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Adventures in Carson City


Achievement Unlocked: Report the First Month of 77th Session


I spent most of January studying the faces of each Senatorial and Assembly lawmaker. I also tried to force myself to understand some of the bills, but I figured it would be better to just get the idea of it and learn along the way (which I did, and it worked). Reporting on big Nevada politics is new to me, and I’m eager to learn more.

Carson City wild horse advocates speak out on BLM decision to trap Deer Run Road horses

UPDATE 10AM: Today, the American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign, a national coalition, joined forces with a Nevada State Senator and local community leaders in and around Carson City to harshly criticize the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) for refusing to work with local residents to keep a small group of wild horses free. The mustang herd at issue travels between federal land in the Pine Nut Herd Management Area (HMA) and a rural area outside Carson City.

Carson Public School Drug Policies Behind the Times

Today I attended a Chamber luncheon focused on [our] children's use of drugs and alcohol, and the ENDLESS ways the signs of/actual drugs are hidden. I was blown away with the amount of information given in such a short time, but the most disturbing moment was announced with applause.
Carson City is proud to randomly drug test their athletes.
Wow. Your athletes. Good for you. Finally.

My One Second of Fame


I knew little about broadcast up until Feb. 14 of last week. However, when the opportunity for me to shadow Brent Boynton from KNPB arose, I jumped at it without hesitation. I had always been interested in broadcast but had focused my attention on print. This was opportunity to expand my horizons.

U.S. Educator Report Card: Math F, Science F, Reading D-, Socialism A+

The 2012 education PISA* rankings indicate that the USA came in at 25th for math, 14th for reading and 17th for science out of 30 countries with only three of those countries spending slightly more money per pupil than America. Yet the mantra for more money, benefits and taxes for education continue just as it has for the last sixty years. If more money will solve the education problem then why hasn't it ever worked in the last sixty years?

Creating a social networking forum for the entire Carson City community

(Editor's Note: The following was submitted to Carson Now by Carson City Supervisor Jim Shirk. Follow him on Twitter here and on his blog here. )

How to Chase Down a Senator


Well, the first couple weeks are all done! And, oh my gosh, have I learned a lot. For some reason I thought the assemblymen and senators would a lot easier to access than they are. I think the reporters we talked to before this started made it sound really easy. Some are pretty friendly about talking, but others are a little harder.

Back To My Original Approach


Is It Too Soon For a Retrospect?


It’s become somewhat of a cliché, saying in a retrospective astonishment that something began as an idea. In theory, everything begins as an idea. But I’ve never been a part of something from the very beginning that would eventually lead to a fully realized organization like the Nevada Media Alliance, so you’ll have to forgive the cliché.

Sheriff Furlong trying to get rid of Biker clubs?

I just got word that Sheriff Fulong is trying to get rid of the biker clubs in Carson City . You got to be kidding me, what has this country come to? Go get the guys that shoot up IHOP, the guy who is molesting children. You wont win this one, we have constitution rights and we will fight for them. Police are the most corrupt people I know. There's bad seeds in all aspects of clubs, including the police. All this is gonna do is bring us bikers closer together and make us stronger. The Blue nights who are cops where cuts too, you gonna close them down to?

Launch Week


If there’s one thing that I’ve learned about myself during my very short career in journalism, it’s that I love to cover politics. Over last summer, I did everything from arguing with editors at my internship on the value of driving hundreds of miles to cover a candidate’s stump speech, to doing some of the area’s only coverage on school board elections, and live-tweeting City Council meetings for hours on end. I have an insatiable appetite for covering elections, governments, and everything in between.

3-2-1, Blast Off!


As I pen this, three UNR grad students are leading eight undergrads in the final planning of the launch of the Nevada Media Alliance. I may be supervising this experiment in news partnering, but these eager, ambitious journalism students will be deciding — and doing — much of what goes into it.

Letter: Narrowing Carson Street to 2 lanes

Shall Carson Street be narrowed to 2 lanes? Will it benefit or harm the community and the affected businesses? My suggestion is simple: Using traffic cones, temporarily close off the lane closest to the curb, give it a 60 day trial, and see what happens. My guess is that it will clearly be shown to be either be a benefit or a problem, and that the issue will solve itself.

John Vettel
Carson City, NV

Immigration 'Reforms'? Real Reform Is As Simple As 1-2-3-4


1. Secure the borders.
2. Quit politicizing immigration and illegal immigration.
3. Turn off the magnet to illegal immigration.
4. Put an end to “anchor babies.”


As an immigrant and a naturalized U.S. citizen myself, with several generations of U.S. citizens in my extended family tree and none left in Europe, I am writing to express my most vehement protest against the proposed “reforms” in our immigration laws that are being announced at the present time, whether they come from the president or Congress.

Organizers for Tiffani Barber fundraiser thank local businesses, community

The Carson City community banded together to help Tiffani Barber and raised over $3000.00 in silent auction items at High Sierra Brewery on Monday, January 21st. This would not have been possible without the community support. The Carson City community members and businesses generously donated items and have supported the Barber family through this difficult time.
Diana Burns
Sheri Carothers
Tamara Boyd
Michael’s Cycle
Glen Eagles Restaurant
Ruby Lantern Tattoo
Sassafras Eclectic Food Joint
High Sierra Brewery
Bella Cakes
RE-Nu Salon & Spa
Julie Reichardt- All Realty

Opinion: Did They Ever Play A Video Game?

