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Nevada Health Centers breaks ground on new site

Ground was broken Wednesday for the new location of the Sierra Family Health Center that serves Carson City. When complete, the health center will relocate to 3325 Research Way. The ceremony was...

Budget Deal Announced Today Includes New Taxes, Major Reforms

CARSON CITY – Gov. Brian Sandoval and legislative leaders from both parties announced a budget agreement today that will see tax increases and restorations of funding to public and higher education in exchange for significant policy reforms in education and collective bargaining.
The agreement came on the 115th day of the session, and virtually guarantees that lawmakers will adjourn the 2011 session by Monday as the constitution requires.

BLM seeking input regarding mill at American Flat

By the Bureau of Land Management
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Carson City District-Sierra Front Field Office is seeking public input through provisions in Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act on a proposal to reduce site safety hazards at the United Comstock Merger Mill at American Flat (AFM) in Storey County, Nevada.

The BLM requests public input on the identification of historic properties and comments on potential effects analyzed in the environmental assessment to the AFM complex relative to regulation 36 CFR Part 800.2(d) and 800.3(e).

Get Healthy Carson City: Keep accountable for New Years resolutions

This column addresses topics related to the health of our community.Remember way back in January, when the weather was cold, the year was brand new, and you were full of ideas for all the ways y...

Health Insurance Transparency Bill Sees Final Legislative Approval, Heads To Governor

CARSON CITY – A bill imposing more transparency on rate increases sought by health insurance companies is now on its way to Gov. Brian Sandoval for his review.
Assembly Bill 309, sought by Assembly Speaker John Oceguera, D-Las Vegas, requires health insurance companies to publicize their rate increase requests online and allows the public to participate in rate hearings before the Nevada Division of Insurance.

Commentary by Randy Carlson: Health care, half a glass

We've all heard about the half glass of water. Show it to a pessimist, it's half-empty. Show it to an optimist, it's half-full. But, show it to an engineer, and he will tell you the glass is too bi...

Get Healthy Carson City: Cook and store food safely this summer

This weekly column addresses topics related to the health of our community.Summer holidays, like Memorial Day coming up this weekend, present a great opportunity to spend time with friends and fami...

Lyon County continues life jacket giveaway for Boating Safety Week

By the Nevada Department of Wildlife
Game wardens from the Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) and other boating safety experts are reminding boaters about life jackets, safe boating classes and the danger of invasive species during National Safe Boating Week May 21-27, leading into Memorial Day weekend—the traditional kickoff to boating season in Northern Nevada.

Gov. Sandoval Meets With Republican Lawmakers, Still Opposes Extending Sun-setting Taxes

CARSON CITY – Gov. Brian Sandoval emerged from a meeting with Republican lawmakers today saying he is not willing to consider extending taxes set to sunset June 30 to provide more money for the two-year state budget.
Asked if there was a budget deal, Sandoval replied: “Not that I’m aware of.”

Budget Office Says Legislative Budget Comes In Almost $1 Billion Over Governor’s Budget

CARSON CITY — Legislative Democrats intend to spend almost $1 billion more than Gov. Brian Sandoval requested in his $6.3 billion budget, according to a spreadsheet obtained from Gov. Brian Sandoval’s budget office today.
The majority of the $968 million in spending replaces budget cuts in K-12 education, higher education and social services, which Democrats have long argued will eviscerate the state’s social safety net and destroy the state’s education system.

Legislature Schedules Joint Meeting To ‘Reconsider’ Education, Human Services Budgets

CARSON CITY – Lawmakers have scheduled a joint Senate-Assembly budget committee Tuesday to “reconsider” their previous actions on public education, higher education and health and human services programs.

Nevada State Health Division Employees Recognized By U.S. Army For Support Of Troops In Afghanistan

CARSON CITY – It started out with two individuals sending “care packages” to the troops deployed in Afghanistan but quickly turned into a concerted effort by employees of the Nevada State Health Division to make life a bit brighter for those serving in Operation Enduring Freedom.
Packages were sent with everything from beef jerky to “slightly used” decks of cards and dice from local casinos to the troops based in Kandahar, Afghanistan. One employee contributed hand knitted helmet liners.

Autism, rehab services make budget comeback

Lawmakers are resuscitating many of the mental health and disability services that were on the chopping block in the governor's original budget, although the generosity won't mean much unless Democ...

Gov. Sandoval Dines with Dayton Students and Community Leaders

Dayton High School’s Culinary Arts class, one of Lyon County School District’s many Career and Education classes, prepared and served an elegant luncheon for Governor Brian Sandoval and area officials and community leaders Wednesday.

Thanking the students, Governor Sandoval said, “I had an opportunity last week to have lunch with former President George W. Bush at the Bellagio in Vegas. This lunch is every bit as good as what is offered at the Bellagio. This was very professional; the service was impeccable. You should be proud. You all have bright futures ahead of you.”

Wet spring could mean more mosquitoes

A wet spring resulting in more water in Carson City's traditional mosquito breeding areas means extra vigilance on the part of the city's Division of Environmental Health."There is always the poten...

