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Comment on State Budget: Irresistible Recession against Immovable Human Needs by dhataway

I agree with your points but the Lobbyists do not get the big bucks for nothing.

Comment on Roop is thrown for a loop, use Stewart! by fairydreamer

In my opinion Stewart Street is a disaster. Someone is going to get seriously injured or killed in the new section of Stewart Street. I avoid that street all together.

Comment on State Budget: Irresistible Recession against Immovable Human Needs by Dave Morgan

Yes, I agree. It would like lifting up a sagging house and replacing its foundation. But that’s what the state needs.

Comment on State Budget: Irresistible Recession against Immovable Human Needs by dhataway

While a personal income tax could add some stability to the state budget that option is not a short term solution.

Comment on State Budget: Irresistible Recession against Immovable Human Needs by LVIEJO


Comment on The recession finally blows through the door at City Hall by Dave Morgan

Incubators are not simply “fired up.” They require extensive regional surveys of the economic and educational resources in the area, a careful, competent analysis of “valid” business and industria

Comment on Downtown Nugget Project takes another step forward. Some residents nervous. by dayman

Suppose the City did surveys of residents on how they would want to spend millions of dollars, or if they would want to raise taxes at all.

Comment on Downtown Nugget Project takes another step forward. Some residents nervous. by DownTheStreet

Here are two approaches for projects in Carson City. Which one do you favor and which one does the city favor?

Comment on Downtown Nugget Project takes another step forward. Some residents nervous. by Joe Childs

Talk about putting the cart before the horse! I really wish that my elected representatives would do what they were tasked to do- represent their constituents.

Comment on City Supervisors turn down Silver State High School’s plans for new site at Goni and Old Hot Springs by Dave Morgan

Thanks for the correction Steve. You had a lot of supporters at the meeting, not the least of which are strongly impressed with your innovative and forward looking approach to education.

Comment on City Supervisors turn down Silver State High School’s plans for new site at Goni and Old Hot Springs by sknight

Just to correct some points in the article: Steve Knight is not the owner but is the Executive DIrector/Superintendent/Principal of Silver State Schools, a 7-12 grade FREE PUBLIC Charter school.

Comment on Whaddaya know! Brian’s runnin’…maybe. by sportzguru

Mr. Krolicki -

Comment on The recession finally blows through the door at City Hall by Travis

Fire up the business incubator!

Comment on FBI investigating Sen. Ensign on recent affair and affair react. by luvsnv

Regardless of where one falls on the morality and Family Values issues, the FBI does need to examine the financial accounting in Ensign’s office that may be fallout from the alleged affair.

Comment on Comment System Changes by luvsnv

You took the sentence right out of my “mouth.”

Comment on Lt. Gov. Brian Krolicki may run against Sen. Harry Reid after all… by luvsnv

Good. How does one sign-up to help him win?

Comment on Comment System Changes by Dave Morgan

There is a difference between “free speech” and a “free for all with nasty mouths.” Again, as we’ve said so often before, if you want to throw rocks rather than constructive thoughts, there is alw

Comment on FBI investigating Sen. Ensign on recent affair and affair react. by 33woody

Where there’s smoke there is usually fire. John Ensign should have resigned months ago based on his own stated set of Family Values!
Liar,liar, Johns on fire!

Comment on The recession finally blows through the door at City Hall by dhataway

The mosquito abatement program is just as important as plowing snow in the higher elevations particularly on the west side.

Comment on Comment System Changes by Joshua Johnston

As I had tried to convey in the initial posting, we are in no way attempting to stifle the freedom of speech for anyone posting here on our site.

Comment on Comment System Changes by 33woody

Everyone else’s Web-site does this to check for profannity or something else objectional. This is not a problem for people with manners!

Comment on Comment System Changes by DE Boy

So much for “free speech”

Comment on FBI investigating Sen. Ensign on recent affair and affair react. by paul124c

Finally, let’s hope it isn’t a whitewash.

Comment on City Hall to create “citizen advisory panel” on the Nugget Project by Dave Morgan

The names should be part of the information packet for the Board of Supervisors.

Comment on City Hall to create “citizen advisory panel” on the Nugget Project by maddog

Dave, would you tell me how I can obtain a list of the members of this committee? Thanks.

Comment on City Hall to create “citizen advisory panel” on the Nugget Project by Dave Morgan

Mr. Hataway: There is a Redevelopment Citizens Advisory Committee but it is truly a “citizens” committee charged with some of the more standard forms of redevelopment proposals.

Comment on City Hall to create “citizen advisory panel” on the Nugget Project by dhataway

Thank you for your feedback and I know the staff is already busy. But I thought there was an existing committee that is advisory to the Redevelopment Board (BofS).

Comment on City Hall to create “citizen advisory panel” on the Nugget Project by Dave Morgan

Mr. Hataway: Redevelopment staff is already knee deep in those sorts of planning and financial logistics.

Comment on City Hall to create “citizen advisory panel” on the Nugget Project by dhataway

It does sound like the decision on feasiblity has already been made but that is another issue.

Comment on City Hall to create “citizen advisory panel” on the Nugget Project by Nevada Man

Oops, you’re correct. I’m getting the Mollies mixed up. Molly Haupt is an entertainment writer in Long Beach, California. She did not participate in that presentation.

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