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Nevada Politics

Stories about Nevada Legislature, Government and Politics

Nevada Legislature: Cigarette tax increases $1 per pack, state workers earn pay bump

A total of 233 pieces of Senate and Assembly legislation take effect today, including all the measures that implement the 2016-2017 budget and most of the governor’s education reform p...

Assemblyman P.K. O’Neill has all five of his bills passed, signed by Sandoval

For a freshman lawmaker from a small community, Carson City’s P.K. O’Neill had a very good session: all five of the bills he introduced were passed and signed by the governor.Those bills include the Nevada ...

Churchill commissioners meet Thursday

The first County Commission meeting of July will be conducted Thursday at 8:15 a.m. at the Churchill County Administration Building chambers, 155 N. Taylor St. Among the items commissioners will discuss...

Recap on veterans issues

The following is a recap on Nevada veterans’ legislation signed by Gov. Brian Sandoval.Sandoval signed five legislative bills benefiting veterans and completing a legislative session which furthered his goal to make N...


Are drought-ravaged trees the new wildfire fuel?RENO — Drought-ravaged trees could pose a serious threat to homeowners and forest communities as Nevada’s wildfire season gets underway....

Presidential long shot hopes to do big things by creating new party

Major-party presidential candidates, particularly in the crowded Republican field, might have a tough time getting press attention this election cycle, but they have nothing on Dennis Andrew Ball.

Nevada DMV opening new license plate plant in Carson City

The fact that the Nevada Department Of Motor Vehicles is opening a new license plate factory might not be of great interest to most people.But the fact that it will let the state bring back “embossed” plate...

Rubio's needle-threading on gaming

Marco Rubio wants Sheldon Adelson's money -- what GOP presidential hopeful wouldn't? -- but he also has to live with a history of opposing gaming expansion in Florida....

Nevada Interim Finance Committee approves Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act

Several lawmakers on Thursday questioned whether a federally funded nutrition study would generate any useful data.But the majority of the Interim Finance Committee approved the Healthy Hunger Free Kids A...

Referendum to Repeal Commerce Tax and Recall Senator(s)

The citizens of this great country started a Revolution in 1773 by throwing tea into the Boston Harbor to protest “Taxation without Representation”. A new Revolution has begun in the state of Nevada for the same reason.

On November 4, 2014, nearly 80% of Nevada’s voters said NO to Question 3, The Education Initiative, which was a margins tax based on a business’s gross receipts. Just 72 days later, during his State of the State address on January 15, 2015, Governor Brian Sandoval proposed a $7.3 Billion budget to be funded with roughly $1 Billion in new taxes.

Working to stop senior exploitation

Brokers and other financial professionals have been added to the list of those charged with watching for suspected exploitation of older and vulnerable people.They were included in AB51, joining a long list of profess...

Businesses sue over minimum wage amendment, mandate to provide health care to pay lower rate

A group of Nevada businesses, including slot bar giant Dotty's and Tilman Fertitta (whose family hates Dotty's), has sued Gov. Brian Sandoval, asking that the minimum wage amendment to the state Constitution be thrown out.
The complaint from these strange bedfellows, which is below, asserts that the...

La. Gov. Jindal announces candidacy in GOP presidential race

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, once a Republican rising star who passed on an opportunity to seek the White House in 2012, announced his candidacy on Wednesday under much more trying circumstances....

Attorney General advertises positions for reorganization

Attorney General Adam Laxalt is advertising for five top positions key to his reorganization of the office including a newly created General Counsel.Lawmakers agreed to add four Bureau Chiefs and the General Counsel t...

Have a blog? FreedomFest will make you pay

FreedomFest, a 3½-day celebration of liberty and freedom in Las Vegas next month, won’t be free for hardly anyone — and especially bloggers trying to pass themselves off as the working press to avoid paying $500 for a ticket....

Governors tackle drought at Lake Tahoe forum

Gov. Brian Sandoval welcomed water experts and managers from around the West on Tuesday to Lake Tahoe, where they reviewed a final report on dealing with drought....

Time for this to go

It’s long past time for the battle flag of the Confederacy to be removed from government property, everywhere in the United States....

Feds will soon be able to negotiate with terror groups holding U.S. hostages

The White House will release on Wednesday a presidential directive and an executive order that will allow the government to communicate and negotiate with terrorist groups holding Americans hostage, a source briefed on the matter told CNN....

Rand Paul, Jeb Bush plan Nevada campaign stops

The Kentucky senator has four planned stops in the upcoming week, and the former Florida governor will be in Henderson on Saturday....

Rep. Mia Love returns $1,000 donation from alleged white supremacist Holt

The first black Republican woman elected to Congress is returning $1,000 in donations from Earl Holt, the alleged white supremacist whose writings have reportedly inspired Charleston shooter Dylann Roof....

Sen. Heller to return white supremacist’s campaign donation

Heller’s campaign will return a $500 campaign contribution received in 2012 from the leader of a white supremacist group mentioned by the alleged killer of nine people in a Charleston, S.C. church....

There’s no ‘plan B’ for Obamacare, HHS secretary says

Days before the Supreme Court could strip it of a central component, there is still no “plan B” for Obamacare. Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell warned the Obama administration will be unable to cover the millions of Americans who could lose their medical insurance if the Suprem...

U.S. promises equipment, troops for NATO response team

The United States said on Monday it would contribute special operations forces, intelligence and other high-end military assets to a new NATO rapid response force that aims in part to deter any future actions by Russia....

Lucy Flores already has won the CD4 primary

If you believe an internal poll conducted by Public Policy Polling, if you think it's more than name recognition after a statewide bid, if you believe this was released for any reason besides fundraising, then you need to increse your political education.
Lucy Flores crushing everyone else? Ruben Ki...

Nevadans in thick of sage grouse drama on Capitol Hill

Congress is on a path to extend for another year a restriction on the Interior Department’s potential listing of the sage grouse as an endangered or threatened species, but efforts by some Western Republicans to place stronger checks on the department have run into complications....

Pay raises at stake in Clark County, SEIU clash

Clark County and its largest union are locked in a contentious labor dispute over a new state law that might not end until September....

Top Clark County school officials face loss of health care benefits

A new state law prevents school administrators paid more more than $120,000 from joining a collective bargaining unit or negotiating contracts with union help. Their current contract expires June 30, along with their benefits....

North Las Vegas mayor ducks questions about financial disclosures

North Las Vegas Mayor John Lee kept his business interests from voters for five years — a possible felony offense — while also paying $50,000 out of his campaign fund to two undisclosed companies....

Sandoval hosts governors’ confab at Lake Tahoe

Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval will wrap up his yearlong stint as chairman of the Western Governors’ Association next week after hosting the organization’s annual meeting at Lake Tahoe....

Washington Digest: Senate approves defense bill

The U.S. Senate last week overwhelmingly approved a $612 billion defense authorization bill over objections from the Obama administration that it evades congressionally mandated spending caps through an accounting loophole....

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