered to raise revenue. Fourteen weeks later there is still no bill, he said.

Policy Group Warns Of Ballooning Medicaid Budget

Nevada’s budget woes could grow worse as Medicaid costs continue to rise during the next decade.
That assertion comes from the Nevada Policy Research Institute, a free-market think tank that released a report today saying that rising Medicaid costs could eat into portions of the state’s budget currently apportioned for education.

Physicians Warn of Access Crisis for Nevada Medicaid Patients If Reimbursement Cuts Approved

By Sean Whaley
CARSON CITY – The state’s largest physician advocacy group has sent a letter to Gov. Brian Sandoval and all 63 lawmakers saying that 15 percent cuts in Medicaid reimbursements will make it even more difficult for some Nevadans to receive proper medical care.

Gov. Sandoval Directs Review Of State Agencies After Discovery Of Undisclosed Employee Settlements

By Sean Whaley
CARSON CITY – Gov. Brian Sandoval today asked for a statewide review of cash settlements with former state employees after Controller Kim Wallin uncovered three payments to former Department of Transportation workers that were not approved as required by state law.

Democratic Redistricting Plans Pass Out of Senate And Assembly, Head To Governor

By Andrew Doughman
CARSON CITY — The political power game of drawing political boundaries escalated today as Nevada’s Democratic legislators passed their plans for new political districts.

Legislature Votes To Cut Pay To State And University Workers

By Andrew Doughman
CARSON CITY – Legislators on money committees today approved on a party-line vote a 4.8 percent salary cut to state and higher education employees.
The proposal would include a 2.3 percent cut through furloughs – about six days per year – and a 2.5 percent salary reduction.
Gov. Brian Sandoval had proposed in his budget a 5 percent salary cut to state and higher education workers.

Alliances, Politics And Honor Trump Policy In Legislative Vote

By Andrew Doughman
CARSON CITY – Assemblyman John Ellison had a choice.
He wanted to push the red button, but he was supposed to push the green button.
The seconds ticked by on the floor of Nevada’s Assembly. In the wide angle shot, the other 41 members eagerly cast their votes. In the close-up shot, Ellison’s hand hovered over the green and red buttons. He hated it, but he punched the green one.
He had made a promise to vote ‘yes,’ and he voted ‘yes’ this time after voting ‘no’ the day before.

Nevada Campaign Finance Reform Bills Get Senate Committee Hearing

By Sean Whaley
CARSON CITY – An ambitious effort to make major reforms to Nevada’s campaign finance laws moved to the state Senate today after three measures sought by Secretary of State Ross Miller passed the Assembly by a deadline last month.

Democrats Unveil Tax Plan, Republicans Remain Opposed To Revenue Hikes To Restore Cuts To Sandoval Budget

By Sean Whaley
CARSON CITY – Legislative Democrats unveiled the elements of their highly anticipated tax plan today, saying they will work every day until the end of the session to craft a proposal that restores many of the cuts in Gov. Brian Sandoval’s budget without choking off a nascent economic recovery.

Mile High Jazz Band Celebrates Nevada Arts Day

Mile High Jazz Band celebrates Nevada Arts Day at Comma Coffee, across the street from the State Legislature, with a program of big-band jazz featuring vocalist Sheryl Adams. The performance will be outdoors in the courtyard, weather permitting.

Admission is $5 at the door, free for age 18 and under.
Information: 775-883-4154 or milehighjazz.com

Democrats Unveil Proposed Congressional District Maps

By Andrew Doughman
CARSON CITY — Democrats today unveiled proposed boundaries for Nevada’s four congressional districts, the political consequences of which they will debate this afternoon at the Legislature.

State reaches agreement with counties

By the Nevada Dept. of Conservation and Natural Resources
The State of Nevada announced today that it has reached agreements between the Nevada Division of Forestry (NDF) and Eureka County, Elko County and Clark County (Mt. Charleston) to continue to provide “all-risk” emergency services to these counties.

These services were scheduled to be transferred back to the respective counties June 30, 2012, per Gov. Brian Sandoval’s recommended budget now being considered by the Nevada State Legislature.

