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Column: Don't forget the forgotten on Memorial Day

Under the cool shade of a grove of trees behind Fuji Park and across Clear Creek near Baily Pond rest two Union soldiers.

The American Civil War veterans were laid to rest here more than a century ago back when the property was site of the Ormsby County Poor Farm.

JoAnne Skelly: Milky Spore – What does it work on?

My friend Paul recently asked me to tell him about Milky Spore. I knew nothing about it, so decided to look it up.

Milky spore is a bacterial disease used as an alternative to chemical insecticides to reduce Japanese beetle populations. This microbial or biological insecticide was one of the first registered in the United States in 1948.

Wildfire: Prepare, Anticipate, Evacuate

May is Wildfire Awareness Month.

After an extremely wet winter, you might think that there will be less risk of wildfire this year. Sadly, that is unlikely to be the case.

Movies to Chronicle the 20th Century

Event Date: 
May 17, 2017 - 12:30pm

Ron’s high school freshman daughter Karyn is taking a 20th Century history and culture class that she enjoys, and she’s also decided she wants to be a film-maker. So, recently his family began a weekly movie series to chronicle the century, with an emphasis on how major events and developments affected people of each era.

JoAnne Skelly: A happy gardener’s spring observations

I thought sitting outside in the shade on a beautiful spring day would be a fun way to write my article. Now that I’m writing, I’m not so sure.

Column: All Roads Lead To Israel/Jerusalem, Part 2

Most of us love a great musical show, and one such example is Fiddler on the Roof, where the poor Jewish milkman, Tevye, is burdened with poverty while trying to maintain long-standing traditions and cope with oppression from the anti-Semitic Russians. At one point, he cries out to God, "I know, I know. We are your chosen people. But once in a while, can't You choose someone else?"

Out of all the nations in the world, why did God choose Israel? In the book of Deuteronomy, Moses explained why:

Politicians have made childcare unaffordable

Event Date: 
May 10, 2017 - 8:15am

Among the great social changes that drove economic growth in the latter half of the 20th Century was the large-scale entry of women into the labor force. With more Americans working, family lifestyles changed rapidly.

But this growth of the female labor force required families to find ways to care for their children while both parents were at work. Although some parents could rely on grandparents or others to watch their kids, that option was unavailable to many.

No, Dean Heller did not sell your Internet History

Event Date: 
May 9, 2017 - 11:30am

It looks like liberals are now in the business of using billboards to promote their delusions. They have hijacked the truth and put it on Interstate 580 for everyone to see with a billboard making the ridiculous claim that Senator Dean Heller voted to allow companies to purchase your Internet browsing history.

This claim is a far cry from the truth. All the Republican-controlled Congress did is restore the rule of law by repealing the political favoritism of the Obama Administration's regulatory overreach. Your privacy is still intact and the liberals know it.

What Goes Around Comes Around

It’s baseball season again, so we offer some thoughts on the great 1984 movie The Natural.

Robert Redford plays Roy Hobbs, a former Nebraska farm boy who’s a fantastically great natural pitcher and hitter destined to be a major league superstar. But as he’s on his way to The Show at age 20, events take weird turns and he never gets his chance.

All Roads Lead To Israel/Jerusalem

Western minds, Western eyes, and Western culture have difficulty accepting or even understanding what is happening to Israel today, especially with its Islamic neighbors. The utter significance of this piece of real estate seems remote and of little concern to so many. Even those who consider themselves "up to speed" with the news often neglect to read, digest, and think about the ancient history of this region of the world. Perhaps the most required reading material is that of the Bible, the world's most read book of all times. We can read from as many books, etc.

ObamaCare: Repeal It and Then Find a Replacement

For six years, most Republicans campaigning for federal office pledged to repeal ObamaCare. According to national polls, a majority of Americans have consistently opposed ObamaCare even when they otherwise approved of Barack Obama as president.

Tambourines and Elephants

“All children are artists. The problem is to remain an artist once you grow up.” — Pablo Picasso, Painter, Sculptor.

In the Fall of 2015, I was teaching to a group of high school students on the topic of creativity and innovation in entrepreneurship. As examples, I shared stories about the imaginative minds of George Lucas and Steve Jobs.

Freedom Writers: My Journey to Juvie

“I made a decision that incarceration would not be my last destination. God is not done with me yet.” — Anonymous

I remember when I first met Alyssa, along with a dozen other students, in my class. As they were reading aloud, and under her breath, Alyssa politely corrected the girl reading in the chair next to her. She was shy, wise, and well-spoken.

Tradition, Innovation and Balance

We’ve striven all our lives to embrace positive change.

But we each do so in our own ways. Young Geoff has always been an early adopter of new technologies. Boomer Ron says he’s “a real Twentieth Century guy,” and prefers to see that new technologies are viable and enjoy widespread adoption before jumping on board.

