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TYRUS W. COBB: End game in Carson - waiting for Raggio

--TYRUS W. COBB: End game in Carson - waiting for RaggioApril, 23 2011 12:16 pm MST...

Commentary by Jim Bagwell: After mishandling budget, it is time for Reid to resign

Only a few short months ago I said I would begin my own little campaign of calling for our senior Senator to resign if he did not begin to use his leadership position in a responsible way by leadin...

SUE MORROW: Something's got to give in TRPA debate

A bill that would pull the state out of the bi-state Nevada-California Tahoe Regional Planning Agency has been referred to the Senate Finance Committee after passage early last week in the Governme...

Guy W. Farmer: Japan's nuclear disaster and Yucca Mountain

My friend and fellow columnist Ty Cobb Sr. seems to think that the Japanese nuclear disaster makes the proposed Yucca Mountain nuclear waste dump inevitable. I beg to differ, however, because I thi...

Commentary by David Cantwell: Who will pay for all these worthy causes?

The - recently published a column by Eugene Paslov. His main points, are in italics and my disagreement follows."Public employees don't make too much money and if they did, that would be relative t...

Eugene Paslov: The law of unintended consequences

The law of unintended consequencesGov. Brian Sandoval is a decent man. He believes he's doing the right thing. He's wrong. He believes you can cut budgets, services and government, advocating "no n...

Letters to the Editor for April 16

Family going to lose property in DaytonMy father farmed 40 acres near Dayton for over 30 years. The land he occupied had water rights and a potential for development which gave it significant value...

Opinion: Legislature assures uninterrupted supplies for crystal meth production

The Nevada legislature just gave the finger to every law enforcement officer who daily puts his or her life on the line in the fight against illegal drugs. Officers like the Carson City deputies who discovered a boy being held in a makeshift home prison by his meth-addicted parents.

The same day that story broke, State Senator Sheila Leslie had to pull a bill that is designed to seriously interrupt the availability of essential ingredients for methamphetamine production, because it didn't have the support it needs to pass the Senate.

It's hardly a surprise.

Chuck Muth: Happy Taxed Enough Already (TEA) anniversary!

Today marks the unofficial third anniversary of the establishment of the tea party movement. And for those who don't know or may have forgotten, the TEA in tea party stands for Taxed Enough Already...

Letters to the editor for April 15

Legislators need to think about 2013, tooAs our current hack-and-slash legislative session wearily grinds toward it's cessation, I have a question. What happens when the 2013 Legislature convenes a...

Letters to the Editor for April 14

Musical theatre program at WNC needs savingThe times are terrifying. Not only are we scared of wars, acts of nature, terrorism, radiation from Japan and the ever-increasing price of gas, we are mor...

Tyrus Cobb: Sen. Key Pittman: On ice and an American 'diplomat' extraordinaire

One of the most colorful figures in 20th century Nevada history has to be Sen. Key Pittman, a one-time gold miner, later a U.S. Senator, where he, among other things, actually chaired the Foreign R...

Eric Herzik: Proposed budget puts Nevada's education system on wrong path

For 100 years, higher education has been a primary gateway to a better life for Americans. People with college degrees make more money, divorce less, live longer and secure a better future for thei...

Fresh Ideas by Abby Johnson: Tunnel vision's affect on nuclear waste

"Tunnel vision - a narrow outlook; specifically the focus of attention on a particular problem without proper regard for possible consequences or alternative approaches" - Webster's New World Dicti...

Letters to the editor April 12

Repealing minimum wage is wrong thing to doIf I wore hats, they'd be off to people - from Dayton and from Carson City, so far.Kristy Mulkey from Dayton, wrote a letter saying the legislators consid...

Jim Bagwell: Too many negatives in same-day registration bill

One of the bills introduced for our Legislators to ponder is one that would allow same day registration and voting. I have a few minor problems with that concept.Last year I challenged people to st...

Richard Bryan: Yucca Mountain will not lessen spent fuel risks

Nuclear industry spokespeople and some in Congress have been very vocal of late suggesting that the nuclear accident in Japan requires restarting the defunct Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository...

Sen. Harry Reid: A clean energy investment moves Nevada forward

While there have been encouraging signs that our economy continues to recover, families in Nevada and around the country are still struggling. These challenges facing these families demand that Rep...

Facebook receives Big Brother Award

The social network site Facebook has received Germany's Big Brother Award, an award given to government and business organizations that excel in scrupulously, unauthorized and insatiably collecting data from personal computers.

