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Rory Reid Plan To Balance State Budget Without Raising Taxes Gets Favorable Response For Theory, But Details Lacking

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – A plan released today by Democrat governor candidate Rory Reid on how to balance the Nevada state budget without raising taxes received some praise from a free market think tank even though many questions remain, including whether the proposal includes an overly optimistic prediction of future tax revenue growth.

Sen. Harry Reid secures money for Carson City JAC bus facility upgrades

With public transit ridership in the Capital City continuing to climb because of the recession, money for Carson City's Jump Around Carson bus program has been promised as part of a $2.1 million transportation improvements plan secured by Sen. Harry Reid.

Healthy Communities Coalition of Lyon and Storey Featured In New Book

Healthy Communities Coalition of Lyon and Storey is featured in a new book that focuses on eight communities throughout the U.S. which have been especially creative in supporting the unique strengths and needs of each community’s youth.

Federal money available for water pollution prevention projects

More than $1 million in federal funding grants is available through the Nevada Division of Environmental protection for projects that prevent or control non-point water pollution, the leading cause of poor water quality in Nevada.

Nonpoint source water pollution occurs when rain, snowmelt and irrigation water flows over developed or disturbed land, carrying with it contaminants including oil, sediment, pesticides, bacteria and nutrients. This contaminated water makes its way into Nevada’s waterways either directly or through storm drains.

Reid announces $1.2 million for school Internet expansion

Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., announced Friday that $1.2 million in funding through the Economic Recovery Act will go to improve cyber network speeds, connectivity and capacity within the state's public schools.

“Strong connectivity is essential for our educational institutions to cooperate and stay competitive,” said Reid. “By improving connectivity we can link Nevada universities and K-12 schools and improve research and education. Broadband access will also provide Nevadans with other important opportunities such as distance education, telemedicine instruction, and economic development.”

Nevada Jobless Rate Actually Above 20 Percent Based On U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics Data

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – Nevada’s worst in the nation 14.3 percent unemployment rate for July does not even begin to tell the real story of the state’s dismal job situation, a state agency reported today.

Nevada Rep. Shelley Berkley Supports Ground Zero Mosque Construction, Says May Run for Senate In 2012

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – Nevada Rep. Shelley Berkley Thursday defended the right of mosque supporters to build their facility near Ground Zero in New York City, saying she supports religious freedom for all.

Governor Gibbons Evaluating Strings Tied to Federal Support Before Accepting Funding

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – Gov. Jim Gibbons said today he wants to see what strings are attached to the $82 million approved by Congress this week to hire teachers in Nevada before agreeing to accept the funds.

Director: Major changes needed to fund government services

Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – Nevada could find a way out of its $3 billion revenue shortfall next year without raising taxes, but only if the Legislature looks at restructuring the way the state and local governments provide and pay for services, the state’s top fiscal officer said yesterday.

Fiscal Expert Says State Governments In Big Trouble

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – State governments across the country are facing budget deficits and a tough economy right now, but failure to get a handle on long-term liabilities, from unfunded pensions to subsidized health care for retired workers, could jeopardize any recovery, a fiscal expert said today.

Nevada Budget Director Paints Grim Picture

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – State Budget Director Andrew Clinger yesterday painted a bleak picture of Nevada’s next two-year spending plan, saying under current tax and spending levels every single program and agency except for education would have to be eliminated to balance the budget.

Sen. Reid earmarks $400k for City Center/Nugget Project business incubator

A financial services bill working its way through the U.S. Senate contains a $400,000 earmark that appears to be destined for the business incubator that is part of the planned Carson City Center/Nugget Project.

Nugget Project update: a look at the Meridian report

Last week we reported that the governor's office sent a letter to Nugget Project consultant Mark Lewis taking issue with certain parts of the feasibility study for moving three state agencies into the Carson City Center/Nugget Project.

The one big item missing in that story was the Meridian Business Advisors feasibility study itself, which we now have a copy of.

State of Nevada, Local Governments, Race to Spend Funds By Deadline

CARSON CITY – Nevada officials are racing the clock to get their full share of federal foreclosure relief dollars.
Some states and local governments elsewhere around the country are at risk of losing millions in foreclosure relief funds. But officials with the state of Nevada and local government entities who are managing the programs say they are on track to obligate their full allotments by September deadlines.
Even so, several Nevada officials said the funds are only a drop in the bucket to address Nevada’s foreclosure crisis.

Nevada GOP Official Blasts Reid For Ad Claiming To Have Saved Teacher's Job With Stimulus Funds

By Sean Whaley, Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – Former Nevada governor and state Republican Committeeman Bob List yesterday called on Sen. Harry Reid to stop running a television ad claiming to have saved a school teacher’s job with federal stimulus funds.

Nevada Loses Out In Race To Top Funds for Education

CARSON CITY – Nevada failed to make the cut today in its quest to win as much as $175 million in competitive federal funds to improve student achievement, but the details of why won’t be known until next month.
The failure to make the cut occurred even though Gov. Jim Gibbons created a blue ribbon panel to oversee the application process and the state hired a consultant to help finalize Nevada’s grant application.