Bill To Generate Money For Public Education, Create Jobs, Raises Legal Concerns

CARSON CITY – A bill authorizing the state Treasurer to use up to $50 million in education funds to support economic diversification efforts and generate more money for public schools passed the Senate today despite questions about the constitutionality of the measure.
Senate Bill 75, amended twice before the vote, passed 12-9 with 10 Democrats and two Republicans in support. It will now be considered by the Assembly.
The bill is being sought by state Treasurer Kate Marshall.

Get Healthy Carson City: Hypertension and you: More pressure on health

We've all seen the automated blood pressure cuff at the pharmacy, and having your blood pressure measured is considered standard procedure at doctor's visits. However, many people don't understand ...

NV hospitals spurn Medicaid cuts, support tax plan

Some Nevada hospitals are backing a Democratic plan for a new business tax as an alternative to Medicaid cuts they say have left their profession "in critical condition."Sunrise Health System Pr...

Democrats Oppose Cost Shift of Mental Health Courts To Counties, Open $6 Million Hole In Sandoval Budget

CARSON CITY – A proposal by Gov. Brian Sandoval to transfer the state share of operating the mental health courts to the counties was rejected by Democrat lawmakers today, creating another $6 million hole in the upcoming two-year budget that starts July 1.
The party-line vote by members of the Assembly Ways and Means and Senate Finance committees came after repeated testimony from advocates for the courts since the session began that they would close without continued state support because of fiscal problems facing the counties.

UNR's Kay Fowler elected to American Academy of Arts and Sciences

By Claudene Wharton

Democrats Vote To Restore $90 Million To Medicaid Budget

CARSON CITY – Democrats today voted to reject Gov. Brian Sandoval’s proposed budget cuts to Medicaid programs this morning.
The governor would have saved about $90 million in his budget through the reductions. Republicans on the Legislature’s money committees voted to cut the Medicaid budget in line with Sandoval’s recommendations.
The Medicaid funding would help reimburse hospitals and their staff for caring for Medicaid patients.

Lawmakers OK Child Welfare Funding Without Governor’s Suggested Cash Incentives for Improvement

By Sean Whaley
CARSON CITY – The Legislature’s two money committees today approved block grant funding for child welfare activities handled by Clark and Washoe counties, but delayed implementation of a proposed “incentive” element of the plan until 2014.
The requirement that a portion of the funds be made available to the two counties only after demonstrating improvement in the delivery of services was a point of contention in Gov. Brian Sandoval’s budget.

Group to pitch tents instead of forks at Nevada Legislature

A camp-out demonstration has been set for Monday through Wednesday at the Nevada Legislature in Carson City and is being led by a group of education supporters who favor a tax hike to fund schools.

Carson City Health Mass Dispensing Exercise

What would you do if there was a public health emergency here in Carson City? With an upcoming Mass Dispensing Exercise, Carson City Health and Human Services hopes to take a step towards answering that question.

Policy Group Warns Of Ballooning Medicaid Budget

Nevada’s budget woes could grow worse as Medicaid costs continue to rise during the next decade.
That assertion comes from the Nevada Policy Research Institute, a free-market think tank that released a report today saying that rising Medicaid costs could eat into portions of the state’s budget currently apportioned for education.

Physicians Warn of Access Crisis for Nevada Medicaid Patients If Reimbursement Cuts Approved

By Sean Whaley
CARSON CITY – The state’s largest physician advocacy group has sent a letter to Gov. Brian Sandoval and all 63 lawmakers saying that 15 percent cuts in Medicaid reimbursements will make it even more difficult for some Nevadans to receive proper medical care.

Silver Springs Elementary School Garden: Planting Seeds of Knowledge

Silver Springs children have a new school garden, thanks to a grant received by Healthy Communities Coalition through the USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA). In a unique partnership, Community Roots, a nonprofit part of The Healthy Communities Coalition, is partnering with SSES and SS Boys and Girls Club to develop and maintain the new garden this spring and summer.

Legislature Votes To Cut Pay To State And University Workers

By Andrew Doughman
CARSON CITY – Legislators on money committees today approved on a party-line vote a 4.8 percent salary cut to state and higher education employees.
The proposal would include a 2.3 percent cut through furloughs – about six days per year – and a 2.5 percent salary reduction.
Gov. Brian Sandoval had proposed in his budget a 5 percent salary cut to state and higher education workers.

Health Fair, River Festival, 5K Run, and Historical Tours in Dayton Saturday

Dayton will be the place for family-friendly fun this weekend with something for everyone: a morning run in Dayton’s beautiful “outback”, a huge pasta festival, hands-on learning at the River Festival, free immunizations and historical tours.

Nevada researchers find partial smoking ban good public policy, good economics

By Mike Wolterbeek
RENO, Nev. — An impact study by researchers at the University of Nevada, Reno has found that the Nevada Clean Indoor Air Act is not only good public policy but also good for the economy.

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