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Many New Faces In Nevada Legislature For 2013

CARSON CITY – The 63-member Nevada Legislature will see quite a few new faces when it convenes Feb. 4, including 11 members in the Assembly and 10 members in the Senate, although several newly elected state senators have moved up from the Assembly.

Democrats Narrowly Maintain Control Of State Senate

CARSON CITY – The Nevada state Senate will remain in Democratic control following Tuesday’s election after three Republican candidates won victories in five closely contested races, one short of the number needed for a change of power.

Democrats won two of the five races in play for control of the Senate, maintaining the 11-10 status quo over Republicans.

State Senate Candidates Await Fate

CARSON CITY – The precincts have been walked, the issues debated and the media campaigns run. Now many Nevada voters will get to weigh in on five critical races to determine whether Republicans or Democrats will control the state Senate after the polls close tomorrow.

The 21-member Senate currently has an 11-10 Democratic edge.

Gov. Brian Sandoval and many of his Republican colleagues are working to change this by winning at least four of five of the races in play between the two parties on Election Day tomorrow.

Cyber-Bullying; Should We Be Concerned?

Event Date: 
November 10, 2012 - 2:30pm

With widespread use of social media among adults and children, there's been an uptick in the amount of cyber-bullying cases brought to Carson City area school officials and law enforcement. Nevada Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto will discuss this and other internet safety concerns on Saturday, Nov. 10 beginning at 2:30 p.m. The presentation, geared for parents, students and educators, will touch on cyber-predators, sexting and cyber-bullying.

Carson City Democratic Women's Club

Event Date: 
November 10, 2012 (All day)

The Carson City Democratic Women's Club monthly meeting will be at noon Saturday November 10th at Grandma Hattie's Restaurant 2811 S Carson St.

Those wishing to order lunch should arrive between 11:15 and 11:30 AM.

There is no featured speaker but members will be discussing the outcome of the election and what this portends for future action. Memories of recently deceased member Karen Priest will be noted. Plans for the holidays will be made along with how the Club can be helping with local community programs.

All Democrats are welcome.

Carson City supervisor campaign contribution report No. 4 released

Here is the latest Carson City Supervisor candidate contribution report from the Nevada Secretary of State's office. The report was issued Nov. 2 and it contains contributions from Oct. 13 to Nov. 1.
A total of four candidate reports have been issued and their full donor histories through the election can be found here.

GOP Assembly Leader Predicts Gains On Tuesday

CARSON CITY – Assembly Republican caucus leader Pat Hickey said he expects to pick up seats for the GOP in the upcoming election, but declined to predict today exactly how big a dent his candidates will make in the 26-member Democratic majority on Nov. 6.

'None of the Above!' political song and dance satire today at Brewery Arts Center

Event Date: 
October 28, 2012 - 2:00pm

As Nevada Day weekend winds down, the election season continues to ramp up and in Carson City, there's plenty of room for song and dance. Robert Leonard Reid’s “None of the Above!” a satirical comedy revue that lampoons the 2012 presidential election continues today with a 2 p.m. performance by the Wild Horse Theater Company at the Brewery Arts Center.

Romney Rallies Reno Voters In Effort To Win Nevada

RENO – Gov. Mitt Romney fired up a crowd of about 2,000 enthusiastic Northern Nevada  voters today, urging them to get to the polls and help him take the battleground state that is Nevada 13 days from now.

Romney told the crowd that President Obama is out of ideas, out of excuses and will be out of office come Nov. 6.

The president, “doesn’t understand what it takes to get this economy going, he doesn’t have a plan to get jobs for Americans, I do and that’s why I’m going to win,” he said.

More Than 1.2 Million Registered In Nevada For General Election

CARSON CITY – More than 1.2 million Nevadans are registered as active voters for the Nov. 6 general election as of the close of the registration Oct. 16, the Secretary of State’s office reported today.

Numbers released today by Secretary of State Ross Miller’s Elections Division show that Democrats registered nearly twice as many voters than Republicans since the end of September.

Political song and dance satire 'None of the Above!' set to take Carson City stage

With all the passions and intensities surrounding political issues, here's your chance to get some laughs in before Election Day. Tickets are on sale now for the satire-laced political song, dance and comedy revue "None of the Above!" premiering at the Brewery Arts Center in Carson City.
Staged by the Wild Horse Theater Company, Robert Leonard Reid’s “None of the Above!” is the ultimate show that lampoons the 2012 presidential election. Directed by Jeffrey Scott and produced by Norma Conway, “None of the Above!” is written and composed by Reid, creator of “I Say Nevada!”

Congressional Candidates in District 3, 4, Discuss Issues In Statewide Televised Debates

CARSON CITY – Candidates in two of Nevada’s hotly contested Congressional races debated the issues Thursday in separate 30-minute discussions on public television.

Berkley In Attack Mode, Heller Takes More Restrained Approach In Second Senate Debate

CARSON CITY – Democratic Rep. Shelley Berkley used a second Senate debate tonight to attack Sen. Dean Heller on issues ranging from Medicare to online poker legislation, while her Republican opponent took a more restrained approach in the hour-long discussion on public television.

Residency Challenge In Assembly 9 Race Set For Monday Hearing

A Clark County District judge will hold a hearing Monday on a residency challenge filed against Assembly 9 Democratic candidate Andrew Martin.