Charles Joseph Whitman, in 1966 killed 14 people and wounded 32 others in a mass shooting rampage located in and around the Tower of the University of Texas in Austin on the afternoon of August 1, 1966. Three people were shot and killed inside the university's tower and 11 others were murdered after Whitman fired at random from the 28th-floor observation deck of the Main Building. Did he ever play a video game?

Opinion: A Fabricated Lie

Event Date: 
January 19, 2013 (All day)

Recently, while dialing thru the radio spectrum I stumbled upon the “conservative” Mike Gallagher talk show, which is broadcast locally here in Carson City, on KKFT-99.1.

Mr. Gallagher stated (and I am paraphrasing here) “our children are not allowed to pray in public schools”

“The United States Supreme Court has never held that students cannot pray in school.

Letter: Prison steals work and jobs from struggling Nevada companies

This is a letter I sent out to Gov. Sandoval, and multiple other State Representatives. I felt that the general public should know what our prison system is doing to multiple small business owners in Carson City and Nevada. I would be very pleased if someone would bring this to light and show what our tax dollars are doing in this economy. There was a big story about this in Vegas with another company ... but this is also happening in our own backyard.

Dear Governor Sandoval,

The Hundred Year War On The Economy

Sometimes it takes a while to get the big picture, to see things coming into focus. Now, I am not much for conspiracy theories, but if anything looks like it is being driven by design, this is one. The theories driving it were formulated many lifetimes ago. The people whose sick minds spawned them are long dead. For the life of me I do not understand how any egomaniac could possibly get his jollies from a trend he might have started but maybe not even his great-grandson might see coming to fruition. But there it is, a hundred year timeline on several fronts.

Destruction of money

Opinion: Carson City Mayor's Visit to the CC Men's Club — a discussion of the Master Plan for downtown

The Mayor of Carson City was the guest at this week's meeting of the Carson City Men's Club. Per prior agreement he did not give a prepared speech, and after a glowing introduction that gave a brief highlight of his impressive history of accomplishments, he fielded questions from his audience.

Opinion: Deconstructing Agenda 21

In his classic essay, entitled The Paranoid Style in American Politics, Richard Hofstadler, succinctly stated the following:“We are all sufferers from history, but the paranoid is a double sufferer, since he is afflicted not only by the real world, with the rest of us, but by his fantasies as well.”

Going out on a limb 'Carson City's oldest tree'

A long-standing belief shared by many capital residents is that Carson City’s oldest tree dates back more than 200 years. During the nation’s birthday celebration in 1976, the massive cottonwood on the northwest corner of Division and Washington streets was designated the “Nevada Bicentennial Tree.” It still is marked as such with a large wooden plaque.

Letter: Carson City Sheriff's Office explores NHP substation concept

Several years ago Undersheriff Albertsen and I entertained a vision with representatives from the Nevada Highway Patrol regarding law enforcement services and unity in Carson City.

Dare to Touch PERS Reform, Anyone?

Now here is a story that SHOULD make your blood boil, especially because for some reason the story “hit” on Christmas Eve.

Pension Politics: California system plays hard ball in court – Opinion – ReviewJournal.com

The Greatest Christmas Gift

Today we celebrate the birth of a Jewish Rabbi. We celebrate the renewal of hope that the world may one day learn from the greatest teacher that ever lived. For his billion Christian followers, as Christian/Jews, we also celebrate the birth of the Christ, the messiah, the son of God. During this celebration, the world shall receive the greatest gift.

Support Nevada’s Gift to the Nation

I wanted nothing to do with Western Nevada College’s Always Lost: A Meditation on War project when English professor Marilee Swirczek presented the idea in 2009 of personalizing the Iraq/Afghanistan Wars through literary work, combat photos, and a wall displaying the faces of U.S. military war dead since Sept. 11, 2001.

incredible -- The Best That All Those Brains Can Do Is THIS?

This is in reference to the story,


The full text of the statement is found here:

A Call for More Effective Prevention of Violence

Look at the signatories under this pablum.... Look at al those PhD's.... The list is so long that they can't add more to it. 

And YET, all they can come up with is, ...

our deepest condolences
our concern is not limited to schools



Father. Must I go to work?
No, my lucky son.
We're living now on Easy Street
On dough from Washington.

We've left it up to Uncle Sam,
So don't get exercised.
Nobody has to give a damn-
We've all been subsidized.

But if Sam treats us so well
And feeds us milk and honey,
Please, daddy, tell me what the hell
They're going to use for money.

Don't worry, bub, that not a hitch
In this here noble plan-
They simply soak the filthy rich
To help the common man.

But, father won't there come a time
When they run out of cash

Letter: The Amendment To Overturn The 'Citizens United' Decision

The article on the web page Citizens United Petition delivered to Carson City leaders in Carson Now states that 300 cities and 11 states are passing around a resolution for a constitutional amendment to overturn this Supreme Court decision.

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