Full text of Governor Brian Sandoval's budget speech

My fellow Nevadans, good evening.

Three months ago, I delivered a State of the State Address against the backdrop of record unemployment and sharply reduced state revenue. I believed then, as I do now, that by controlling state spending and changing the way we do business, we could bring about a sustained economic recovery that would get Nevada working again. And so tonight, I’m pleased to come before you with a second and more positive report on the state of Nevada’s economy.

Governor Sandoval Calls For Patience, Optimism In Televised Speech

By Andrew Doughman
CARSON CITY — Gov. Brian Sandoval tonight highlighted an improved economic output as reason to stay the course with his proposed general fund budget.
During a televised address from the governor’s mansion,the governor highlighted a lower unemployment rate and an aggregate $440 million reduction in budget cuts that comes from revised revenue projections and federal government changes.
He used his speech as a platform for patience and optimism, refuting claims from Democrats that Nevada needs more revenue.

Party-Line Votes On Public Education Funding Create $700 Million Hole In Budget

By Sean Whaley
CARSON CITY – Legislative Democrats went ahead today with their own funding plan for public education, establishing a level of spending that puts the budget at significant odds with GOP Gov. Brian Sandoval and his opposition to new taxes.
The votes by Democrats have upped the ante in the budget dispute with Republicans, creating a hole estimated at $700 million by state Budget Director Andrew Clinger.

After Tiff, Republicans Offer 'Minor Tweaks' To Redistricting Proposal

By Andrew Doughman
CARSON CITY — State legislative Republicans have changed their proposals for new state Assembly districts.
The boundaries of some proposed districts were altered today after Assembly Minority Leader Pete Goicoechea, R-Eureka, publicly criticized Senate Republicans for their maps.

Legislative watch: Things are heating up at the Legislature

Things are going full speed now at the Legislature with a ton of bills to get through, but I have to say, they are really handling this "worst of the worst" session quite well.I testified on April ...

Nevada Budget Gets Funding Boost From Economic Forum, Democrats Say It Isn’t Enough

By Sean Whaley
CARSON CITY – Work on closing Nevada’s two-year $6 billion general fund budget will begin in earnest tomorrow after the Economic Forum today finalized its tax revenue projections for the coming two years.
But legislative Democrats and Gov. Brian Sandoval remain far apart on an acceptable spending plan even with a $218 million general fund revenue increase.

Secretary Of State Ross Miller Declares Special Election Open For All

By Andrew Doughman
CARSON CITY — Secretary of State Ross Miller today announced that a special election for Nevada’s congressional district two will be open to all candidates.
“You might as call this a ballot royale,” he said.
Miller’s decision allows for any candidate to be on the ballot for the Sept. 13 election. The state Republican party has favored an interpretation of state law that would allow state parties to pick a single candidate of their choice.

Nevada State DARE Officer Conference Begins Monday

By Lisa Davis
Carson City Sheriff’s Office was selected by the Nevada DARE Officer Association (NDOA) as an “Agency of Choice” and will host the Nevada State DARE Officer Conference May 2-5, 2011. DARE Officers representing law enforcement agencies from across the state will be participating in a variety of training activities that will enhance classroom skills, update DARE lessons, and to discuss current prevention issues. The event is sponsored by Northern Nevada Coin, Fandango, and Carson Station, with additional funding through Justice Assistance Grant.

Legislature Debates Cuts To Benefits, Overtime, Pay Increases For States Employees

By Andrew Doughman
CARSON CITY – State employees could face further pay increase suspensions as well as cuts to holiday pay under a bill proposed by Gov. Brian Sandoval.
State employees would again face a pay freeze for the time the years they have worked with the state, as well as any potential merit pay. This is in addition to a proposed 5 percent salary cut.

Legislature begins redistricting process

The power-shifting battle over redistricting began Thursday with Republicans and Democrats releasing competing plans for redrawing voting boundaries in Nevada's 21 state Senate and 42 Assembly d...

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