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Commentary by Chuck Muth: Congress tries to rob banks; consumers hit in wallet

Congress, without a doubt, is the anti-Midas: Everything it touches turns to that stuff you scrape off the bottom of your shoe after walking blindfolded though a cow pasture at the stroke of 12 on ...

Commentary by Tyrus W. Cobb: Will we get any solutions on recession?

This appears to be the week where everyone lays out their plan for resuscitating the floundering American economy. President Barack Obama will delineate his plan of action tonight, the leading GOP ...

Commentary by Anne Macquarie: The party of denial

It will not surprise readers of this column that I think climate change is the biggest environmental challenge facing us in this century. I've written about it a few times - what the effects of hum...

Commentary by Elliott Parker: Why hasn't the economy recovered?

A recession is fascinating, in a morbid sort of way, for an economist. But I must admit that I am really getting tired of this one, and would like to get back to considering other problems.Real Gro...

Creekbaum: Employee education can effectively boost 401(k) participation

I have noticed many employers in the area who sponsor a 401(k) plan are looking for ways to boost employee participation in the plan. One way for companies to raise participation rates is by increa...

Commentary by Guy Farmer: The future of Burning Man

They burned "The Man" out on the Black Rock Desert playa last night. Is that really news? Should we care?Of course I'm writing about Burning Man, the annual naked drug festival that takes place jus...

Commentary by Eugene T. Paslov: The destructiveness of anti-government sentiment

The 238 House members, many of whom are Tea Party freshmen, are from districts that have been fueled with anti-government rhetoric, who lash out against everything from health care reform to immigr...

Commentary by Chuck Muth: Teachers union flunkies flunk GOP

Nevada's teachers union issued its 2011 legislative report card recently and, my, what a joke. I mean, they may as well have started off their executive summary with, "A priest, a rabbi and a minis...

Tyrus W. Cobb: Steve Jobs has strong ties to Northern Nevada

The announcement by Apple CEO Steve Jobs that his illness (pancreatic cancer) no longer will permit him to serve as the CEO of one of the highest capitalized corporations in the world, Apple, was s...

Fresh Ideas by Lorie Schaefer: Public art makes an impression that pays

After being out of town for two weeks, Carson City looked especially beautiful upon our return. Even our long-time-coming and still-under-construction freeway looked good. The life-size silhouettes...

Commentary by Jim Bagwell: Washington needs to get it together

I guess it comes down to ideology. This budget mess we are now in really started two years ago when House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and crews refused to presen...

Commentary by Jim Bagwll: Washington needs to get it together

I guess it comes down to ideology. This budget mess we are now in really started two years ago when House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and crews refused to presen...

Commentary by Guy W. Farmer: Amodei vs. Marshall: There's no debate

In their recent televised debates for Northern Nevada's vacant congressional seat, former state Sen. Mark Amodei and state Treasurer Kate Marshall looked and sounded like candidates for eighth-grad...

Commentary by Eugene Paslov: A dream: The arts can provide a living

--Commentary by Eugene Paslov: A dream: The arts can provide a livingAugust, 27 2011 12:20 am MST...

Commentary by Chuck Muth: Collective bargains should be ratified collectively

Although the issue of collective bargaining for government workers has been white-hot this year in states such as Wisconsin and Ohio, Nevada's Legislature opted to do not much more than tinker arou...

Commentary by Tyrus W. Cobb: After Gadhafi, a clouded outlook

The 42-year reign of Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi has come to an end. The world will certainly be a better place with this erratic despot gone, the potentate who was responsible for numerous glo...

Fresh Ideas by Ursula Carlson: When is the time ever right?

How many times have I heard someone say, "The time is just not right for _______?" What does that really mean? More often than not, it's never the right time for something, because life is not made...

Commentary by Michael Reagan: Obama could learn from Ronald Reagan

Obama could learn from Ronald ReaganIf President Obama really wants to get the U.S. economy going again, he could do worse than to study the results of my Dad's 1981 Economic Recovery Act, which bo...

Column: We need more than just jobs to fix the economy

Job, jobs, jobs. We are told that is what we need to fix our ailing economy.

With an unemployment rate above 9 percent, we do need more jobs. But there's a better chance of getting Sarah Palin to pose naked for a PETA anti-fur ad than there is of getting any kind of job-creating bill through a Congress held hostage by deficit-obsessed Tea Party Republicans.

Commenary by David Cantwell: Competition best for economic malaise

Given the continued belief in a failed economic theory, the recent economic events were inevitable. As a student of the U.S. education system (public school and both public and private college), I ...

Commentary by Guy Farmer: Warren Jeffs - A pedophile 'prophet'

Although I'm not a particularly religious person, I admire and respect people of faith and resent those who take advantage of their deeply held faith. That's why I was pleased when a Texas jury con...

Commentary by Eugene Paslov: City Center backers praised for vision

I was proud of the men, women and children who spoke in support of the City Center Project on Aug. 8. They spoke with courage and conviction. They had a vision for Carson City in which we could all...

Chuck Muth: Sandoval's staff rated 'lame' for responsiveness

One of my Muth's Truths blog readers recently wrote the following to Gov. Brian Sandoval via the administration's spiffy new website: "Sir: I am concerned regarding the civil unrest in England. As ...

Tyrus W. Cobb: Two vivid memories of the Berlin Wall

Construction on the Berlin Wall began 50 years ago this week, a monument to the cruelty toward their own populations by the Communist governments of East Germany and the USSR. The Wall finally came...

Fresh Ideas by Abby Johnson: Now's time for library with benefits

"It's now or never," declared young Maxwell Thornley at last Monday's meeting about the Knowledge & Discovery Center project. "We really need this library."Everyone agrees that Carson City has oCop...

Commentary by Sue Morrow: WWII is still worthy of U.S. attention

Sunday was the 66th anniversary of President Harry S. Truman's announcement of the Japanese surrender during World War II.I found that interesting piece of history in a newspaper, part of a brief r...

Commentary by Guy W. Farmer: City Center morphs into big new library project

I love libraries. You love libraries. All of us love libraries. But that doesn't mean we think city officials should spend more than $20 million taxpayer dollars to build a huge new library next do...

Commentary by Gov. Sandoval: Nevadans can take pride in honoring soldiers

Writing to New York Mayor George Opdyke in 1863, President Abraham Lincoln expressed as only he could America's support for those who serve in times of war: "Honor to the Soldier, and Sailor everyw...

Column: Another take on taxes and who pays them

I would like to commend Tyrus W. Cobb on his recent column that pointed out to some of the fact-challenged Taxed Enough Already people that taxes in this country are already very low, and that raising them by a small amount is not anathema to the conservative cause.

Nugget Project 2.0: RGJ fumbles story

I don't pay a lot of attention to the Reno Gazette-Journal for Carson City news. It's been years since they shut down their bureau here, and I haven't seen them do much original reporting about our city since then.

But I ran across this correction to their story on this week's Nugget Project meeting, and had to laugh. It's one thing to blow the original story, but the correction blows it, too.

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