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State General Fund Tax Revenues To Come In $100 Million Above Projections

CARSON CITY – Nevada State Budget Director Andrew Clinger said today he expects the current two-year budget to end up next June 30 with about $100 million more in tax revenues than projected in January.
While there are increased costs to the state that will offset that optimistic assessment, the higher than anticipated tax revenues should help carry the state forward into the 2011 legislative session in February without the need for any further budget cuts, he said.

Carson City mom faces felony child abuse charges after ER finds meth in infant's system

A Carson City woman who told authorities she had smoked methamphetamine and then fell asleep next to her infant daughter faces felony child abuse charges after the baby tested positive for the drug.
Charlene Marie Benitez, 22, is being held at the Carson City Jail on $50,000 bond after being arrested early Saturday morning. Charges include felony child endangerment and abuse that caused the infant physical or mental harm. The condition of the infant is unknown at this time.
Subsequent portions of the investigation report appear to be withheld.

Lake Tahoe's Valhalla Arts, Music and Theater Festival gets spicy, funky and downright funny

LAKE TAHOE — Visitors and locals alike can head to the shoreline of the Tallac Historic Site for some of the area’s most unique and diverse entertainment. The Valhalla Arts, Music, and Theatre Festival is bringing down the house with its July line-up and it’s sure to be a crowd-pleaser.

Goodbye Java Girls, Hello V&T Coffee Company

For those guys who liked their morning coffee with a little spice, you are going to have to find another way to get your thrills.

Just drove by Raley's Center this evening and noticed that Java Girls is no more. The signs have been changed to V&T Coffee Company. Guess the scantily clad barista thing didn't pan out.

Congressman Dean Heller votes to extend unemployment benefits

Bucking most Republicans and GOP Senate hopeful Sharron Angle, U.S. Rep. Dean Heller, R-Carson City, voted in favor of the House bill to extend unemployment benefits, despite his history of voting against most Democratic-backed economic measures, reports the Las Vegas Sun.

Nevada Budget Director Says Congress Not Expected To Extend Medicaid Funding To States

CARSON CITY – Nevada Budget Director Andrew Clinger said today he does not believe Congress will act to extend Medicaid funding that was counted on by lawmakers in February when they approved an $800 million plan to balance the state budget.

Firefighters knock down two homes on fire in Carson City neighborhood; dogs rescued

Update: 5:11 p.m.: A fire truck reportedly had some damage from an accident that happened during the initial call. No injuries reported. Remaining fire units will continue to clean up hot spots around the fires and will probably be there for another 30 minutes. Fire investigators are now trying to determine what caused the fire that ignited two homes this afternoon.

Carson Lanes Daycare and Preschool

Carson Lanes Daycare & Preschool now accepting enrollments. This brand new, state of the art facility is State Licensed and Insured, and open to the General Public. ENROLL NOW THROUGH JULY 4TH, AND RECEIVE $20 OFF YOUR FIRST WEEK OF ENROLLMENT, PLUS, WE WILL WAIVE THE $25.00 REGISTRATION FEE!! We offer a state of the art, brand new, child centered, SUPER CLEAN, multi-age facility offering hands on, age appropriate experiences, every day life skills, dramatic play areas, writing center, self directed activities, soft rubber/foam play yard, and much, much more!!


4600 Snyder Ave
Carson City, NV 89701
(775) 283-4365

Carson City men face multiple drug charges after meth and pills found

Two Carson City men, one who is reportedly a former police officer, face drug charges after methamphetamine and pills were discovered late Thursday night.

John Logan Christopher, 29, faces felony charges of possession of methamphetamine, possession of methamphetamine for sale, possession of prescription drugs without a prescription, possession of a controlled substance with intent to sell, and possession of drug paraphernalia. His bail has been set at $11,264. Kameron Mariolo, 24, faces a charge of possession of a controlled substance. His bail has been set at $2,500.

Carson City Chamber of Commerce honors volunteers

At the Chamber's Annual Meeting held at Duke’s Steakhouse inside the Casino Fandango on Monday, June 21, outgoing Chairman of the Board Jim Smolenski honored special people who helped the Chamber grow during his tenure.

Honored were:


Gov. Gibbons Announces Plans To Increase Use of Solar Energy By State of Nevada

CARSON CITY – Gov. Jim Gibbons today announced plans to dramatically increase the use of solar power by the State of Nevada.
Working through the State Energy Office, a request for proposals (RFP) is being put together to develop solar energy systems at multiple state agency sites. The idea is to place solar energy panels on state property, particularly on large state parking lots. Power from these solar energy panels would be used to provide low-cost energy to adjacent and nearby state buildings, resulting in significant savings to taxpayers.