Ron’s Lesson about the World for Daughter Karyn

We teach our children key lessons to prepare them for life. So, recently, Ron explained to daughter Karyn another episode of: How the World Works.

Column: An Immigrant's Dream

I am married to an immigrant. Among the many definitions that people apply to this word is "a person who comes into a new country".

Memo to The Donald


TO: The Donald

FROM: A proud but increasingly alarmed member of the irredeemable deplorables

RE: Stories about bullying the freedom caucus because of their opposition to 
0bamacare 2.0 / RyanCare / RINOcare / TrumpCare / "repeal"

from the Drudge Report

and others across the full spectrum of the media on March 21.


Letter: Federal Law Trumps Nevada’s Marijuana Initiative

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer’s February 23 comments on marijuana received major attention in Nevada. Spicer volunteered that marijuana is still illegal under federal law and there would be “greater enforcement” in states that legalized recreational marijuana.

Our Founders’ Legacy versus Progressivism

Our Founders and the classical liberal intellectuals they followed got the basics of government right and thus launched two centuries of freedom and opportunity leading to hope, unprecedented economic growth and astounding human flourishing and wellbeing.

However, a century later a counter movement arose and has continued to gain until now, undermining freedom and opportunity and diminishing hope, growth, wellbeing and flourishing.

Long-Run Decline in Entrepreneurship Is Ominous for Nevada

This is the eighth column in a series presenting findings and conclusions of Nevada’s 2016 Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR), posted at controller.nv.gov. Here, we address critical problems facing economic growth in Nevada.

Beauty from Ashes: The Bella Vista Love Story

This is the story of two of the most beautiful people I have had the privilege to get to know over the years, Bob and Kathleen Ash, The Ashes. Kathleen, a mother, wife, and visionary with the help of her husband Bob built one of the greatest Inns in Northern, California, Bella Vista Bed & Breakfast.

America the Beautiful

In January of this year, a Muslim mosque was criminally destroyed in Victoria, Texas. A community of approximately 65,000 residents. Immediately, other Victoria houses of worship offered Victoria Moslems to use their respective place of prayer until the rebuilding of the mosque.

Presently, in Victoria, the B'Nai Israel temple is being shared. A web site established by the Victoria Jewish community has collected over one-million dollars for the construction of a rebuilt mosque which has an estimated cost of nine-hundred thousand.

A Profile in Courage - Wayne and Ruth Zimmerman

COURAGE? You often know it when you see it in action. You definitely feel it. It can be witnessed over time. The attitude is sometimes defined by patience and heart. Webster writes: "facing and dealing with anything recognized as dangerous, difficult, or painful, instead of withdrawing from it, the courage to do what one thinks is right such as in willingness to live by one's convictions." This story began a long time ago as a little six year old girl in northwest Ohio. Bonnie Zimmerman was in first grade with me and I loved her. She seemed vulnerable and in need of friendship support.

Catastrophic Consequence

In the seventeenth century Galileo looked at Copernicus’ findings and published scientific evidence that the Earth revolved around the Sun. He was an ardent member of the Roman Catholic Church. The Church gave him two options: recant his ideas or face execution! Even if he recanted his books would be banned and he would be put under house arrest for the rest of his life. He chose the latter! But that didn’t change the fact that the Earth revolved around the Sun.

Johnny, Be Good

“When we honor people by empowering them in the beginning, and create a culture of success along the journey, we position them to experience personal victory in the end.”
— Culture, Inc. and The Seven Scrolls

The Grim News: The Economic Outlook

Event Date: 
February 15, 2017 - 8:45am

This is the sixth column in a series presenting findings and conclusions of Nevada’s 2016 Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR), posted at controller.nv.gov. Here, we address the economic outlook.

In Nevada’s 2015 PAFR, we proffered an economic outlook focused on the long term. We identified four long-term secular trends that have suppressed US economic growth over the last decade – thus explaining the “new normal.” By their nature, these trends will continue to retard growth for the foreseeable future absent significant changes in public policy.

Column: Thank you, Mister Hunter

“Don’t ever play cards with a man named Doc." — Jim Hunter, Teacher

I remember when girls were gross. They seemed to be unnecessary extras casted in my adventurous boyhood.

My President

On the way to work I passed a couple of people with signs saying “not my president”. I agree with them. Trump is not their president. Trump is my president. I am a citizen of the State of Nevada and I was sorry that Nevada chose to vote for Clinton. I am proud of the States that elected Trump.

Column: How Did All of This Happen? Part 2 (sponsored)

As I now conclude this particular article, it is just hours away from one of America's most revered events--if not the most. President-elect Donald J. Trump will be sworn in as the 45th President of the United States on the steps of the U.S. Capitol Building at 12:00 noon on January 20, and Mike Pence will be duly sworn in as the Vice-President of the United States.

Time to honor Nevada veterans with a place of their own

Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval has said he is dedicated to transforming the Silver State into a leader for providing services to United States military veterans.

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