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Commentary by Eugene Paslov: The legislative road ahead is in bad repair

A friend of mine commented recently, "The Legislature and the governor have kicked the can down the road again, and this time they're tearing up the road." She's right.Some believe the governor and...

Commentary by Chuck Muth: Republicans rising?

When it comes to criticizing Republicans, Democrats are pikers compared to me; however, now would be a good time to give a little credit where credit is due. And the Nevada GOP is showing not only ...

Commentary by Tyrus W. Cobb: Obama's troop reduction unlikely to please anyone

President Obama's decision to withdraw 33,000 U.S. troops from Afghanistan by next summer is unlikely to be greeted enthusiastically by anyone. Those on the far left and right of the political spec...

Commentary by Susan Stamper Brown: A pink slip for Attorney General Holder

During a recent speech at the American Constitution Society (ACS), United States Attorney General Eric Holder lauded our American civilian court system as "our most effective terror-fighting weapon...

Commentary by Michael Reagan: The 11th Commandment is alive and well

They stood up there on the stage, shoulder to shoulder, and voiced their opinions freely, often disagreeing with each other over the various details, but they did it like the gentlemen and lady tha...

Who is the real Mark Amodei?

A few years ago, I sat in on a meeting of local Carson City Democrats and their guest speaker for the night, Republican State Sen. Mark Amodei.

Commentary by Sue Morrow: Acknowledge the kindness of others

With most of high school and college graduations behind us, I have to wonder how many of the graduates will or have sent thank-you notes to those who recognized their achievement with a gift.I'm a ...

Legislative Watch: Governor signs bills affecting seniors

The 2011 Legislative Session is now history. Given the extremely difficult financial conditions facing state government, the Legislature spent most of its time dealing with budget and funding issue...

Guy W. Farmer: Political power as an aphrodisiac

Reportedly, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger once said that political power is the ultimate aphrodisiac. While apologizing for using the words "Kissinger" and "aphrodisiac" in the same sen...

Silver Dollars & Wooden Nickels: NNDA dreaming it and doing it for Nevadans

The -'s "Silver Dollar" and "Wooden Nickel" feature recognizes positive achievements from the capital region and, when warranted, points out others that missed the mark.SILVER DOLLAR: To theCopyrig...

Jim Bagwell: ATF lets guns go to Mexican cartels

"Fast and Furious" may not mean anything to you, but it should. If I told you that this was and is a program intended to deceive the public into believing something that is absolutely not true and ...

Commentary by Eugene Paslov: Can we find the answers to preserve Yosemite?

My wife, Susan, and I have lived in Northern Nevada for 26 years and have never visited Yosemite National Park. Some of our most beautiful treasures are those which exist right under our nose. We s...

Commentary by Chuck Muth: The conservatives

For two days next month, July 9-10, Nevada will be the center of the conservative universe, as the fourth annual Conservative Leadership Conference convenes in Las Vegas - including the next in an ...

Commentary by Tyrus W. Cobb: Anticipating the feared double dip recession

Greetings from Washington, D.C., where they don't seem to have gotten the word that the nation is in a deep recession. The restaurants are full, traffic is horrendous, construction is booming, and ...

Commentary by Joanne S. Marchetta: Time to open dialogue between California, Nevada

In the final hours of the 2011 Nevada State Legislative Session, Senate Bill 271 passed, bringing with it opportunities for the two states that border Lake Tahoe to reinvigorate the spirit of compr...

Fresh Ideas by Anne Macquarie: Food Co-Op in Carson City?

Here's some of what used to be grown in Nevada - hay and grain for horses and mules, flour, potatoes, butter, cheese, milk and beef, fresh vegetables, strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries, apple...

LEGISLATIVE WATCH: Nevada Legislature sine die - time for economic reforms

Kudos and a tip of the hat to the members of the 176th Legislative Session that grappled with a horrendous amount of issues of which the budget was the showstopper, with redistricting playing secon...

Commentary by Tina Dupuy: The case for actual death panels

Dr. Death is dead. Murad (Jack) Kevorkian, whose name has been synonymous with doctor-assisted suicide, died earlier this month at 83. He spent eight years in a maximum-security prison for helping ...

Nevada Legislature: Another dirty tale of sausage making

Last week, I wrote about how the pressures of the final hours of the Nevada Legislature result in lots of bad lawmaking. Today, Anjeanette Damon details some really odious bits of sausage making, including a measure to benefit NV Energy that could cost rate payers $1 billion.

This episode supports the contention that the 120-day session limit makes for very bad legislating. Limiting the number of days the Legislature meets does not limit the mischief that can cause. It simply gives the lobbyists and inside wheeler-dealers all the power, while shutting out the public.

Commentary by Guy W. Farmer: The medical marijuana business

Billionaire financier George Soros and his army of drug legalizers will be back in action in Nevada next year in their continuing campaign to legalize "personal doses" of marijuana. Although we've ...

Commentary by David Henley: Budget cuts spare WNC Fallon downsizing

Although the biennial budget deal agreed upon by the Legislature and governor will result in rigorous budget cuts for Western Nevada College, its Fallon campus will be spared downsizing or even clo...

Commentary by Eugene Paslov: The loss of civilization

The loss of civilizationI once read an account about an ancient people - humanoids who lived more than 10,000 years ago on the eastern coast of Africa. There were two unique features of these ancie...

Chuck Muth: Tax pledge signers not irrelevant; we just need more of them

Following the end of the 2011 Legislature, my friend and political pundit Steve Sebelius wrote the following:"That brings us to the Americans for Tax Reform pledge overseen most vigorously in Nevad...

Tyrus Cobb: Session ends not with a bang nor a whimper

The ferociously fought battle over the 2011-2013 state budget is now history, with about 80 percent of the legislators, lobbyists and observers expressing satisfaction ... and relief. No "special s...

Joseph C. Strolin: Yucca Mountain is no pot of gold

I have a great deal of respect for Tyrus Cobb and his long service to the country. But I have to respectfully disagree with his championing of the proposed Yucca Mountain project. As someone who ha...

Fresh Ideas by Lorie Schaefer: Spending less on schools, but more on tests

Here in Nevada and around the country, school budgets are being cut to the bone. Believe me, teachers know how to wring the value out of every nickel and dime they are paid, every classroom dollar ...

Nevada Legislature: Does sausage making have to be this ugly?

We all know the art of creating legislation is so unseemly that it is regularly compared to making sausage. But, unlike good sausage, does it have to leave a bad taste in your mouth?

The same thing happens every two years here in Carson City. The last days of the legislative session are always a wild time, as legislators hurry to finish up work within the 120-day deadline. Almost anything can happen. Rules are suspended, bills die only to be revived, new bills are introduced and voted on before anyone can have a chance to read and understand them.

Sue Morrow: Bill Maddox enjoying life as Storey County DA

Retired Carson city District Court Judge William (Bill) Maddox has come full circle in his legal career, a circumstance that seems to suit him just fine.Maddox, a former Carson City district attorn...

Commentary by Guy Farmer: How to achieve real immigration reform

When it comes to immigration reform, my friend and fellow columnist Ty Cobb Sr. got it right last month when he wrote that U.S. immigration policy should be designed to attract the best and the bri...

Eighth grader: Take responsibility for your actions

A once great humanitarian and civic leader, first lady Eleanor Roosevelt had said, "In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. The choices we ...

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