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Unfortunately, the snow is starting to melt up there…

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All that snow in December and yet we’re still below normal as we head into January!

Supervisors tackle water, a high school and a change of mind on a restaurant

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The Board of Supervisors will be a busy band of politicos this Thursday…

Another sign Nevada is stressin’ badly

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Nevada is among the hardest hit states in the country by the economic recession. Here’s more proof…

Mayhem and death at the LV Federal Courthouse

Las Vegas Police say a man with a shotgun burst into the ground floor lobby area of the downtown Las Vegas Federal Courthouse this morning shortly after it opened its doors for business, and began pum

Paradise Cove

Bicycle Authority

Auto Dealership Construction

Board of Supervisors to tackle water issues, the re-location of a charter high school and possibly changing their minds on city financial help for Mom and Pop’s Diner plans for the Carson Mall

When Carson City Supervisors sit down for their first meeting of the new decade this week, they’ll be looking at a new inter-county water pipeline that could raise water rates forCarson City residents

Kirkwood Ski Resort back to normal as power is restored

Kirkwood Ski Resort officials announced late today that ski lifts are running again and power has been restored to the entire ski resort.

South Carson Burger King Closed

Sugarplum Bakery back in Douglas

Get a flu shot, hug a doggie! That’s the deal!

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Just like the headline says…

New Years was a big headache for CC Sheriff’s Deputies

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Carson City seems to have jailed more New Year’s revelers per capital than just about anywhere else in Northern Nevada.

The first baby born in Northern Nevada in the new year

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The first baby born in northern Nevada in the new year…

Judges are put on a shorter leash when it comes to reporting “problems”

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The Nevada Supreme Court tightens down requirements on judges who may know something unethical or illegal is going with other judges or lawyers, yet they don’t report them.

Former President George W. Bush enroute to Reno…

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Former President Bush (Jr) will be in Reno next week. Get your tickets soon!

For those waiting patiently for FREE H1N1 (Swine) flu shot, here ya go!

For all those who did not qualify to receive an early H1N1 (Swine) flu shot, here’s your chance. Free H1N1 (Swine) flu shots will be given out free, FREEEEEE of charge to all comers.

Good News: Kyle Buck is expected to recover from his horrible accident

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The Buck family rode a painful rollercoaster last night as their son Kyle was at first thought to be killed in a car accident on Deer Run Road, then he was found alive, the

A deeply respected protector of the town has passed away…

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The flags are at half-mast at Carson City fire stations as are many hearts at learning that Battalion Chief Rick Chrzanowski finally succumbed to brain cancer this week.

Robin Williamson announces she wants to take Bonnie Parnell’s place in the Assembly

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Robin Williamson was rumored to be going after either the Senate seat being vacated by termed-out Sen. Mark Amodei, or a seat in the Assembly. When Assm.

The AG says, “Don’t respond to those letters!”

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When times get tough, the scammers go shopping for suckers. Don’t be one of them!

Petsmart manager lands in jail for embezzlement

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The manager of the Carson City Petsmart store admitted to investigators that she stole from the store, but only to help her grandson who is fighting leukema.

Galena Forest Bridge

Bomb Squad enroute to DMV on Wright Way

An abandoned brief case has launched a full scale bomb investigation at the DMV. The briefcase is said to be in the lobby area of the DMV. Buildings are evacuated.

Other than what happened on the floor Mr. Neathammer, how did you enjoy the last Session of Congress?

By Carson City resident Karl Neathammer
It has been my observation and I believe even a cursory analysis of our political history will show that all political ideologies and movements eventually e

Termed-out City Supervisor Robin Williamson announces her candidacy for Assembly District 40

Ward 1 Carson City Supervisor Robin Williamson today announced her intent to file for the seat being vacated by outgoing Assemblywoman Bonnie Parnell, D-40.

Batallion Fire Chief Rick Chrzanowski dies

Life-long fire fighter and Carson City Fire Department veteran Richard Chrzanowski has passed away after a short battle with brain cancer.

Governor Gibbons tells state workers thanks, but no thanks to their suggestions on how to save the state…

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Governor Gibbons, sticking to his “no new taxes” mantra tells state workers that he values their suggestions on how to save the state from bankruptcy, but that their sugges

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