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Craig Black

Western Nevada College: 297 Students Make Fall Dean’s List

Western Nevada College has named 297 students to the Fall 2016 Dean’s List. For consideration to WNC’s Dean’s List, students must complete at least 12 units during the semester and accumulate a grade point average of 3.50 or higher. Honorees include:

Inside Out Chiropractic offers 'Ask the Doctor Tuesdays!'

Event Date: 
Repeats every day until Tue Jul 30 2013 .
July 16, 2013 - 8:00am
Event Date: 
July 17, 2013 - 8:00am
Event Date: 
July 18, 2013 - 8:00am
Event Date: 
July 19, 2013 - 8:00am
Event Date: 
July 20, 2013 - 8:00am
Event Date: 
July 21, 2013 - 8:00am
Event Date: 
July 22, 2013 - 8:00am
Event Date: 
July 23, 2013 - 8:00am
Event Date: 
July 24, 2013 - 8:00am
Event Date: 
July 25, 2013 - 8:00am
Event Date: 
July 26, 2013 - 8:00am
Event Date: 
July 27, 2013 - 8:00am
Event Date: 
July 28, 2013 - 8:00am
Event Date: 
July 29, 2013 - 8:00am
Event Date: 
July 30, 2013 - 8:00am

Inside Out Chiropractic is pleased to announce a valuable new program called ‘Ask the Doctor Tuesdays!’ wherein Dr. Craig Black, DC will offer free 30 minute appointments to any and all interested parties every Tuesday, 8am to 7pm.

This is your time to ‘Ask the doctor!’ questions about chiropractic, headaches, neck, back, arm or leg pain/dysfunction, old injuries, new injuries, the degenerative process, low tech rehabilitation you can do a home, general dietary concerns, etcetera.

Inside Out Chiropractic: "We accept ALL patients regardless of ability to pay"

Event Date: 
February 15, 2013 - 9:00am

Dr. Craig Black, DC, is extremely pleased to announce the opening of ‘Inside Out Chiropractic’ on February 15th, 2013, at 214 W. Robinson Street in Carson City.

‘May all sentient beings be free from suffering and the causes of suffering’ is the core foundational belief for both Dr. Blacks’ personal ethos as well as the practice. Towards that end; Inside Out Chiropractic is a donation based practice and we accept all patients regardless of ability to pay!

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