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My One Second of Fame


I knew little about broadcast up until Feb. 14 of last week. However, when the opportunity for me to shadow Brent Boynton from KNPB arose, I jumped at it without hesitation. I had always been interested in broadcast but had focused my attention on print. This was opportunity to expand my horizons.

Hindu mantras to open both Nevada Senate and Assembly in April

Both Nevada Assembly and Nevada State Senate will open with Hindu prayers on April 1 and April 8, respectively, in Carson City, containing verses from world’s oldest existing scripture.

Hindu statesman Rajan Zed will deliver the invocations from ancient Sanskrit scriptures before the Senate and Assembly. After Sanskrit delivery, he then will read the English translation of the prayers. Sanskrit is considered a sacred language in Hinduism and root language of Indo-European languages.

Assembly bill bans pedestrians texting while crossing roads

Using your cell phone without a hands free device while driving has been illegal in Nevada for more than a year.
Assembly Bill 123 could take the law one step further.
If passed, the bill would make it illegal for pedestrians to read, browse the Internet, or text on wireless devices, if they're crossing any state road, even in residential areas.

Assemblyman Pete Livermore hospitalized

Carson City Assemblyman Pete Livermore was absent from the Assembly Monday because of illness.

Nevada Assemblyman Steven Brooks jailed again; allegedly attacks family member

Nevada Assemblyman Steven Brooks was arrested early Sunday morning in Las Vegas on suspicion of domestic violence after allegedly attacking a family member in a physical confrontation and then attempting to take a law enforcement officer's gun.

The arrest, reported at 12:30 a.m. came only days after Brooks, 40, agreed to a leave of absence while being investigated for a number of bizarre events that began with his arrest for allegedly making threats to Nevada Assembly Speaker Marilyn Kirkpatrick.

Launch Week


If there’s one thing that I’ve learned about myself during my very short career in journalism, it’s that I love to cover politics. Over last summer, I did everything from arguing with editors at my internship on the value of driving hundreds of miles to cover a candidate’s stump speech, to doing some of the area’s only coverage on school board elections, and live-tweeting City Council meetings for hours on end. I have an insatiable appetite for covering elections, governments, and everything in between.

Democrats banish Assemblyman Brooks from caucus

Nevada Assembly Democrats voted to eject Assemblyman Steven Brooks from their caucus today after he reneged on his agreement to take a medical leave of absence.

Assemblyman Steven Brooks: 'I've had a month of hell'

It's been a bad month for Steven Brooks. The Democratic Assemblyman from Las Vegas is in pain from medical problems and, he says, a physical beating he took before he was arrested and accused of threatening to harm Assembly Speaker Marilyn Kirkpatrick.

Opinion: A Fabricated Lie

Event Date: 
January 19, 2013 (All day)

Recently, while dialing thru the radio spectrum I stumbled upon the “conservative” Mike Gallagher talk show, which is broadcast locally here in Carson City, on KKFT-99.1.

Mr. Gallagher stated (and I am paraphrasing here) “our children are not allowed to pray in public schools”

“The United States Supreme Court has never held that students cannot pray in school.

Carson City schools chief among Nevada governor's Board of Education picks

Carson City School District Superintendent Richard Stokes was among four non-voting members appointed Monday by Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval to the State Board of Education. Two voting members were also appointed — Stavan Corbett of Clark County and Freeman Holbrook of Washoe County.

“Today’s appointments are the next steps in reforming the governance of K-12 education in our state, a process I began during the 2011 Legislative session,” Gov. Sandoval said. “Working to deliver the best education to our state’s children must be our highest priority.”

Sandoval Appoints Elaine Wynn To State School Board

CARSON CITY – Gov. Brian Sandoval today announced he has appointed Elaine Wynn to the state Board of Education, effective January 8, 2013.

Campus Carry Bill Back On Tap For 2013 Session

CARSON CITY – A newly elected Republican state lawmaker plans to push forward with a bill next session to allow students and others with permits to carry concealed weapons on the campuses of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Assemblywoman Michele Fiore, R- Las Vegas, elected to Assembly District 4 in November, has submitted a bill draft request to prepare a measure for consideration in the 2013 legislative session.