Letter: Open Pit Mining as a Tourist Attraction?

Dear Editor: As a long time resident of the Comstock, I have watched with dismay the erosion of the Comstock Historic District that has occurred because of open pit mining.

One need only travel from Virginia City to Carson City to see what used to be historical landscapes transformed into a series of ugly pit mines. The Comstock Historic District is a cultural and historic resource set aside for the people of Nevada. Pit mining erodes this resource visually, and endangers historic landscapes and structures.

Commenting Obstacles

While I fully respect Kirk's decision to link comment posting to facebook, and also understand the reason he gives, I don't think it is the right step.

I've never heard about the major site "Techcrunch" which he mentions as having successfully implemented this, but I am sure everybody has heard about the major sites Los Angeles Times and CNN that implemented it as well and have since gone back to offering the traditional method of sign-up. Simply because too many participants refused to open a facebook account just to be able to comment; they simply don't trust this social network.

Who wants to end early voting in Nevada?

I missed this one yesterday, that Assemblyman Cresent Hardy (R-Mesquite) introduced a bill to eliminate early voting in Nevada.


Considering that early voting is hugely popular, accounting for about half of the votes in the last election, why does Hardy have a problem with this?

According to him, some group in Las Vegas who he will not name asked him to introduce the bill. Why would this group not want to be named?

Opinion: Community Health Centers and the Federal Budget - Who Speaks for You?

By Thomas G. Chase
The U.S. House of Representatives has passed a repeal of Health Reform. Additionally, they passed budget cuts of $1.3 billion to existing funding for Community Health Centers (CHC’s).

Over the last 45 years, CHC’s have grown to provide primary care access to 20 million Americans. Study after study has shown that primary care in a CHC is less expensive and provides more reliable health outcomes than any other alternative for those with access challenges. Who is speaking for the needs of these patients?

League: Boulder Bay project allows more urbanization at Tahoe

PRESS RELEASE — The League to Save Lake Tahoe is voicing its opposition to the size and scale of a large hotel project on Tahoe's North Shore called Boulder Bay, which is slated for a final vote before the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency on March 23.

The project violates the intent of the bi-state Tahoe Regional Planning Compact, which is a Congressionally-approved agreement between California and Nevada to strongly protect Lake Tahoe from the increasing urbanization that is threatening the region's environmental values.

Opinion: Small Community of Silver City Faces Pit Mining Threat

By Erich Obermayr
Silver City, Nevada —population around 200 — is a small, unincorporated community in rural northwestern Nevada. It is located along State Route 342, in Gold Canyon, 3.5 miles from Virginia City. It lies within the Virginia City National Historic Landmark and the Comstock Historic District. The nearest large cities are Reno, 20 miles to the north, and Carson City, 9 miles to the southwest.

Sustainable Lifestyles: Dirty Driving

By Nicoletta Florio /Big George Green Consulting
Traveling green is no mean feat. We can walk, cycle, skateboard or even pogo to a destination. Getting in our accustomed vehicles however, presents a challenge when we are trying to minimize our carbon footprint.

Letter: Those pesky public servants

Dear Editor:

On a clear September morning 9 1/2 years ago, when hijacked commercial airliners slammed into the World Trade Center, thousands died. The terror and violence shook the world. Police officers, firemen, and EMTs rushed into the burning buildings attempting to save as many as possible. When the buildings collapsed, the heroic rescuers were killed, giving their lifes to save others. That's what public-sector employees do. That's what unions do.

Pinky and The Pimp

I watched from the gallery as Sen. Harry Reid called for an end to legal prostitution in his speech to the Nevada Legislature yesterday.

This part of the speech got wide coverage all over the world, overshadowing everything else he said. But there is one thing you should know. This was all an act, political theater that will have no effect on anything. So for all you folks riled up by this issue, just settle down and enjoy the show.

Nugget Project: The Parking String


Several people at yesterday's Board of Supervisors meeting mentioned the generosity of Mae Adams for donating land to Carson City for the proposed Knowledge and Discovery Center and public plaza, the centerpiece of the City Center/Nugget Project.

I've heard some critics complain about this donation, which does little to bolster their case. Despite the unorthodox lease deal, it really is a donation we should be thankful to have the option of using for a new library.

But this donation does come with one very large and expensive string attached.

Consequences of business incentives

Here is another example of why paying companies to do business in your city is problematic. Now that Carson City handed out more generous incentives to retailers in Southgate Center than it had to others in the past, it's now faced with other businesses who want their incentives, too.

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