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election 2010

Electorial Tidal Wave...NOW WHAT?

We have just witnessed political history on a scale that we may never see again…maybe at a level that no one will ever see again. Riding in on the back of the Tea Party and a message of limited government, the republicans have been given a second chance, but many questions arise. Will they blow it again? Will the Tea Party be able to keep their incredible enthusiasm for the next two years, or will they self-destruct through trivial differences like Ross Perot’s Independent Reform Party in the nineties?

Election 2010: What does it mean?

I turned off the TV late last night, unable to withstand another minute of talking head after talking head trying to come up with a narrative for this election.

For some reason, it seems they think that their audience is comprised of 6-year-olds who can't comprehend anything that isn't force-fed to them in tiny, single-concept bites.

Was it the NObama election? Was the the fiery phoenix of the Tea Party? Was it creeping socialism, or simple arrogance? What about government spending? Or was it just time to throw the bums out?


By: Lee Kennedy

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