From Carson City to Lake Tahoe, hungry bears in search of holiday barbecues

It's a holiday weekend with lots of folks heading to campgrounds throughout the region. And where there's campers, there's bound to be bears.
Carson City and Lake Tahoe have experienced an active spring, including one bear breaking into a Carson City garage. The bear was taken down.

Carson City company tied to actor Kevin Costner may aid in oil spill

A Carson City company, Costner Industries Nevada Corporation, which actor Kevin Costner finances, may have developed a system with another company owned by the actor that will be deployed by BP and the U.S.

Senators ready for fresh start at Reed Easter Tournament

Saturday will be a new day and a clean slate for the Carson High softball team at the Reed Easter Tournament in Sparks.

Gubernatorial Candidate Brian Sandoval Answers Questions on Issues

This morning in a statewide media conference call moderated by the Nevada News Bureau, candidate Brian Sandoval fielded questions on numerous issues including the 2003 Supreme Court ruling on the two-thirds legislative supermajority needed to increase taxes, tax policy, the Tax Pledge, budget cuts and higher education salaries, renewable energy mandates and the state’s health care reform lawsuit.

Men charged after stealing cart of beer, booze from Carson City Save Mart

A Carson City laborer and an unemployed Reno man were arrested on felony robbery and conspiracy charges after unsuccessfully trying to steal cases of beer and a bottle of booze from Save Mart on North Carson Street.

Officers began the search for the subjects at around 7:15 p.m. on Friday after a larceny report was called in from Save Mart. An interview with a security officer gave deputies a description of the men and the license of the car they were driving.

Carson City Clean Up

The 3rd annual "Carson City Clean Up" sponsered by the Carson City Chamber of Commerce took place on Saturday April 10th. There was a good turn out of volunteers for the annual event, JC Pennys and the Casino Fandago being were well represeted. Rob Joiner, candidate for City Supervisor in Ward 1, was also on hand with a few of his crew trying to make the highway 50 interchange a little less of an eye sore.
The Chamber's Executive Director, Ronni Hannaman, welcomed everyone who attended and had the Chamber supply coffee, water, safety vests and hats.

Carson City Clean Up

The annual Carson City Clean Up will be on Saturday, April 10 from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Volunteers will be cleaning at the Carson City Freeway and US-50 East Interchange.
Volunteers are encouraged and needed. Meet at the Gold Dust West, Lower East Parking lot, 2171 U.S. 50, Carson City.
Contact the Chamber at (775) 882-1565 to be put on the list.

More Opposition Emerges to DOE Plan to End Licensing of Yucca Mountain

CARSON CITY – Five members of Congress representing the states of Washington and South Carolina have sent a letter to U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu protesting a decision to reallocate $115 million budgeted for work on Yucca Mountain and discontinue licensing of the site as a nuclear waste repository.

Carson City Clean Up

The Carson City Chamber of Commerce be doing some cleaning at the Carson City Freeway and US-50 East Interchange. Meet at the Gold Dust West Lower East Parking lot.

Comment on Editorial: Nugget Project: No new answers. Only more questions. by CaptainAlex

Who says we need a new library? The library director, of course, but who else? I have real problems with expanding the library two to three times the existing facility.

Comment on CC Attorney Day Williams announces candidacy for Supervisor Ward 3 by IcedT

Hopefully if elected, he’ll work to clean up the neighborhood of junk cars, neglected dogs and hazardous materials.

Comment on Nevada is greening…slowly by ninoinreno


Comment on Nevada is greening…slowly by ninoinreno

Growing up in Ely taught me several things. One of which is the importance of sustainable jobs in a rural area.

Comment on Final decisions on new freeway landscaping, Part 2 by Aaron Highe

How nice. But has any grant money been secured for upkeep and maintainence? These structures will be irresistable and will be damaged, defaced and tagged nightly.

Comment on So Gibbons wants to lay off state workers? Well, it may get dicey… by Dave Morgan

We’ve gotten some comments over the past 24 hours that were honest expressions of frustration and disappointment about how things are going in this country, and in Carson City.

Comment on A Carson man runs from the law. It took them a few minutes and a couple of damaged patrol cars, but deputies got their man by Kowalski

Great work! A pat on the back is in order for the deputies who took this piece of garbage off the streets!

Comment on Senator Reid said near-Universal Health Care is just weeks away from becoming law by Dave Morgan

It is true that the U.S. has a somewhat long and proud reputation of gleaning innovative solutions from states that are frequently improved on or manged by our federal government.


By Sam Bauman

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