Many New Faces In Nevada Legislature For 2013

CARSON CITY – The 63-member Nevada Legislature will see quite a few new faces when it convenes Feb. 4, including 11 members in the Assembly and 10 members in the Senate, although several newly elected state senators have moved up from the Assembly.

Nevada Voters Approve Legislative Special Session Measure

CARSON CITY – A majority of Nevada voters on Tuesday approved a measure sought by some state lawmakers that will now allow them to call a special session of the Legislature on “extraordinary occasions.”

The vote in support of the constitutional amendment was 54 percent to 46 percent opposed.

Democrats Narrowly Maintain Control Of State Senate

CARSON CITY – The Nevada state Senate will remain in Democratic control following Tuesday’s election after three Republican candidates won victories in five closely contested races, one short of the number needed for a change of power.

Democrats won two of the five races in play for control of the Senate, maintaining the 11-10 status quo over Republicans.

Final Carson City election results

Final: 9pm update: Election night coverage for Carson City; 100 pecent of precincts reporting including early voting and absentee for Carson City races:

Carson City Board of Supervisor Ward 2
Brad Bonkowski 10781 votes; 53.90
Dennis Johnson 9221votes 46.10

Carson City Board of Supervisor Ward 4
Jim Shirk 10,335 votes; 50.06
Molly Walt 10,310 votes; 49.94

Carson City Question 1
Yes 7,3274 votes; 31.77
No 15,622 votes; 68.23

Carson City School Board District 2
Laurel Crossman 12,317 votes; 65.89
Donnie Moellendorf 6,377 votes; 34.11

School District 7
Joe Cacioppo 10,610 votes; 55.17
Alice Mueller 8,622 votes; 44.83

Justice of the Peace Department 1
Tom Armstrong 13,873 votes; 69.65
Michael Bell 6,045 votes; 30.35

Assembly District 40
Pete Livermore (R) 12,773 votes; 57.16
Rich Dunn (D) 9,574 votes; 42.84
See full list below.

Carson City residents file in to vote in today's General Election

With around 63 percent of Carson City's 26,000 voters taking care of business prior to today's General Election by showing up to the courthouse for early voting or casting their ballots by mail, voter turnout Tuesday has been a steady and even flow, election officials have observed.

There was an expected rush early when the polls opened, with 1,300 voters making it to the Carson City Community Center before 10 a.m., said Carson City Clerk-Recorder Alan Glover. Otherwise turnout has been as expected: No long waits. No crowding.

State Senate Candidates Await Fate

CARSON CITY – The precincts have been walked, the issues debated and the media campaigns run. Now many Nevada voters will get to weigh in on five critical races to determine whether Republicans or Democrats will control the state Senate after the polls close tomorrow.

The 21-member Senate currently has an 11-10 Democratic edge.

Gov. Brian Sandoval and many of his Republican colleagues are working to change this by winning at least four of five of the races in play between the two parties on Election Day tomorrow.

A few reasons to vote NO on CC #1

What are we voting on? The only design that has some cost estimates is a grandiose wish list with artist’s renderings presented in July 2011 that has been pared down and down… down to what? Vote NO on CC #1.

Cost estimates vary from $28M to $49M (plus financing costs), depending on what’s included. Even with the tax hike, the intent is to raid NNDA, sewer, federal and private funds. Vote NO on CC #1.

The concept dated July 2011 shows a grandiose wish list for a public-private development. Where is the pared down wish list that CC #1 asks us to approve? Vote NO on CC #1.

GOP Assembly Leader Predicts Gains On Tuesday

CARSON CITY – Assembly Republican caucus leader Pat Hickey said he expects to pick up seats for the GOP in the upcoming election, but declined to predict today exactly how big a dent his candidates will make in the 26-member Democratic majority on Nov. 6.