The court challenge was filed last week by Republican candidate Kelly Hurst, who submitted information allegedly showing that Martin actually resides outside the district in violation of state law.

State Senate District 5 Candidates Agree More Often Than Not In Friday Debate

CARSON CITY – The two candidates in the race for the state Senate District 5 seat in Henderson debated the issues today in a televised exchange, finding more agreement than division on the all important subject of education reform.

Tarkanian And Horsford Mix It Up In Feisty 4th Congressional District Debate

CARSON CITY – Forget the tame, staid, policy driven debates seen in most races in Nevada so far this year.

Assembly 9 Candidate Says Residency Challenge Without Merit

CARSON CITY – A Democratic candidate for the state Assembly in District 9 in Clark County said today allegations by his GOP opponent that he is not a resident of the district are false.

Republican Assembly District 9 candidate Kelly Hurst on Tuesday filed a complaint in Clark County District Court against his Democratic opponent Andrew Martin alleging that Martin does not reside in the district and should be disqualified from the ballot.

First Lady Presents Her Case For Another Term For President At Rally In Reno

RENO – First Lady Michelle Obama sought to make the case for another term for her husband at a rally at the University of Nevada, Reno today, ahead of a much anticipated first debate in Denver tonight between President Obama and Gov. Mitt Romney.

Nevada Secretary Of State Seeks More Campaign Disclosure, Restrictions In Proposed ‘Aurora Act’

CARSON CITY – Increased financial disclosure, greater restrictions on contributions and gifts, and tougher penalties for campaign violations are the goals of new legislation for the 2013 Legislature detailed today by Secretary of State Ross Miller.

GOP Assembly 9 Candidate Seeks To Disqualify Democrat Rival Over Residency

CARSON CITY – Republican Assembly District 9 candidate Kelly Hurst today filed a complaint in Clark County District Court against his Democratic opponent Andrew Martin alleging that Martin does not reside in the district and should be disqualified from the ballot.

Hurst and his attorney Frank Cremen say that Martin never moved into the district as he claims.

State Senate Candidate Advocates New Corporate Profits Tax In Debate, GOP Opponent Says Call Is Premature

CARSON CITY – Former state Sen. Sheila Leslie drew a clear contrast with her Republican opponent Sen. Greg Brower in the District 15 race in Washoe County in a debate today, calling for a corporate profits tax to generate enough revenue to adequately fund education.

Prevailing Wage, Taxes Focus Of State Senate 18 Debate

CARSON CITY – Democratic state Senate candidate Kelli Ross said today that she is the “union” candidate in the District 18 race in Las Vegas, while Republican Scott Hammond said he will listen to but not vote in lockstep with labor in the Legislature.

Debate In State Senate 9 Race Focuses On Democrat Justin Jones’ Actions In Las Vegas Sands Case

CARSON CITY – A televised debate today between the two candidates for the state Senate seat in district 9 in Las Vegas  - viewed as critical by both major parties – got off to a rocky start for Democrat Justin Jones.

Service for longtime state executive Sept. 28

A memorial service is scheduled Sept. 28 in Las Vegas for RichardHam, a longtime state executive, liberal Democratic activist and advocate for civil rights, services to prevent substance abuse and ...

Nevada Jobless Rate Ticks Up To 12.1 Percent In August

CARSON CITY – Nevada’s unemployment rate ticked up one-tenth of a percentage point to 12.1 percent in August from July, the second month of increases in the jobless rate after hitting a three-year low in May, a state agency reported today.

Democrats Continue To Outpace Republicans In Voter Registration, Gain 100,000 Edge In Clark County

CARSON CITY – Democrats continue to out-register their Republican counterparts, with the latest data from Clark County now showing a more than 100,000 voter advantage as the deadline to participate in the Nov. 6 general election draws ever closer.

Today just before noon the Clark County website, which updates registration totals regularly, showed 346,703 Democrats registered to vote compared to 246,479 for Republicans, a 100,224 advantage.

Political satire 'None of the Above!' coming to Brewery Arts Center

Event Date: 
October 19, 2012 - 7:30pm

Robert Leonard Reid’s “None of the Above!” a satirical song, dance, and comedy revue that lampoons the 2012 presidential election will be staged in Carson City by the Wild Horse Theater Company leading up to the election.

Carson City Democratic Women's Club

The Carson City Democratic Women's Club will be holding it's monthly meeting at Grandma Hatties Restaurant Some candidates may be present to discuss their views on the issues. We will also have updates on the Club's Float for the Nevada Day Parade and a review of the RAP (Rising Above Partnership) first forum on the Affordable Health Care Act as well as plans for future Forums. Please arrive by 11:30 AM if you plan to order off the menu. Presentations will begin at noon. Please invite a guest, all are welcome to attend. Please call 884-3037 or 841-DEMS if questions.


Sen. Reid Defends Obama Record, Criticizes Tea Party, Romney, In Convention Remarks

CARSON CITY – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid today defended President Obama’s record of accomplishments in his first term, citing his preservation of the nation’s auto industry, the elimination of Osama bin Laden as a threat to America and his push to regulate the banking industry as examples of why he deserves a second term in office.

Gov. Sandoval Emphasizes American Dream, Humble Beginnings In GOP Convention Remarks

CARSON CITY – Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval had his moment in the national spotlight today at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, using his six minutes at the podium to talk of his humble beginnings and the need for change in the White House.

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