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WASHINGTON WATCH: Saved by the bell - again

I see we survived another possible government shutdown by the Senate, by only a hair's breadth, and it took less game-playing this time to reach that goal. Let's see what the Republican House does....

Commentary by Guy W. Farmer: Air races, guns and motorcycles

Northern Nevada was in the news, but not in a good way, during my 10-day family visit to Seattle last month. It seemed as if I was reading a bad news story about our area just about every day in th...

Commentary by Eugene Paslov: Has country lost its moral compass?

I was alarmed to hear Rep. Eric Cantor, R-Va., declare that emergency aid from the destructive Hurricane Irene should be offset by equal amounts of spending cuts. Being mean-spirited, it's also hyp...

Reflections on 8th Burning Man visit

By Sam Bauman
First time I went to Burning Man on the Black Rock playa, I slept in my SUV. Not bad but second and third it was in my tent, a very gritty and uncomfortable week. Fourth I weaseled my way into a friend's a fold-out trailer, which was better. But from then on I teamed up with a retired airline pilot, who had a nice 27-foot Winnebago. Four of us the first three times, just two the last.

Commentary by Chuck Muth: GOP's intra-party fight over same-day registration

There is an ongoing internal brouhaha over the Nevada Republican Party's proposal to allow same-day voter registration so that non-Republicans can show up at the GOP presidential caucus in February...

College Prep: For high school seniors, D-Day is nearing

By Brian Underwood
The signature shades of orange, red, and purple that are often associated with autumn are not the only fall colors blanketing high school campuses at this time of year.

Visit the office of a high school guidance counselor in September and October and one also will take in the various shades of ash, green, and yellow found on the faces of millions of high school seniors attempting to figure out where they should go to college.

Commentary by Bob Thomas: Tell me, what's my fair share of taxes?

"A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend upon the support of Paul." - George Bernard ShawI hear talk about revising the federal income tax code. No question, it is a sorry mess. ...

Fresh Ideas by Abby Johnson: U.S. should continue essential services

"The legitimate object of government is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves in their separate, and indiv...

Commentary by Jim Bagwell: When the president speaks, the market plummets

All I can say is "wow."President Barack Obama has an absolute lock on the stock market. The Dow plummeted last week, with nearly a trillion dollars lost in two days. Staggering for our economy and ...

Carol Perry: Major fiscal changes needed soon

I worry about America. I pray for America. Most of its citizens seem oblivious to the danger of borrowing almost half of every dollar currently spent. If America were a person, it would promptly be...

Guy W. Farmer: $16 muffins? That's hard to swallow

Some of my fellow Democrats accuse me of sounding like a Tea Party activist when I criticize the federal government for fraud, waste and abuse, and for encroaching on the states' rights guaranteed ...

Elliott Parker: Are corporate tax rates too high?

Incorporation helps many owners pool their investments into shares of a single firm. As legal fictions, corporations are able to sign contracts and outlive any individual owner, and limited liab...

Eugene Paslov: Proud of board for vote on the City Center

I had the start of a bad day on Sept. 15. My son and I went to the Reno Air Races (as a private pilot, I love this event). We arrived a little after 8 a.m. and we were leaving about 1 p.m., after t...

Nevada News Bureau's Elizabeth Crum Gets Linky

Elizabeth Crum, publisher and editor of Nevada News Bureau writes: "Bored with my usual “In Case You Missed It” headline, so I’m mixing it up today, Dear Readers. Livin’ on the edge, that’s me. Here’s some stuff you may have missed this week in your mad rush to live your life:" Go here for this week's top links.

It's Carson River Canyon, not Brunswick Canyon

In honor of retired state archivist Guy Rocha's 60th birthday today, I want to aid him in one of his favorite pursuits, busting myths about Nevada.

In this case, locals commonly make the mistake of saying Brunswick Canyon when they are actually talking about Carson River Canyon. I make this mistake, and I see many instances of this also coming out in arrest reports and press releases from the Carson City Sheriff's Office.

Commentary by Chuck Muth: False choice - Raise taxes or cut education?

Polling results recently released by Public Opinion Strategies on behalf of the Retail Association of Nevada have tax-and-spend liberals around the state doing the Snoopy dance. According to POS, "...

Fresh Ideas: Danger lurks in your medicine cabinet

Addictions to prescription medication are a little-known epidemic in our country.An estimated 7 million people are addicted to prescription drugs. Even scarier, 3,405,000 young people between the a...

John Bullis column: Planning for a terminally ill person

You know only death and taxes are certain. One of my grandfathers started a Mortuary in Hardin, Mont., that is still run by my uncle Everett and his son Terry. My other grandfather was a rancher in...

Commentary by Janice Ayres: The proof is in the pudding

The special election for Congressional District 2 is over, and no big surprise. After Judge Todd Russell decided in a lawsuit filed by Republicans to narrow the field from 12 who wanted to run, to ...

Bob Thomas: Here's why the last stimulus failed

"In general, the art of government consists in taking as much money as possible from one class of citizens to give to the other." - VoltaireWhen it comes to the economy, society has two classes of ...

Commentary by Chuck Muth: A look at Nevada's Presidential Derby

With election 2012 in full swing now, let's take a look at the Republican presidential race.First, beware of polls in Nevada. Unless the pollster is polling the small minority of registered Republi...

Commentary by Tyrus W. Cobb: Is state ready for a new tax structure?

We have long heard the refrain that Nevada's current tax structure is not only "unbalanced," but that it's based on an economy that no longer exists. Specifically, adherents of moving to a differen...

Janice Ayres: Nevada seniors face more service cuts

Right now is not a good time to be a senior citizen in Nevada if you have limited funds and poor health, and live in a rural county. Also, if Medicare is your only insurance, you can forget eyeglas...

Commentary by Sue Morrow: Foreclosures do more than empty houses

Washoe District Court Judge Patrick Flanaghan recently ruled that Nevada's foreclosure mediation program, which allows distressed borrowers to request a face-to-face mediation with lenders, is not ...

Nugget Project: Last-minute lobbying effort not helpful

I was just finishing up a column about how far the Nugget Project has come, from a vague, unrealistic plan that left the city on the hook for the whole bill, to an exciting, well-designed public-private partnership that deserves our qualified support.

But I was forwarded an email this morning that almost makes me want to change my mind.

Nugget Project 2.0: My, what a long way we've come

It's been almost two years since I first heard about the Nugget Project.

Back then, the plan was very vague, a public-private partnership that could add up to $90 million. The city's part of this project would be a 1/8th cent sales tax increase and money from the redevelopment fund equaling approximately $25 million.

Elliott Parker: Where we went wrong after Sept. 11

A decade ago we stood at a crossroads, and we made a choice.

Elliott Parker: Where we went wrong after Sept. 11

A decade ago we stood at a crossroads, and we made a choice.Our economic output had been growing fast for the prior decade - faster than it had grown in any decade since the 1960s. Gross Private In...

Gov. Brian Sandoval: Mourn the past, but look ahead with resolve

Ten years ago today, Nevadans awoke to learn of unspeakable acts of terror, acts that would tear the fabric of America and cast doubt on our ability to keep one another safe. And yet, at the same t...

Carson City resident recalls feelings of 9/11

My thoughts after hearing the song - "Where Were You When the World Stopped Turning." That Tuesday morning my girls rushed to schoolWith a wave as they ran out the doorI turned on the TV to Good Mo...

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