Glimmer Of Hope For Tax Revenues, Looming Challenges In Next Budget Cycle

CARSON CITY – The major funding gaps Nevada and other states have been forced to address in their current budgets will continue in the next cycle even as tax revenues finally begin to show signs of life, a national report released today says.
Signs of “delicate” revenue improvement will be offset by the loss of federal stimulus funds, posing ongoing challenges to lawmakers in 2011 and beyond, says the report from the National Conference of State Legislatures’ (NCSL).

Nevada Tops List On Federal Lobbyist Spending, Near Bottom On Returns

CARSON CITY – A dozen Nevada government entities spent more than $1.7 million taxpayer dollars last year to hire lobbyists in Washington, DC and have racked up nearly $400,000 in expenses in the first quarter of this year, according to data gathered by the national group Center for Responsive Politics.

In search of clarity for Curry Street Promenade, Part 1

If you have taken part in the events going on in downtown Carson City this summer — such as the Friday night concerts on 3rd Street or the farmer’s market on Saturday mornings — then you have witnessed the Curry Street Promenade in action.

Though most would agree that the events are a great benefit for our downtown, the process by which this project came about is a strange one, tainted with managerial missteps, missing budgets and political indifference.

Nevada State Museum in Carson City hosts Powwow traditions exhibit

Celebrating Nevada's rich American Indian culture is a new exhibit at the Nevada State Museum in Carson City called "What Continues the Dream: Contemporary Arts and Crafts from the Powwow Tradition."
This colorful exhibit, featured now through Aug. 7, was developed by the Folklife Program of the Nevada Arts Council and presents art and crafts that capture the vibrant spirit of the contemporary powwow, Nevada-style.

Coming up Monday: A peek inside Carson City's redevelopment machine

The Carson City Board of Supervisors yesterday suspended the redevelopment incentive loans for small downtown businesses, putting an end (at least for now) to the oft-criticized program.

Instead, the supervisors wish to focus more on infrastructure, and possibly on bigger projects (hello Carson City Center AKA Nugget Project). And this change doesn't effect funds used for special events, like the Curry Street Promenade or Nevada Day.

Nevada Transparency Website Still Missing Contract Information, Searchable Functions

CARSON CITY – Nevada’s transparency website, where taxpayers can go to examine details of spending by state agencies, still does not include a critical component that would make the information more useful.
Budget limitations have put a plan to put contract information on the site in a searchable format on hold, said state Budget Director Andrew Clinger.

Nevada Transparency Website Still Missing Contract Information, Searchable Functions

CARSON CITY – Nevada’s transparency website, where taxpayers can go to examine details of spending by state agencies, still does not include a critical component that would make the information more useful.
Budget limitations have put a plan to put contract information on the site in a searchable format on hold, said state Budget Director Andrew Clinger.

Nevada Transparency Website Still Missing Contract Information, Searchable Functions

CARSON CITY – Nevada’s transparency website, where taxpayers can go to examine details of spending by state agencies, still does not include a critical component that would make the information more useful.
Budget limitations have put a plan to put contract information on the site in a searchable format on hold, said state Budget Director Andrew Clinger.

Nevada Transparency Website Still Missing Contract Information, Searchable Functions

CARSON CITY – Nevada’s transparency website, where taxpayers can go to examine details of spending by state agencies, still does not include a critical component that would make the information more useful.
Budget limitations have put a plan to put contract information on the site in a searchable format on hold, said state Budget Director Andrew Clinger.

Nevada Transparency Website Still Missing Contract Information, Searchable Functions

CARSON CITY – Nevada’s transparency website, where taxpayers can go to examine details of spending by state agencies, still does not include a critical component that would make the information more useful.
Budget limitations have put a plan to put contract information on the site in a searchable format on hold, said state Budget Director Andrew Clinger.

Nevada Transparency Website Still Missing Contract Information, Searchable Functions

CARSON CITY – Nevada’s transparency website, where taxpayers can go to examine details of spending by state agencies, still does not include a critical component that would make the information more useful.
Budget limitations have put a plan to put contract information on the site in a searchable format on hold, said state Budget Director Andrew Clinger.

Nevada Transparency Website Still Missing Contract Information, Searchable Functions

CARSON CITY – Nevada’s transparency website, where taxpayers can go to examine details of spending by state agencies, still does not include a critical component that would make the information more useful.
Budget limitations have put a plan to put contract information on the site in a searchable format on hold, said state Budget Director Andrew Clinger.

Nevada Transparency Website Still Missing Contract Information, Searchable Functions

CARSON CITY – Nevada’s transparency website, where taxpayers can go to examine details of spending by state agencies, still does not include a critical component that would make the information more useful.
Budget limitations have put a plan to put contract information on the site in a searchable format on hold, said state Budget Director Andrew Clinger.

Nevada Transparency Website Still Missing Contract Information, Searchable Functions

CARSON CITY – Nevada’s transparency website, where taxpayers can go to examine details of spending by state agencies, still does not include a critical component that would make the information more useful.
Budget limitations have put a plan to put contract information on the site in a searchable format on hold, said state Budget Director Andrew Clinger.

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