Fifty-Eight New Citizens Sworn In For Nevada Day

CARSON CITY – Gov. Brian Sandoval today participated in a ceremony in the old Assembly chambers in the state Capitol to swear in 58 new citizens representing countries from Bulgaria to New Zealand.

The new citizens range in age from 18 to 85 and are from 27 different countries.

Abowd Family, Chef Mark Estee partner in Greenhouse Project Harvest Dinner fundraiser

The third annual Celebrity Chef Harvest Dinner to benefit The Greenhouse Project will take place November 12 from 5:30 PM - 9 pm at Café at Adele’s in Carson City. The event features a six course pairing of fine wine and food as prepared by Charlie Abowd, Adele's chef and owner, and guest chef Mark Estee of Campo, recently named one of Esquire’s Best New Restaurants in America.

School board, Assembly seat and state ballot question discussed tonight at forum

An issues and candidate forum hosted by the League of Women Voters will be at 6 p.m. tonight, Thursday, Oct. 18 at the Carson City Library Auditorium. There will be a presentation by candidates for Assembly District 40; candidates for the school board and a discussion on the merits of Nevada's Ballot Question 1 that, if passed, would change the state's constitution and allow the Legislature to bring itself into special session.

Chamber hosts candidate forum for Carson City Supervisor races

Local politics gets into full swing when the Carson City Chamber of Commerce will host its Soup's On Supervisor Candidate Forum on Tuesday, Oct. 23. Featured at the luncheon will be the contestants for the Carson City Supervisor Ward 2 race, Brad Bonkowski and Dennis Johnson and Ward 4 contestants incumbent Molly Walt and Jim Shirk. Questions will be fielded from the audience.

The forum will be at Gold Dust West, 2171 U.S. Highway 50 East in Carson City. The cost is $15 per person in advance and $20 at the door. RSVP by Oct. 19. Call (775) 882-1565. See the flier below.

Congressional Candidates in District 3, 4, Discuss Issues In Statewide Televised Debates

CARSON CITY – Candidates in two of Nevada’s hotly contested Congressional races debated the issues Thursday in separate 30-minute discussions on public television.

Residency Challenge In Assembly 9 Race Set For Monday Hearing

A Clark County District judge will hold a hearing Monday on a residency challenge filed against Assembly 9 Democratic candidate Andrew Martin.

The court challenge was filed last week by Republican candidate Kelly Hurst, who submitted information allegedly showing that Martin actually resides outside the district in violation of state law.

Carson City candidate and ballot question forums next week

Two candidate forums will take place in Carson City next week. Hosted by the League of Women Voters, the first is at 6:30 p.m. on Oct. 17 at the Carson City Community Center. The topics are Question 1, the proposed City Center project for downtown Carson City. Following the pros and cons discussion of Question 1 there will be a Board of Supervisors candidate presentation for the two seats.

Assembly 9 Candidate Says Residency Challenge Without Merit

CARSON CITY – A Democratic candidate for the state Assembly in District 9 in Clark County said today allegations by his GOP opponent that he is not a resident of the district are false.

Republican Assembly District 9 candidate Kelly Hurst on Tuesday filed a complaint in Clark County District Court against his Democratic opponent Andrew Martin alleging that Martin does not reside in the district and should be disqualified from the ballot.

Nevada Secretary Of State Seeks More Campaign Disclosure, Restrictions In Proposed ‘Aurora Act’

CARSON CITY – Increased financial disclosure, greater restrictions on contributions and gifts, and tougher penalties for campaign violations are the goals of new legislation for the 2013 Legislature detailed today by Secretary of State Ross Miller.

GOP Assembly 9 Candidate Seeks To Disqualify Democrat Rival Over Residency

CARSON CITY – Republican Assembly District 9 candidate Kelly Hurst today filed a complaint in Clark County District Court against his Democratic opponent Andrew Martin alleging that Martin does not reside in the district and should be disqualified from the ballot.

Hurst and his attorney Frank Cremen say that Martin never moved into the district as he claims.

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