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Fresh Ideas by Ursula Carlson: When is the time ever right?

How many times have I heard someone say, "The time is just not right for _______?" What does that really mean? More often than not, it's never the right time for something, because life is not made...

Commentary by Michael Reagan: Obama could learn from Ronald Reagan

Obama could learn from Ronald ReaganIf President Obama really wants to get the U.S. economy going again, he could do worse than to study the results of my Dad's 1981 Economic Recovery Act, which bo...

Column: We need more than just jobs to fix the economy

Job, jobs, jobs. We are told that is what we need to fix our ailing economy.

With an unemployment rate above 9 percent, we do need more jobs. But there's a better chance of getting Sarah Palin to pose naked for a PETA anti-fur ad than there is of getting any kind of job-creating bill through a Congress held hostage by deficit-obsessed Tea Party Republicans.

Commenary by David Cantwell: Competition best for economic malaise

Given the continued belief in a failed economic theory, the recent economic events were inevitable. As a student of the U.S. education system (public school and both public and private college), I ...

Commentary by Guy Farmer: Warren Jeffs - A pedophile 'prophet'

Although I'm not a particularly religious person, I admire and respect people of faith and resent those who take advantage of their deeply held faith. That's why I was pleased when a Texas jury con...

Commentary by Eugene Paslov: City Center backers praised for vision

I was proud of the men, women and children who spoke in support of the City Center Project on Aug. 8. They spoke with courage and conviction. They had a vision for Carson City in which we could all...

Chuck Muth: Sandoval's staff rated 'lame' for responsiveness

One of my Muth's Truths blog readers recently wrote the following to Gov. Brian Sandoval via the administration's spiffy new website: "Sir: I am concerned regarding the civil unrest in England. As ...

Tyrus W. Cobb: Two vivid memories of the Berlin Wall

Construction on the Berlin Wall began 50 years ago this week, a monument to the cruelty toward their own populations by the Communist governments of East Germany and the USSR. The Wall finally came...

Fresh Ideas by Abby Johnson: Now's time for library with benefits

"It's now or never," declared young Maxwell Thornley at last Monday's meeting about the Knowledge & Discovery Center project. "We really need this library."Everyone agrees that Carson City has oCop...

Commentary by Sue Morrow: WWII is still worthy of U.S. attention

Sunday was the 66th anniversary of President Harry S. Truman's announcement of the Japanese surrender during World War II.I found that interesting piece of history in a newspaper, part of a brief r...

Commentary by Guy W. Farmer: City Center morphs into big new library project

I love libraries. You love libraries. All of us love libraries. But that doesn't mean we think city officials should spend more than $20 million taxpayer dollars to build a huge new library next do...

Commentary by Gov. Sandoval: Nevadans can take pride in honoring soldiers

Writing to New York Mayor George Opdyke in 1863, President Abraham Lincoln expressed as only he could America's support for those who serve in times of war: "Honor to the Soldier, and Sailor everyw...

Column: Another take on taxes and who pays them

I would like to commend Tyrus W. Cobb on his recent column that pointed out to some of the fact-challenged Taxed Enough Already people that taxes in this country are already very low, and that raising them by a small amount is not anathema to the conservative cause.

Nugget Project 2.0: RGJ fumbles story

I don't pay a lot of attention to the Reno Gazette-Journal for Carson City news. It's been years since they shut down their bureau here, and I haven't seen them do much original reporting about our city since then.

But I ran across this correction to their story on this week's Nugget Project meeting, and had to laugh. It's one thing to blow the original story, but the correction blows it, too.

Commentary by Eugene Paslov: We're still in trouble

I started this column the day after House Speaker John Boehner walked away from negotiations with President Barack Obama for a solution to our debt/deficit/tax/spending problems. Boehner's done it...

Commentary by Chuck Muth: Dude, Where's My America?

I hear it all the time: Folks longing for the "old days" of family, neighborhood and community in America. When people, not the government, took care of themselves and watched out for each other. W...

David C. Henley: Severe cuts impact Fallon's WNC campus

Fall semester classes begin Monday, Aug. 29, at the Fallon campus of Western Nevada College, and WNC students, their families and community members will be learning in the coming weeks how the stat...

Tyrus W. Cobb: Should tax rates have been raised in exchange for deep spending cuts?

A key aspect of the recent virulent debate over the debt ceiling had to do with the question of raising tax rates, at least on the super-wealthy, in exchange for deep cuts in government spending. Before we can evaluate the pros and cons of that “grand compromise,” let's look at current tax rates and understand who pays what income taxes.

Fresh Ideas by Grant Clowers: Pay attention to all the 'OKness' around us

If you have eyes, ears, and a TV, radio, or newspaper, you have seen and heard a lot of bad news lately. The political/financial mess at home and abroad, wars (as always), politicians intentionally...

Nugget Project 2.0: New plan breathes life into effort

Monday night's presentation of the new plan for the Carson City Center development to the Nugget Advisory Committee has put this much-criticized project back on track, even winning over some long-time opponents.

The new plan is different enough it needs a new name: Nugget Project 2.0.

Janice Ayres: Budget cuts are hitting home for senior services, programs

Today's column is a change of pace for me, as I am writing it not as the president of the Nevada Seniors Corps Association, as I usually do, but as the executive director & CEO of the Nevada Rural ...

Commentary by Will Durst: The Great Concessionaire

Sorry if you settled into your recliner ready to enjoy the blessed silence destined to descend on the political playing field in the aftermath of the Debt Ceiling Death Match. Lasted as long as the...

Business Commentary: To attract and retain business in Nevada, enforce the law

With Nevada's economic woes painfully well documented and the state scoring a dismal ranking of 45th in CNBC's recently released "Top States for Business" 2011 survey, one would think that Carson C...

Commentary by Michael Reagan: Obamanomics - The gift that keeps on giving

Like everybody else, presidents have birthdays and have a right to celebrate them and invite others to join them in the festivities. But taking advantage of the occasion to bash the rich and then c...

Commentary by Guy Farmer: Open pit mining on the Comstock? No thanks!

Even though I'm not a knee-jerk "mining is bad for Nevada" person, I urge the Lyon and Storey county commissions to deny permits for large-scale open pit mining operations in the Comstock Historic ...

Commentary by Eugene Paslov: Always Lost: A Meditation On War

The "Always Lost" exhibit is the brainchild of Western Nevada College educators Marilee Swirczek, Don Carlson and Kevin Burns, plus class members from Swirczek's creative writing class. Other North...

Commentary by Chuck Muth: We're the government, and we're here to protect you

In the 2011 session of the Nevada Legislature, there was once again a plethora of bills to license, regulate and tax all manner of businesses and individual activity. These ranged from forcing mope...

Commentary: Your voice is needed to stop bear hunt

I am not against hunting. I grew up in hunting communities and have many friends and acquaintances whom I admire and respect who are hunters. My concern is the black bear hunt, which was unanimousl...

Commentary by Sue Morrow: Despite FAA shutdown, city airport looking good

It's a wait and see situation at the Carson City Airport in the wake of the shutdown of the Federal Aviation Administration when Congress failed to pass a bill two weeks ago to continue its funding...

Choose guardians for young children with care

Choosing a guardian for young children might be the most important and difficult decision a parent can make.The will is where that decision is usually made. It's a significant reason why all parent...

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