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fat loss

Winter Sports and OCR Conditioning Camp

Event Date: 
January 21, 2020 - 5:30pm

WELL BEING’s Winter and OCR 6 Week Conditioning Camp scheduled to start on Jan 21. Sign up by Jan. 8 and save money. Sign-up to improve the following:


Avoid Injury and Improve Your Performance! Our camps focus on improving Pillar strength and stability. The pillar refers to the shoulders, torso, and hips and their interaction during leg and arm movement. A healthy and functional pillar will increase performance and decrease risk of injury in the athlete and lay-person alike.

Fitness on the Wire: Use of Hand Weights

By Jerry Vance
 Fitness students still carry hand-held weights during aerobic workouts with the thought that carrying extra weight in each hand while running would speed up fat loss.  It is true that the heavier you are the more calories you burn with any given energy expenditure.  But, there are other factors to consider before you pick up those hand weights. 

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